Is he right?

Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

No. Love transcends death.

>openly telling liberals to not reproduce
Is rick /ourguy/ ?

Rick and Morty fags are the worst fanbase for any show, prove me wrong

he's lovecraftian

Have you seen bronies?

>aw jeez rick, look, it's another cringe thread about us
>lem-lem-lemme *burrrrrrrrp* lemme see mooooorty... oh god, you're right, that's so sad, you'd have to be a real fuckhead, a c-c- *burrrrrrrrrrrrrrp* complete idiot to waste your time typing that up morty, it's barbaric
>i know right, i mean, wow rick, all that stuff, wasted time, you know? i mean, you could spend that time drawing jessica instead...
>shut the f-f-*buURpyboY* fuck up morrrrrteye

Bronies are just autists who channeled their mental illness into a cartoon. Rick and Morty fags are shit people

People miss the context of these Rick quotes

It's from the episode where he majorly fucks up the entire world with his shhoddy science, while Jerry and Beth save their lives with the power of love

Interstellar, a more intelligent flick, already stated that love is the fifth dimension.

Someone post the 'nothing personnel' Facebook post, please?

No, he's wrong.

Lust is a chemical reaction that compels us to mate.

Love is a chemical reaction that compels us to form family groups to help ensure the survival of our offspring.

>that butchering

the movies was the fifth element and love is the fith element not the fifth dimension, it's the fucking title for fifth's sake

>to help ensure the survival of our offspring

in modern society, this doesn't matter. The government supports people

Not if you're American. You just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


I've never seen this show but everything I've seen about it seems awful and unfunny.

If you're unintelligent enough to be influenced by anything that gets posted here, you're probably right, it wouldn't be funny for you.

While we're wishing for things, I want a pony!

So is he advocating for the pump and dump strategy?

i literally cant user

Yes, only bluepilled retards disagree.

But it does, faggot. You can still love your dead family.

Until you die, then no one does. So it doesn't transcend death.
Impermanence of all things = ALL things.

Does that show still go on? I thought it was dead as with the fanbase

>people on the internet tell me what to think

Man you're dumb. Your feelings persisting after the death of another person doesn't mean feelings transcend death. It's not plausible for evolution to have created a cessation of attachment to other people at the moment of their death.


Love is done through acts.

Love is the ultimate bluepill. Commiting to "oneitis", sacrificing yourself for something that may destroy you in the end, to love is to be a blind moron focusing on his emotions instead of logic.

Only logic lets us see the truth, emotions are optional.

You're going to die at some point, user. Might as well trick your brain into thinking you found someone worth spending your last days with. What else are you going to do?

Love is part of the fabric of the universe. It's a scientific fact that it exists just as much as anything else exists. Ignoring reality isn't logical.

>dude lmao love is just chemicals and shit
>focus on science maan
>doesn't just "realize" that life is worthless and it doesn't matter when it ends since there is no afterlife anyway so what's the point in living it out when you won't remember any of it when it's over
Inconsistent faggot writers.

love is a choice every morning, not some fuzzy feeling in the room


Dunno... focus on self improvement and on my goals and dreams? Those exist aswell.

>goal and dreams
>on Sup Forums
my sides

Speak for yourself.

>Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?
what did he mean by this? what am I supposed to fight? Or is this just an edgy philoshoper teenager meme that I take too seriously

I think it's supposed to be understood as "fight for your life", life is a struggle, fight to survive and live it through.
Pic somewhat related.

>I only want to breed with and end up in a failing marriage with my baby brother
Really opened my eyes, damn...

"le science is all that matters" type of people are the fucking worst. self proclaimed intellectuals who equate nihilism with intelligence, watch asap science videos and read the Wikipedia page on quantum entanglement and think they have the earned the status of "intellectual" along the right to talk down to other people, despite actually having done no experimentation or research of their own.

>Anything I cannot comprehend is edgy.

Science in the broader sense means everything that is real. So yes, it is all that matters. And no, you don't have to personally verify that quantum mechanics works in order for it to be true.

>being so simple minded you believe existence ends at death
Wubalubdub indeed

Technically, but the "chemical reactions" in our brain are what makes us human.
Rick has learned to ignore those chemical reactions, which is why he is a miserable sociopath.

