Did any of you actually pledge allegiance to the flag when you were in school?

Did any of you actually pledge allegiance to the flag when you were in school?

How is this not brainwashing kids to be little cogs of the state? Its North Korea tier shit. I never stood up or did this stupid shit.

t. Pablo

We said prayers every day at the start of class instead. Much more wholesome

Their is literally nothing wrong with patriotic propaganda.

If I ever were a teacher, I wouldn't require my students to participate

would that lead me to being fired? would it go viral and would I get the kaepernick treatment?

i didnt but i wish i did

when I was in middle school me and my friend would said "over god" instead of "under god".
yeah we were pretty fuckin radical

Coincidentally enough, I was homeschooled in 1st grade, and I remember doing the Pledge of Allegiance for my first day of school on September 11th, 2001. It was around 9:00 in the morning, and after doing the Pledge, my Mom turned the TV on, and we both saw the 2nd plane crash into the World Trade Center.

Finns are very nationalist but this seems like a sick joke to me.

Every day I was in grade school.
I didn't really feel any loyalty to government hackfrauds, but I did like the ideal and patriotism the pledge inspired.

We had a short prayer instead of the pledge.

Catholic school.

Fuck yeah I did. From kindergarten to my senior year of high school. We sang the star spangled banner up until middle school.

You didn't have to recite it. You just had to stand respectfully. It's an easy way to root out communism.

ya of course, every day

it was like Santa

I did simply because I didn't want to be that kid that makes everyone wait for hours in the sun while the teacher tells everyone about how important patriotism is.

It's not as if forcibly pledging allegiance is binding in any way.

Good times.

everyone pledged allegiance to the flag and nobody had any idea what it meant.

fuck off OP. non-issue. it's not like we joined the hitler youth and died at the age of 14 defending the fuhrers bunker while he blew his brains out to avoid taking responsibility for destroying germany and europe.

I went to a Catholic highschool we prayed before every class and pledge alligence to the flag every morning. If you can put your kid in the Catholic highschool. Preferably all men's Catholic highschool it guarantees your kid won't grow up to be a pansy faggot.

I hear the pledge of allegiance gets a lot of flak, and maybe its is an odd tradition. But its also one of the few traditions you guys have.

When I was in primary school we had an assembly every morning where we'd sing hymns and say a quick prayer. I didn't even turn out religious but looking back those mornings were super comfy and they help build a strong sense of community and pride. I think these small soft acts of propaganda aren't that bad and help preserve national identity.


We beat up kids who didn't.

To be fair it's pledging allegiance to the nation, not the state.


but is your kid retarded?

holy water. run some water out of the tap, talk to it, and it's holy. give me a fucking break.

confession. jeez. 40 year old priest behind a screen, hoping that the 13 year old girl says she masturbated, or whatever turns him on.

seriously. catholics are some fucking muslim level weirdos.

>to the nation, not the state.

what the fuck does that even mean? fix my motor, but don't touch my engine?

Fucking retard do you really not know the difference between an Institution and your own people?

Yes I did in elementary school. It was a great way to invoke regimen and a feeling of patriotism. We all understood the importance of living in the greatest country of all time.

What pisses me off about the pledge is that the liberals who run the school system don't even believe in the constitution. They will give you shit if you don't stand for the pledge then talk about how bad the second amendment is in the lecture.

>between an Institution and your own people

explain it to me, and how it makes a difference with respect to OP's point.

I'll wait.

I did this as a kid. It literally held no meaning to make and didn't care. I don't think I even knew exactly what the words were. Just the sounds.

After 5th grade, I don't remember having to do the pledge.

Everyone said the pledge in elementary, nobody looked into it or dissected the damn thing. The teachers said we didn't have to and it was our right, but we stood anyway cause we loved America.

It wasn't until middle school I saw that the only ones who didn't stand were non whites, females, and edgy kids.

A state is the government. It's the borders, rules, Obama and Hillary.

A nation literally translates to ''the people''. It's the people, it's your language, it's your culture, it's your race.

You can't be this dumb.
There's a reason why Liberals LOVE the state, but they hate Nationalism. Think about that. Why do they love the state, but hate Nationalism? Because those words are not synonymous.

imo the pledge should be to the constitution. specifically the bill of rights. we should be reminded every day we have those rights and cunts whether they be Republican or Democrat shouldn't be allowed to take them away. unfortunately most don't care.

Hence my point I posted earlier, the liberals who run the school system want people to pledge to the state but hate the constitution and rights of people. It is the same reason why kids who come to school with pro second amendment shirts often get punished despite that being patriotic like standing for the pledge. '

Schools today teach kids to comply and follow authority.

>Implying any child ever understood the full weight of what they were saying
>Implying any American youth still gives the pledge a second thought in adult life

That said there is nothing wrong with teaching youths the value and importance of patriotism


Maybe you should have focused more on school and less on the pledge.