Society does not want you to be masculine

Everything in your life, most likely, is designed to drain your masculinity. For most people, this is all around you, everyday and everywhere. Masculinity is destroyed, muted, replaced, and degraded at every turn, where ever you are.

There is so much gender identity because what it means to be a man has been regulated to sexual intercourse, but the minute you are done fucking, your masculinity is under attack again.

1) No self-sufficient provision for family or tribe.
Even if you have a job, your employer pays your fees. The moment you quit or are fired, you have to seek a NEW MASTER. You do not create your own goods, you are not the master of your own services (most likely). You sign a contract to work for another being.
You don't go out into the wild or the world and tame beast or man or nature to wring from it's neck it's stingy vital breath to take home the spoils honorably to your mate or offspring. Your father didn't and his father probably didn't.

Do any of you have the balls to tell your son:

>"Son, being in charge of your own fate and your own life is what it takes to be a man. Look at me, I work my ass of for another man and see but a fraction of what I am due, I am clearly not a man. Don't be like me son, I am trapped and a SLAVE."

Alcohol, social media, movies, television, music, work gossip, video games, internet. These all exist to replace or offer a tepid substitution to manliness. A chance to show off publicly that you can buy your family goods and entertainment. But you going out and slaying a beast or working land and showing your wife and offspring you are a great hunter or a great farmer and they KNOW it. THEY SEE IT. You go and EAT the animal you slay. Your son's strength comes from an animal your plucked from the wilds and put before him.

Other urls found in this thread:

The shores are a shithole full of trashy nouveau mexicans
They also look like the projects

Does the clean skinned animal fur of the beast you killed caress the breasts of your woman? Does her ass jiggle from the beast you killed and put before her?! Or from the sea or land, it's bounties yanked or coaxed from their depths to make her smile, to make your son or daughter have pride in you?

No. For most men, it doesn't. The government outlaws hunting without a license, the government outlaws fishing, without a license. The government has lobbied with groups like Monsanto to make farming nearly unprofitable and leave a family in destitution.

The government takes money from you every year in fraud in the form of a myriad of taxes, illegal taxes, most of them. The only law enforcing them is military punishment and confinement inside black homosexual dens of crime and enslavement.

Even now they are tearing down bastions of communication and expression just like Sup Forums in a few years they will no longer exist and there will be no one left to scream "WAKE UP" besides alex jones and his water filter jew scheme.

You are not a man because you dress in fine shirts bought with money. Fucking a woman does not make you a man, because now women have made slaves out of men from the government and even in some places just living with them is enough for the state to erase your masculinity even more.

They will take your guns and give you porn and big macs and diversity training. They have taken everything from you, EVERYTHING. And you bicker amongst yourselves about women. And who has a bigger dick or a cut dick like fucking monkeys in a zoo.

Every day, every week, every year...a little more of the last vestiges of masculine expression are eroded. Dirty jokes in the office, men's magazines, at least being able to look at sexy women at work.

Those were all merely trinket beads they gave you for your honor and pride and freedom. Like the indians, they have come back with their armies to put you on the trail of tears and let you rot on some land for the rest of your generations. We call them suburbs. But soon, we won't be able to afford those. Soon it will be confined within the city on government housing for the following generations. In ghetto high rises or slums, giving 80% of your paycheck right back to the city and it's various minor princes and kings and landlords who suck you dry after big papa government has stolen your labor.

Soon marriage will be gone, even the notion of the echo of what it was. The only one with the raw power to tame women will be the State. And men and women alike will be their bitches. The government only needs your sperm and eggs to make more slaves. It doesn't need marriage or stable families or farms or hunters. It needs bodies. It doesn't need moral values. It needs head counts.

The only grace is to hope that one day the Empire crumbles to dust and frees the few remaining rats crouching in the rubble and they manage to find out what it is like to be Men again.

