Aside from sharks and other carnivores...

Aside from sharks and other carnivores, how is controlling fish (specifically fish) any useful for stopping crime and being played out as badass?

>how is controlling fish
He controls everything that lives in the sea at all

>Aside from sharks and other carnivores
I like how you make it sound like that's not a big deal

>He controls everything that lives in the sea at all

I said specifically fish for a reason.
I know he can control more than that.

>I said specifically fish for a reason.
What reason is that?

To narrow it down to just fish.


Just curious

woah so badass, he has to force creatures to help him because he can't do things on his own

He could summon a school of fish for camouflage or defense



only because he sleeps underwater doesn't mean he is an underwater creature

That's not a fish

But what power does the king of the seas hold in the sea of stars?

>le cthulhu meme

Godzilla lives in the sea.

I'm sure he has, but I've ever seen him approach a problem by controlling fish. He can telepathically control sea life, which often extends to anything that evolved from sea life, as was the case when he gave an enemy a seizure. This power just gets meme'd into controls or talks to fish.

>woah so badass, he has to force creatures to help him because he can't do things on his own
Aquaman can bench press ocean liners and throw punches that hurt Superman. Controlling ocean life just ties in with the Atlantean royal family's right to rule.

His point still stands since DC Earth's crawling with sea monsters like Topo. Aquaman basically has the Poseidon ancient weapon from One Piece.

>80% of the planet lives within 100 miles of a coastline
>controls all the phytoplankton and krill
>could literally cut off the word's fishing industry and destroy entire ecosystems and economies if he so chose.

Don't fuck with the fishnigger, nigger.


He is a faggot, forcing animals to do his bidding and putting them in danger.

I don't even know why Wonder Woman tolerates it. She should tell him to stop since she loves animals.

Somebody get a boat to drive into his head.

Wonder Woman's not a vegetarian
She killed a giant boar for a dinner with Clark's family

Wow like the human race didn't do that shit and we still do, if everyone was like you progress wouldn't happen.

Fish can't think

You know how some fish travel in large schools? He could easily sneak up on any ship by hiding among a group of fish like that.

There are sea fish monsters and giant monster crustaceans in the DC universe so it is very useful in fights.

For stopping crime? Aquaman has other powers for that shit, no need to involve the fishes if he can easily take care of it himself.

I reject the premise of no 'other carnivores' because the majority of sea life is carnivorous.

He can tell 3 dozen giant lampreys to gather in one spot and attack someone. Those motherfuckers are bigger than a human. Dozens of them could tear someone to pieces and floww with a femur.

He can send flying fish out of the water and into someone's throat. Sans Aquaman, this actually killed someone IRL when a fish jumped out of the water into a boat and lodged itself by accident in someone's open mouth. "Hey! This fish just leaped out of the wa-ughk! Gak! Gak! Guh!"

He can battle an army of Steve Irwins with the power of Manta Rays alone.

In Amalgam he beat Namor by making a giant whale leap out of the water and fall on him. I know, right! Comics!

Ever been swimming and found leeches or lice or some other kind of little bitey motherfuckers in the water? Hundreds of bites from lice alone. Imagine that concentrated to millions, all targeting you.

Whoomf! Whoomf! Whoomf! He can make you see a giant cuttlefish! Terrifying!

Imagine being surrounded by a massive shoal of pretty much any common fish as they all let go of their waste in the water all around you. Joking aside, it would probably be like concentrated acid.

Mudskippers. Millions of them. Aquaman can take over the surface world whenever he god damn wants with mudskippers.

Tsunamis caused by thousands of whales bashing their heads against a fault line.

Enough sea creatures swimming in a circle in an area could pull the largest ship under. Aquaman could literally render the oceans unpassable by ship. Waterspouts by their hundreds could knock aircraft out of the sky. Sorry landlocked landlubbers.

And just for OP, He could scare people to death by having your mother beach herself!

Don't underestimate Aquaman. Aquaman will fuck you up.

Just run them over
There's nothing remotely threatening about mudskippers

Auqaman disarmed a bomb using just microscopic sealife.

Heroes are supposed to be better.
Granted Aquaman is no hero, he is a king first and a hero after.
He would let people die to save whales.

Could Australia kill Aquaman?

Sharks are still fish.

And even with non-carnivorous ones, a whale shark weighs 22 tons. What do you think happens if Aquaman tells one to jump out of the water and onto you?

>He controls everything that lives in the sea at all

It's basically aquatic selective omniscience. He has data flowing in from all aquatic life around the world.

>and throw punches that hurt Superman

only in bad stories to wank Aquaman

What is they stab you with their venomous antlers?