Clunky Movie Lines

>"Alright old man... this country? It's not for you anymore."
Just seems so blunt and awkward, especially in a Coen film.

>Man, the heat and humidity here is terrible. I just can't wait to get out of Africa.

I thought the rape scene was a bit much desu.

>I have finally became there will. Be blood if you know what I mean boy!!!
Really sticks out like a sore thumb.

>we've got to finish building the bridge on the river Kwai

>I have finally become a clockwork orange

>Man this traffic is killing me. I'm just so tired of these Star Wars.

>spit sounds

>Jack, we need your help. We're in big trouble!
>Where at?
>Little China.

>what's your name?
>I Drive
was he retarded?

jesus pixar

Retarded means slow.
Was he slow?

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>he truly has become the Lord of the Rings
fucking hell

>Come on guys! We have to stick together if we want to destroy IT: Chapter One!

>what about the Alien?
>you mean Aliens... (1986) directed by James Cameron?

>rape scene
You sure we saw the same movie?

whew, typing this post is making me sleepy

>Finally, I have become Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead!

I know these movies got silly but wow.

dumb animeposter

>I wanna make this joke but what if other posters make fun of me? better wear a rubber and make it an ironic observation on reddit culture to prevent people from calling me out (in a thread that is as reddit as can be)

>i have now truly become the Mulholland Drive
come on, lynch. jesus

>Heh, Jyn Erso? You don't want her on the team.
>She's a rogue one.
Did they name the ship unit after Jyn? Why did they have to shoehorn the title twice?

>hey Jack could you close those curtains? the shining is killing me
>I'm sorry Wendy, I guess I tend to Overlook it

>My girlfriend is having a baby! driver to the hospital please!

>I'm too stupid to appreciate post-ironic meta humour
Fucking brainlets

>My drag name is Priscilla: Queen of the Desert.

>Forget it Jake, it's Blue Velvet town
fucking hack

>I love Her.

how many layers of irony are you on?

>i truly have become the Click
i mean, i don't expect a whole lot out of sandler, but still.

>(rapping) I'm the Hunchback of Notre Damme and this is my wife's son
a little on the nose I think, disney

>"Screw this counterfeiting scumbag, this pipsqueak isn't worth taking a bullet for."
>"Is this what you want your life to be? A series of 'but's and 'halfway's? You have to see this through to the end. You have to stare this motherfucker straight in the eyes and let him know you were the badass who did him in. That's what it means to live."
>"And die in L.A.? No thanks."

>Before I go to sleep there's one more thing you need to know. He was born in The Dark. Night, Bruce.


>You've just stopped being a study group. You have become something unstoppable. You have finally became the Community

>on the anger scale from 1 to 10 I'm on the 12 Angry. Men, we need to decide already

>A new user came to Tron. I guess I have a legacy after all.

>your way will be Rocky, but the prize is worth it

>makes shitty joke
>gets called out
>calls it post-ironic meta humour
Wow you sure showed him

>be careful while running there, the track is really Rocky, 2 people broke their legs there

>Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown 2

No wonder it wasn't well received

>getting mad he didn't think of the joke first
You've gotta be quicker than that or people will think you're retarded ;)

>Wake up already, it's Hollywood, it's cruel, it's not some kind of La La Land

You aren't funny.

Shut the fuck up retard you aren't funny

>oh no, we are so high. I think I'm gonna throw Up

>I have truly become the 2010: The Year We Make Contact

>You're my Brother, Bear.


You're wasting air.


Does anyone actually laugh at these threads? It's a pathetic attempt at humor, I think. Or is it meant to annoy people? I don't see the purpose.

>Gawsh I'm waiting here at midnight in Paris