But unless you take extreme steps to rewrite your habits, you will become a beta provider. Or an aged chad, fucking the last few remaining moist cunts till you pass from this earth. The idea of land, a family and any kind of mastery and protection for you and your family is quickly disintegrating down to the last mote.

feels bad man

You won't have a people, or pride. You will spend hours in the gym working your abs to impress the ladies carrying eggs so you can hope to have a child out of wedlock. So hopefully the child can be raised by a single mother and become an insane, broken human being...who can then be molded and sculpted by public education and the State into the perfect worker, the perfect slave, the perfect cattle with a number on it's ear.

We are numbered, Social Security NUMBERED. You are identified by your cattle number. MOOOOO. Not your name, not your birth name, but buy a fucking NUMBER, inmate!

Aren't you mad!? They've given you the myths of homer, the skies of warcraft, the promise hot sexy single babes right next door. But you will never own the land your feet touch. You will never kill an animal without first asking the government first and them GRANTING YOU LICENSE, PERMISSION. You must go through the rules of society and pay the diamond jews their CUT before any woman takes you seriously.

Your women have toys and dildos before they are 20, they are stretched out and used up before they even leave home. The fathers are absentee and unenforcing. The mothers are cheating. The boys are crossdressing.

The fathers are gone, the mentors are gone. Male teachers have almost been eradicated. The places of higher learning are socialist jewified faggots and scholars teaching LIES.


Your father isn't by your side, you and your father the pride of generations, your aged mother looking at her grandchildren with pride. You are far away from them, clawing for dreams and scraps in the city with all the others. In an office or a sky-less room, for another company or man to earn enough money to put a roof over your head, so you can pay your internet bill, to have a toilet and a mirror. So you can have a freezer to store your fucking shitty meals in instead of a woman who is out finding herbs or harvesting them from the garden while you look for an animal to slay.

Your dream is to one day own a little house in a suburb with all the other little numbered cows at 104 Cattle Lane. Your pathetic offspring can run around the yard or play football, a mere imitation of masculinity. Amusement for the conglomerates that own the future of these idiot gladiators in exchange for riches and fame. But neither those players nor you will be free.

They will have money but no people, no LAND, no culture in which to take pride in. They will be rich strangers who's wealth will dwindle unless they give their sons and daughters to their masters. A good example is Will Smith. That is our celebrities. Our shining examples are the perfect, funny cattle who are chosen by the master to parade around and play pretend about all the worlds and space we conquer or the tales of great romance and sacrifice your corrupt whore of a girlfriend will never emit.

Go to college and kneel at the Jewish Marxist Alter. Pay your yearly dues in exchange for a slip of paper that is really just a fucking RECOMMENDATION from your Jewish GLOBAL CEO CONGLOMERATE overlords and their TRAITOROUS GOY SLAVES. Maybe if you got into the really good school, all the other masters will click their tongues at what a good investment it would be to hire you, slave. Like at a fucking auction!

If I was a slave owner I would tell you all this:


Pay your property tax, your income tax (state or federal.) Have your resume up to date, have your lease agreement or mortgages notorized. Acquire state enforced auto insurance. Pay your fucking water bill. Shop at the best marts, wear the coolest shoes.

BE HEALTHY make the other slaves jealous. LOOK GOOD, inspire jealousy in the other cattle. FUCK BITCHES, we need more cattle.

But don't own land, don't be a farm or a hunter, here let me have those guns, let me have those seeds. You don't need them, I'll take care of it. You don't worry about your future, I'll take care of it SLAVE!!. Send your offspring to MY SCHOOLS. FOR 2 or 3 DECADES till all they can do is SING AND DANCE TO MY TUNE.

But if you grow a mustache and a beard, and drive a truck and watch football and lift weights...ILL LET YOU PRETEND TO BE A MAN. I'll let you pretend to be free and whole. It's a good joke. You make me laugh, slave. I like you.

Aren't any of you slaves angry? Aren't you upset you are cattle pretending to human??

Are you all so dull minded that you can't even express rage?! Has all the fluoride, porn and HFCS numbed your mind?!

Why aren't you fucking pissed off?!

I wouldn't worry Op. It doesn't matter. Look at Soviet Russia, with all their power, they couldn't force people to actually be enthusiastic about their work, and eventually it fell apart. How do you fight an unstoppable beast like the state? Simple, you starve it.

