Series of Unfortunate Events

thoughts on the first season?

I'm looking forward to season 2.

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what's the Calvin Klein of television & film?

Susie Derkins has nothing to do with SoUE. Melissa's sister has more to do with SoUE than Calvin and Hobbes.



Calvin Klein grill

You perverts don't like this show, you're just attracted to that little girl. You're all terrible people and I can't wait until you're banned for good.


I thought it was Juno for a second

I liked it. Pretty good adaptation, which makes sense since Lemony Snicket himself was part of the process.

I have mixed feelings about NPH's Count Olaf. He gets the goofy parts of Olaf down, but he never comes across as that menacing to me.

I liked how they set up the Quagmire orphans.

post more of this set pls

I liked it, especially the Lovecraftian atmosphere

>immediately join this thread in hopes of someone posting her slut sister again

she's got anime proportions


>little girl

Is no time to joke dummy
How do you thingh those can outstand the eldhricht truth

why does she block the road?


hook me up