Your brain is already filled with many other chemicals that decide who you are as a person anyway so to decide that love is worthless because it's "just chemicals" is to discard an important part of the human experience while simultaneously listening to the chemicals in your brain that told you to discard it. Don't be a hypocrite by listening to one chemical over another.

Humans see the world through the lens of humanity because it would be impossible any other way so it's pointless to discard an important human emotion to seem more "rational" or "logical" or whatever.

Also Rick is a nihilist alcoholic who is deeply depressed so anyone taking his advice seriously should rethink what the writers are trying to tell them whenever Rick says something like this.


Alright, well, tell us what you think happens? How about my grandma. She lost her mind so bad at the end she not only didn't know who we were, she didn't know who she was. So does she magically revert to 30 year old grandma brain so she can go to heaven? How exactly do that work

How is it edgy at all?

At the same time he is a genius scientist, so I'd rather be miserable and be able to shape reality instead of loving nobody who can't do shit.

its edgy when brainlets who want to appear as deep thinkers make stupid phrases that sound cool but actually have no real meaning

>suscribing to nhilism
>actually thinking you're clever for adopting babbies first idealogue

fucking pleb

Rick tried to kill himself and only failed because he was too drunk.
Adolescence is thinking Rick is a cool badass.
Adulthood is realizing Jerry's life is more fulfilling.

>people actually think this is deep/legit wisdom

this world is so plebian



No. But it's the one thing that transcends time and space

No one has physical forms or ages in heaven dingus.

>dare white people watching this propaganda, do not have children. break the mold. kill off the white race in the name of le science. don't be like your lame-o parents.

How is Interstellar a more intelligent flick? It's the bottom baseline.

Uh huh, so which version of my brain gets to continue in heaven? The one that deteriorated with age or does it magically get reverted to a young brain? How is it decided which version? And how does that happen, mechanically, do you think?

Something bound to time and space can't transcend it. Love is just chemicals in your brain and when your brain dies, love dies too.
Of course a life of a spineless guy who has no challenges to face and is clueless about everything is "more fulfilling". For ignorants who don't have ambitions.

Your brain doesn't go to heaven. I just said that. And besides, the basis of heaven is incomprehensible so there's no way for us to explain the "mechanics" behind it.

That sounds awfully convenient but hey, I hope you're right and I'm wrong and I'll see you there. Cheers.

People with Alzheimer forget about people they love. They literally forget the love because it was all in their brain, which is being damaged by a disease.

You are fucking simple minded for giving an emotion so much importance, it will die with you and no one will care. But I guess I am the miserable one for caring about things that can actually survive my death, haha

It's a meme.

>People who are dead dont love because they are dead therefore we shouldnt love
>When you die you will never be hungry so you shouldnt eat

If you want to kill yourself, you should stop eating, retard.

I love my girlfriend and she is infertile. Science BTFO.

t. fedora fag

What? How does that negate anything about science
If anything you just made a case for homosexuality

Refute my arguments or fuck off with your tiny brain buzzwords

Your edgelord post is ignoring the part where love and companionship can also make us happy, and pursuing something that makes you happy and could easily be considered logical.

Sure, it's a trade-off between freedom and companionship but that's a choice everyone should make for themselves.

>Of course a life of a spineless guy who has no challenges to face and is clueless about everything is "more fulfilling".
No the existence of a man with a simple life and a family he loves is more fulfilling.
But no, forget the family and go slave away for Mr. Shecklestein your entire life. I hear they give you a jar for desk to keep your soul in. When you turn 65 and you've wasted your youth making money you'll have a convertible and a nice condo to show for it.

I don't fugg her to create offspring

>No one has physical forms or ages in heaven dingus.

Ah heaven. The reward for good little boys and girls who followed all the rules in the little book of rules.

Heaven the place sold to you by people who didn't have your best interest at heart. Told to you by others but never experienced, and never understood.

Heaven a place so great you have to live out a life of suffering to get there! Woe be to you if you're not strong enough to stand the misery that is existence so that you can achieve nirvana!

There isn't a current believer alive that would even make it to heaven.