You bet your ass im angry. Its on cunts!

Because all the fluoride, porn and HFCS has numbed my mind. Why do you ask questions that you already know the answer too.

>Be a savage
>It's the only way to be a man!
Sorry OP, I see you put a lot of time into this copy/pasta, but it's bad. 1/10.

I'm 30, is it too late to turn into a real man?

Inspirobot thread?

Defining yourself by your masculinity is just as gay as defining yourself by your sexuality. Needing a label to cling to is insecurity-tier.

It's a tool to accomplish what you want, not a end of itself.


I am. That's why I'm a right wing redneck

Never too late to try.
Better than nothing

Saw a poster the other day at a college campus for the "Men's Project"
>Change our culture
>Deconstruct violent masculinity

We know
Le toxic masculinity is a way for the kikes to feminize their greatest threat, the white man. They're using many methods, like education, subversion, and the media, to get closer to their goal. Sad part is it's working.

I'm working on it.
I have my own business
I go to the gym and I'm starting to be ripped, people notice
I practice my musical instrument daily
I watch my food/ don't watch TV

I'm trying to make as much money as possible. What's funny is that girls my age are now easy to get. The thing is, most of them I can't think of having children with them because they're washed out.

You're right but what do you suggest? Expressing masculinity will get us persecuted, as you yourself said.

After a while, this whole thing will collapse. At that point, masculinity will be important to rebuild society and there won't be a need to have people "teach" it, men will act masculine by default when the state is no longer powerful enough to suppress it.

Finally a good thread!

Cultures with pacified men are taken over by cultures with more aggressive males.

This is how we defeat Islam, re-ignite masculinity. The best way to do that is to completely reject society and start anew.


Killed 11 deer, no hunting license, speak for yourself cuck

Power is a buzzword.

Fucking 5 star posts OP.

I'm mad as hell.

>I go to the gym and I'm starting to be ripped, people notice
>people notice

This is vanity user, not masculinity.

If you're doing this to please women then you're doing it wrong.

Ah, the leaf. Emasculated to the point of oblivion. A good warning sign of a society gone too far. Take heed, fellows. This is the future that awaits you, unless you take it back!

What a sarcastic little cunt you are. I didn't say savage. But who is more free than the old noble savages? Society with its corruption and feminization and technology and banking and nutrient barren foods. A savage is closer to a being a true man then a sarcastic little bitter person like you.



I'm sure you're jewish or secretly admire the jews. Masculinity isn't a label. It's an action, an involuntary response. It is breathing. Society has whipped and bred it out of you. It is not a tool, it is who you are.

You sound like a pussy. I mean, trying to make as much money as possible and being egotistical about fucking bitches was exactly what I lauded against in my posts. You are happy people are noticing you, you spend your time practicing a musical instrument. You are really going to be a great beta provider / shiny cattle member. You haven't talked about being a man, though. Women can go to the gym and get muscles and play instruments and make lots of money, many women do. How are you any different than a woman?!

>Called me sarcastic twice
>Wasn't even sarcastic
>Society with its corruption and feminization and technology and banking and nutrient barren foods. A savage is closer to a being a true man
So basically....based on everything you've listed.... A real man walks off into the woods and becomes Amish?
I'll be a mans man in a failing society and lead by example.
You can go be king hermit and die alone in the woods.
You know a place that sounds a lot like the utopia you've imagined? Africa.


>You sign a contract to work for another being.
Who the fuck do you think these "beings" are you retard?

Oh i know, probably people who don't waste their lives on 4chin making up elaborate narratives about how their fucked up life is not their fault.

"Internet is a tepid substitution to manliness."


Is it, like, soooo cringeeee?

Feeling second hand, embarassment like a woman?


A real man doesn't pay companies to:
>wash his clothes
>provide him with water
>flush his shit away
>provide him with food
>provide him with clothes
>provide him with a roof

You need a job because you have to pay the power company to power your washing machine. You have a power bill. If you didn't have ANY bills and you had food, clothing and shelter and land WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WORK FOR SOMEONE WHO TAKES WHAT YOU EARN AWAY FROM YOU.

