Who is your favorite type of villain?

Who is your favorite type of villain?

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People who use this to judge if a vilain is "good or bad", are just plain stupid.

It ignores tone, execution, characterization and everything else.

>replacing ozymandias with some weeb bullshit

Fuck you, "I'm a power-seeking all-around bastard" is the best, most realistic motivation.


A villain of any of those types can still be a great villain.

See, here's the problem with that- while the archetypes near the top of the list might make for, generally speaking, more compelling characters, this doesn't necessarily make them better villains.

After all, if we're too sympathetic to the villain, then you risk them no longer being an oppositional or obstructive part of the story. Remember, we're supposed to be rooting against the bad guys.

>I never played Wind Waker
>Griffith being right

>Implying Griffith was right

His only motivation was to gain power for himself...that was it. He's a good leader, but don't fucking kid yourself thinking he sacrificed all of his friends to help his countrymen

>shit tier
Palpatine and Professor Zoom prove you wrong.

The Tier below Shit, where my waifu lives.
Shes a huge bitch. Bluh Bluh

i like the captain cold/pre-retcon taskmaster kinda villains

Lawful evil

I like small time villains who are made fun of but actually put up decent fights against heroes who are out of their league.

I like my villains to be competent and loyal; the Saturday morning shit where they all hate each other and keep fucking up gets boring. The first example that comes up is Soundwave from a Prime.

Whoops, sorry. Still one of the best television villains of all time.

the kind that recognizes how fucking retarded this list is
I mean it's just shit in general, but calling Breen a good villain in any universe needs some spectacular disconnect from what quality actually is

I don't know if I'm using the right terminology, but I love villains with very over the top or larger than life personalities. I think some good, if a little extreme examples of this are the bosses from metal gear rising. Are they intelligent masterminds with noble goals? Hell no, but they are distinct, bizarre and generally fun villains. The thing is, villains like this can come from any background, I consider Aku and Lex Luthor to both fit under this category.

Since we're doing this.
>not very expressive and their emotional breakdowns are subtle compared to villains who start to yell and/or break shit
>intelligent (may not necessarily be a genius)
>most likely a sociopath
>feels like a force of nature and darkens the work's tone every time he or she appears

I like this archetype. What are some Sup Forums-related examples of that? I can only think of Flash TV series Eobard right now.

If you make me like the villain as a person and his motives more than the hero and his motives you're doing a shit job. At that point he's not even a villain.

> Griffith being right
Dude just wanted a kingdom, plain and simple. He'd have probably gotten it too if he hadn't been an impatient cunt and fucked the princess early.

Star Vs Evil took me off guard with how fantastic this villain was.

"almost seem insane at times"

great examples there. ALMOST seem insane! LOL