To assert that science and other pursuits produce something permanent while arguing that love cannot is incorrect because love can inspire people to produce things in the same way they can be inspired by a natural passion for science or really anything else. Also how do you ignore the hypocrisy of stating that love is all in your brain while being the owner of the brain saying those things? Essentially you're using one emotion to denounce another


>love is an evolutionary reaction so that we should breed.
>so just ignore it and become a faggot nerd instead that is not going to pass on his genetic material

The end product of nihilism is fascism

are you guys seriously looking to rick and morty for life advice?

god, you people need an intervention.


The truth is always worse than you thought, and always more racist than you thought.

>everything that is real
>human emotions dont exist
im also saying you cant criticize other people for blindly believing in something when you are doing the same.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them

Ironic since I posted that and posted this

It's actually hilarious when people spew diarrhea about things they have zero understanding of. According to the good book the ONLY thing you have to do to go to heaven is believe Jesus was here and died for your sins and repent for said sins. I love the "book of rules" argument. Really well thought out and researched. Have fun in the low income non believer part of the new creation.

>get BTFO
>can't think of a comeback
>post some pasta as damage control
>ha-ha I sure showed that guy!

>It's actually hilarious when people spew diarrhea about things they have zero understanding of. According to the good book the ONLY thing you have to do to go to heaven is believe Jesus was here and died for your sins and repent for said sins. I love the "book of rules" argument. Really well thought out and researched. Have fun in the low income non believer part of the new creation.

You don't even believe in anything at all. You just hedge your bets.

we probably agree on some things then.

desu he has a point about the feeling slowly fading away

i get depressed when i think about the people i once loved and now don't give a fuck about

Yes. The endgame goal of pop culture is the complete destruction of the family unit. Well adjusted children from households with two loving parents in a normal healthy relationship aren't swayed by ad placement, don't waste their time digesting content spoonfed to them by media conglomerates, and are fiscally conservative.

Rick is right that this needs to be completely destroyed.


Morty, Morty y-y-you gotta, read, you gotta read the website, Morty, ha-han-hang-hang on I'll link it, I'll link the site.,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php
Morty, y-y-yyou-you gotta understand, i-*URRRp* it's all a big Zionist lie, Morty. Kaballah Morty, it's like Su-*urp*Sssuper Jew shit, it just, really wanted to justify, th-the-the breaking of traditions, and I-I know this is heavy stuff, Morty. I mean, I know you're probably a bit jewish too, a dad like Jerry and all, but M-Mo-Morty, I'm telling ya this cause, you're like, you you need to understand that I kicked your dad out because of this. Morty, if we left your dad in the house, hheeheeee'd nev'r let me redpill you Morty. Like that great movie, Morty. Remember the Matrix, Morty? W-wi-with Keanu Reeves, Morty, Keanu Reeves is like a, like the best actor in the movie, Morty. We're gonna watch Keanu Reeves movies now Morty and talk about Jews, Morty. Jews and Keanu Reeves and the Holocaust is a lie Morty. Biggest lie ever, top tier jew lie, Morty. Morty we gotta, we gotta out-jew the jew, and wa-and watch Keanu Reeves movies, Morty. It's just, it's just what our arc is now. Fuck Szechuan Sauce Morty, we need to watch Jew-fighting movies Morty. Morty! Morty!

which is pretty convenient for scientists because they can make up all kind of stories and dip shits like you will continue to believe them wihout proof . almost like they were prophets and you're one of their idiot followers.

>> science faggots everybody

Wow really made me think . I guess you're right. Fuck believing in anything I guess! Fuck stuff and learn facts mmm

Disbelieving anything you can't directly prove yourself is a recipe for being a huge dumbass. But that's your right I guess, enjoy!

wow this is like, really deep

>Of course a life of a spineless guy who has no challenges to face and is clueless about everything is "more fulfilling". For ignorants who don't have ambitions...Mordecai was please with his sharp retort, befitting of a master of wordcraft. He grabbed his fedora and tipped to his PC, making sure to grab the side of his trenchcoat dramatically as he turned away to find sustenance in the form of his mother's kitchen.

Tell me more about ambition random guy posting in a reddit thread on an eastern asian kaleidoscope forum.

Steven Universe though...

have you seen the steven universe fan base? have u seen what they do to people who dare to draw the characters with slightly lighter skin or less weight?

>A sick brain is living proof that your perception of healthy brain is flawed