But you need that money to get dates with women and you need to take them out to eat and buy them clothes from slave workers in 3rd world countries, and valueless diamonds. You have nothing but what your masters give you, and you exchange your FUTURE and youre ONE LIFE for a fucking coupon to buy everything they own in their stores made by other slaves.

The whole Amish society is closer to real masculinity than those who lives like most people. And if you that makes you angry, FUCKING GOOD. Because as you mock them and deride them for their backwards ways, you're a bitch without a paycheck and the state. If they didn't get a paycheck they would work the fields or work their business to create wealth.

You don't have to be Amish. But society turns you into a soft, facade of a male.

Africa isn't a utopia, but most cities are fucking ZOOS AND PRISONS.

So to be a real man you have to knit your own clothes, hand wash your own clothes in a bucket, kill and cook your own food, live without intimacy or force women to have sex with you, live without anything that involves electricity, and shit in an out house.

Sounds really fun and all, have at it.

Change the agriculture industry and you will save masculinity. Destroy the corporate economic system destroy the industrial agriculture system and you will save masculinity.

Are you really dumb or is this just a bitch tactic, to pretend to be so dumb you can't possibly understand what I'm saying??

I didn't say with without intimacy. But these gold digging whores and manipulative alimony and child support life ruining bitches are the kinds of women society raises. And all they do is eradicate more masculinity.

If a woman will not submit, you throw her ass out. You don't fucking marry her or beg her, OR FUCKING PAY HER. Most women can't take care of themselves without a slew of jew doctors and fraud therapists and a gaggle of whorish friends.


You think we should be all civilized about shit and just fuck whoever we want and drink brandy like a fucking twat and talk about armchair politics.

ARMCHAIR POLITICS MEANS NOTHING. You future is blowing away before you and all that is important to you is retaining your misplaced notion of what it is to be free and to be a man. Well don't worry I'm sure Nike and Gatorade and your favorite sports team and your favorite protein powder will all fucking tell you how to be a man.

Fuck that it's never too late

We would have to ban Monsanto and all the large agricultural lobbyist corporations. The corporations, the banks, the UN backed institutions, the media, the schools

it all has to go

>You must be dumb if you can't make sense of my miniature novel sized rants
How's the weather up there on your high horse, professor?
>You future is blowing away before you and all that is important to you is retaining your misplaced notion of what it is to be free and to be a man.
Pot, Kettle.

I feel like your thread would be going much better if you had an actual argument and a plan of action.
As of right now I just see some guy who is probably sitting in his parents house, using the internet, probably eating Doritos, telling other people on the internet to go out into the woods and become "real men".
If you don't see the irony, or you can't understand why others aren't begging you for your guidance then I don't know what I can do for you, aside suggest that you buy a mirror.

Are you by any chance an ETFJ'?


If you're talking about Myers Briggs, you've got the letters in the wrong order.

(1%)I, (99%)N, (99%)T, (1%)J

I'm over 30. I quit my comfy white collar job and Friday I get to go work (watch, learn) at a huge cattle ranch. I'm fucking stoked. Fuck in 30 days I'm going to move to forest town from a hellfire city. Fuck yeah!

Fuck six figures while you die each day.

>Does her ass jiggle from the beast you killed and put before her?!

What, is she twerking after you brought her a dead deer?

Yeah, screwed up a bit. These 32h shifts are killing me.

I don't think there's any shame or lack of masculinity in having a job rather than personally hunting food and building shelter. Specialisation is what we have to thank for our modern standard of living, and having a job and paying for things allows me to provide a higher standard of living for my family than doing everything myself. I still like to do things myself - fixing things around the house, building furniture etc., but when it comes to being a good provider surely the end result is more important than how you get there.

Start spreading the word.

Acting alone is not enough though.

We must organize.

To seek power? fuck you statistic retard

being masculine is to seek success, it's to seeke heroism, it's to seek triumph and glory.

It's not related with power you fucking unsecure nenligent cuck

bath in your misery

I have gotten rid of all of my possessions and I am in the process of moving onto my own plot of land, several acres where I have a large tent camp and there I am spending the next year building my own house in the mountains.

