Will Elaine kick Manhattan's ass or vertigo now is comletely separated from DCU?

Will Elaine kick Manhattan's ass or vertigo now is comletely separated from DCU?

Why is this writer so fucking terrible at understanding these characters?
I wish Carey would come and knock on her door with a shotgun and take over

The tv series ruined it forever.

>I'd say you don't want to get on my bad side but I'm all bad side
Is that his catchphrase?

Just very bad writing.

I'm probably going to start reading Lucifer soon after I finish Sandman. Is the 90's Vertigo series all good or should I look for specific stories?

Do I read Sandman Presents: Lucifer first?

Sandman: Presents is a prelude to the ongoing. The ongoing has an overarching storyline. PS. It's a series from the 00's.

That'll show me for making assumptions. Thanks.

Holy shit what is this garbage and why is someone shitting on them?

Wait, "the presence?" I'm a few issues behind on this series, since like the original I made the decision to buy it in TPB format. What's this all about? What's this presence thing?

It's God.

Didn't he die at the beginning of the series? Isn't that the whole premise?

Please, you know it's gonna be Batman, possibly in a mech suit, possibly with Bat-mite powers, possibly with an omega beam pistol.

"I'm all bad side."


Lucifer doesn't do action movie hero one liners.


I read the thing and I have no fucking clue really

It's God. Death is really just a nuisance to him.

Wait, so Elaine's not God any more and Yahweh is back in control?
I'm so fucking glad I didn't read this awful comic.

Elaine's got her own creation. They're equals.

But Yahweh and Lucifer's universes were put into Elaine's. That was the whole climax of Lucifer.

Also God left. As he planned to do from the beginning.

So did Lucifer.

What is this horror.

>I'd say you don't want to get on my bad side but I'm all bad side

What the hell they did with hiis characterization?

I am so fucking sad.

Not only this, God is now a monster and eeeeeeeeviliiiill.

Because fuck the cool father/son relationship with Lucifer.

The writter admited that he never read the original run.

>The writter admited that he never read the original run.

How the fuck does this even happen

Which dipshit member of the editorial team authorised this abortion

Yes, he did. And he came back wrong.

Wait are you telling me that a little girl is the greatest god? I thought Elaine just rule all of creation with permission from god and if the real god want to take it over he could? I mean what the fuck? I don't want the strongest being ever be a fucking little girl.

Of course not.
God can't take Elaine's power back.

didn't the ending talk about infinite universes with versions of all the characters

I think this must be one of them

Well that's bullshit. What happen to the all powerful god that have no equal? Now he have and he is even weaker? Fuck that shit

He abdicated. He didn't want to be God any more. It was the central point of his entire character arc.

It was the central fucking point of Lucifer's entire plot.

Did you even read the comic?

If an omnipotent being gives up his omnipotence, and another being takes it on, how exactly is the original supposed to take it back?
Also, Elaine was an adult by the time she became god.

Because that's stupid. God is suppose to be the be all end all. He is suppose to be the most caring, the most everything. To answer your question I've read some part of it. But other than that I've only read discussions online.

There shouldn't even be another being that can take over. Sure he could make it but that's stupid. Fuck I really thought he was just like lending his powers because it was part of his plans. Now he actually lost his powers. What the fuck? There really isn't a point to have the original god that isn't actually god. Fuck this shit. Why must it be a fucking girl of all things?

Should've known americans will ruin Christianity.

He hadn't give his power to her he made her equally omnipotent.

Of course there's a fucking point, you chode. It's spelled out in the comic that he wanted his creation to come to exist on its own merits and not to have to rely on him, and Elaine - a part of that creation - taking over is a manifestation of that.

I'm just glad that the rest of rumored wave of new Sandman spin-off got on indefinite hold.

Why do we have to read the badly written universe?

>Why do they blame us for all their little failings? They use our name as if we spent our entire days sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to read comics they would otherwise find repulsive. 'They made me do it.' we have never made one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. we do not live their lives for them.
- DC exec

Is it a different God from the one that died in Preacher? And why are there so many Vertigo series about killing God?

I was hoping that wouldn't happen since they're completely different entities.

pinko-leftie writers.

Mike Carey is a Brit

Source and what would you recommend me to read to understand more about it ?

Thing is that The Presence, aka "God" is the avatar for the Monitor Mind, he is like the sentient, aware part of a massive subconsciousness that all of existence is inside of. He started off obeying the premise he felt he had to play, but realized he was more. In the end of the series God leaves to explore the white area that is pure Monitor-Mind, something that nothing else CAN do besides Lucifer. We don't know what he is doing, but he is out there exploring and possibly creating more things.

Elaine basically stepped into the premise of an all-powerful God archetype. He didn't give up his powers so much as his Authority in the universe, but that doesn't make him weaker it just means that someone else became stronger(though not stronger than him by his very nature because he can take back his Authority at any point).

I heard that the new comics basically shit all over that and all over Lucifer's character growth and turned everything into a pile of shit. So I don't know what is the 'Nu canon', but I still remember it that way.

I think it's quite good. Just whatever you do don't expect it to be on par with Season of Mists.

Show me on ze dummy vere ze gurl touched dir.

shit, well now I want to reread some sandman and lucifer