My possessions I still own are only clothes, blankets and books and an old laptop and my weights and tools and truck. It feels great knowing that I can leave society behind, not be in debt and be self sufficient. Building my own greenhouse and self sustaining fish pond as well as chickens and a goat.

You see I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I am doing. And that is not spending a life NOT being a man.

I am starting, and I am warning all of you that you should start too. What has this society got to offer me besides a few salty restaurants and fashionable clothing and jew movies?! The women are so stuck up their own asses it's like trying to fuck a bottle of poison. I don't need society to get a woman. I don't need dating apps and gym memberships when Im chopping wood. And I don't need Jose and all his amigos to build my house and the bank to tell me i need hundreds of thousands of dollars and debt for the next 35 years to some nameless jew to protect myself from the wind and the cold.

40 acres of land in Williams Arizona (near Flagstaff) for $10,00. Just have to pay for environmental review and septic tank to build. So maybe a few more grand. Then you could build a nice home / vacation place/ ranch /garden, shooting range, art studio get the idea

So how will you be paying your property tax? Aside from some mysterious source of funds that you'll probably say you supposedly have?

You must already have a wife, right? Or do you intend to become a genetic dead end for the sake of giving society a symbolic and futile middle finger?

I'm business owner and you could've done better on the examples like estrogen hormones in food/drinks

Well put

>when you take a breakup too hard

>no people, no LAND, no culture in which to take pride in.

This is a problem of your ancestors moving away from any land, culture, people to take pride in (Ethnicity, Heimat) to the USA. Not a problem of masculinity but an inherent problem with colonisation

>So you can have a freezer to store your fucking shitty meals in instead of a woman who is out finding herbs or harvesting them from the garden while you look for an animal to slay.

Your wife isn't going to be finding 1,000 calories worth of basil and strawberrries each lying round in the wild of New Jersey m8. Hunting also can only provide for very small populations of people because of the very small carrying capacity hunting provides without being exhausted

Dude I fucking love your writing. I would love to put some of your writing up on my website.

let me know

lmao property tax is 86 dollars a year

I have worked jobs in the past and do have money

I don't have a wife right now, and there is no way I am interested in one right now. I am not a homosexual.

That should thrill you, you can have my share of the vagina, stick your face all in it and deal with their incessant bitching and whining. But I am not going to "play" life at a level where the state and women dictate my life. The women are a fucking waste man. They don't cook or clean or school the kids and I ain't sending my kids to the public jew.

I'm sure anderson cooper's dad is real proud his SON became a fucking famous faggot. WOO

Also testoerone is illegal while estrogen is legal.

Damn Ameribro, living the dream.

I'm considering buying about 20 acres of land in Uruguay and doing the something similar. I have enough money, just need to become more educated on self sufficiency.

Women shame anything they can't compete with.

They shame masculinity because it is stronger than femininity. They shame me's competitiveness because they know if it remains unchecked they will be left behind. They shame male anger because what could women do if men as a group became angry?

Sad that men as a whole are too pussy-whipped to do anything about it.

Maybe modern masculinity is the illusion.
Look at American high society 100 years ago, that's not masculine, or feminine, its egalitarian.

I would say 100 years ago was still feminine. Dandyism and financial decay and moral decay was still rampent then. Consumerism was a great illusion of masculinity that allowed men to pretend to be men and successful, but it didn't make them men. it just enabled the nuclear family which was the perfect egg for absent fathers, bored mothers, public schooling, etc. Which led to the hippy movement, free love, no marriage, etc.

Serious question.
Im 27 never had a father growing up.
How do learn to hunt?

Read about it, watch hunting shows or videos, ask someone to take you hunting like a friend or relative. Tell them you wanna hunt and kill your food, etc.


All my friends are liberals.
All my relatives are liberals.
>city life
Feels bad man.

>And who has a bigger dick or a cut dick like fucking monkeys in a zoo.

>being in charge of your own fate and your own life is what it takes to be a man
you sound like a childish faggot desu

Anyway, masculinity is more about taking yourself lightly (as is any kind of adulthood), and acting in accordance with the freedom than comes with not having to gestate. Which means you get to think for yourself and choose for yourself.

A lot of men choose to be wage-slave breeders (a lot just do it without thinking, too) and that's their choice. There's nothing unmanly about doing what you need to do to live the life you want to live.

Too much thought for some retarded mgtow post on Sup Forums, but whatever.

>don't take yourself seriously
>masculinity is what i say it is
>use anime girl images
>do what you need to do to live the life you want

you're really the worst, you took a long time to say you have nothing to say.

well then consume hunting media. All kinds of hunting magazines and videos and documentaries and such. My only advice is that for some hunting is a hobby. They hunt for recreation. They do not need to hunt but they choose to hunt. I don't personally think this is worth anything. When I was growing up my friend's dad had a couple deer heads mounted on his walls but he spent a very small small part of the year hunting and was fat and an asshole. You can be a complete toolbag and still go hunting and go back to your city life and your faggy liberal friends and it won't change shit, maybe it will convince you to live differently, hopefully.

>you took a long time to say you have nothing to say.
You only think I didn't say anything because you lack the individuality to find your own path, and instead rely on ready-made illusions, like your mgtow faggotry.

Watch it all rot

I never said I was mgtow. I am against city women and the families that raise them. I am not married right now or looking, but that doesn't mean I will stay that way.

Look buddy, I enjoy women, but this society gives women too much power and turns them rotten. I am not interested in any rotten women and I don't want to work around them or be around them. I think they should be at home with the children.

You seem insecure, because I have already said in this thread what my own path is and I am pursuing it. I'm sure all this will go right over your head and you'll keep being an spiteful little punk.

Sup Forumsacks are always welcome in my country :)

>verything in your life, most likely, is designed to drain your masculinity.
What the fuck am I reading?

f-f-f-fuck y-y-y-you o-o-o-o-o-op I-I-I L-L-L-L-Love y-y-y-y-y-y-you, a-a-a-a-a-arthur

Its true. The major difference is westerns are in comfy life to disobey. Soviet people raise potatos in their gardens to survive the winter. But in general the whole ideological system was corrupt in one generation after stalin death.

Our sons will graduate colleges and become some kind of Colbert in reverse, spreading bullshit in public and the truth in closed clubs. They will gain power and wealth because we educate them smart and redpilled, and our grandsons will take it back over when it will rot to the end.

A lot of damage will be suffered until then, world wil be complitelly different, but nature is always the winner. There were much much darker hours back in the days, and now its much more ways to preserve culture and information for future recovery.

I love how Sup Forums's multitude of losers who can't even marshal the energy to go for a run in the morning to lose their bitchtits or who don't have the nerve to apply for a fucking mop job or talk to a woman who isn't a family member, fantasise about a life spent subsistence farming and having sex before a roaring fire.

Finally, someone says it.

No point ranting on about this, but I've tried explaining to the young fags on here, how this idea of "YEAH BE A MAN FUCK HER REALLY HARD IN THE BEDROOM BRO" is not a proper substitute for masculinity. ALL guys, even the "alpha males" these days, are emasculated faggots who think that it's alright for them to be outfoxed by women and everyone else, as long as they get to do depraved things with women during sex. It's a way to offset the innate instincts of males. It's trickery. And pretty much all males these days have fallen for it. Sup Forums included.

So yeah, the young males of western society today are going to have to learn the hard way that "keeping a bitch in line" is not about choking her during sex or jizzing on her face. It's about actually keeping them in line on a societal level. Males accepting their slave status in modern society just so they can have sex with sluts is the most PATHETIC, SHAMEFUL thing I've ever seen in my life. Faggots. What a bunch of queers. Grow some balls.

Good point. One of the obvious ways it could end - muzzies will nuke Washington somehow. Anyone who will spell "tolera" will be beaten to death, may be, even by cops.

>The moment you quit or are fired, you have to seek a NEW MASTER

Speak for yourself faggot.


Sup Forums is full of losers. I've tried giving them this spiel before.

They'd rather play video games and be MGTOW.

Thsts nice. My wife enjoys my masculinity and she is an xx female. Since society revolves around females you know where this is going....

Rebuttal: I am an effeminate male. Society did not shape me to be this way. I'm 27 and I grew up and still live in a VERY rural part of the states where every man I know is an avid hunter (I seriously don't know any who don't hunt), everyone has guns, 90% of the radio stations are country music, everyone drives a pick-up truck, everyone owns an ATV and a get the picture.

I am completely straight and have absolutely zero desire to be a woman, so fuck off with all that shit.

Throughout school I was bullied mercilessly for being too girly and "faggy." Boo hoo, I know. My school didn't even have a group of outcasts or "weirdos" - there were "Chads" and "Stacys" I guess, and sports was a huge thing (that I was never into), but the rest of the kids were just run of the mill rednecks who I tried my best to fit in with since I didn't want to be totally alone.

I also grew up without watching much (or any) TV and spent my time riding bikes and hiking and camping and shit (not feminine, but not as masculine as sports, hunting and "muddin'" like everyone else was doing). I got into photography after being given a film camera at age 8 and almost 20 years later I'm a self-employed freelance nature/wildlife/travel photographer. Again, not very masculine, and sure to be ridiculed on here, but society didn't pressure me into pursuing art as a career.

I am also ridiculously sensitive and (I'm sure you guys will love this) every single one of my five relationships has ended the same way; with me being cheated on and dumped. A true cuck. (FWIW the actual cuckold fetish makes me fucking sick; finding out that my girlfriends had been with other men devastated me every single time and I am particularly bitter against cheaters and loathe the idea of "open relationships.")

Anyway, just wanted to share an IRL anecdote from an effeminate male and repeat the point that I do not believe society at large had any significant impact in making me this way.

Some more info:
I've never had any problem attracting women, despite being the opposite of masculine. However, one of two things *always* happens; they either walk all over me, cheat on me and leave or they fall crazily in love with me right away, are super clingy, and will go on and on about how great I am but when it comes to anything sexual they TOTALLY shut down. I've noticed this again and again. And I don't necessarily equate "masculinity" with "getting pussy" but whether the girl treats me like shit and cheats on me and leaves or whether the girl is head over heels for me yet never wants to do anything more than "cuddle and kiss" after months on end, there is an undeniable fucked up sexual aspect to the whole thing.

I'm guessing my lack of masculinity probably does have something to do with the fact that all my romantic experiences with women (official girlfriends, crushes, flings etc) have all ended up this way. Feels bad, man.

they are basically enjoying you being a man who they don't feel intimidated or threatened by. And a man who doesn't intimidate or threaten them makes their pussies dry up. They feel comfortable around you. They know you won't abandon them like another woman would, they know you won't hurt them, but they don't want to fuck you because you are like a really really ugly girl. There isn't even the taboo of lesbianism to turn them on.

You are an oddity, entertainment and friend. You are like a bisexual man-woman. You are fun and different and women are attracted to that. But you also don't frighten them or scare them in a masculine way. You don't intimidate other men and you don't behave like a man.

You're like a pet. They would love to keep you around and have you suck their boyfriends cock like a weird pet and then you could take them shopping and buy them dinner and drop them off at their boyfriends house and they will text you later.

Christ. This hit home. I suspect that you are mostly accurate.

I guess the question is what do I do about it? Presumably if I fundamentally change my personality and behavior (if that's even possible) they would no longer be attracted to me, since those traits were likely what attracted them to me in the first place.

Either be completely asexual and forgo women. Or move to a less rural place where your effeminate behavior isn't so out of the ordinary, like a city not near a rural, hyper-masculine countryside. But you will still not really be considered very masculine as most women in the city are attracted to thug culture because it's all that's left that passes for masculine, but that won't work for you since you're so sensitive.

Or give up your identity and find a new one. Plunge yourself into the abyss of life and step out of your comfortable shell of life and grow and change as a person.

Or become some psycho lady's little bisexual play date partner. It could work but there's no guarantee it will last without her making you do gay shit.