What went wrong?

What went wrong?

you started watching it.

It got so good that insecure losers who need to feel special started to hate on it, because television shows and their opinions of them are literally all these losers have.

white people

Dan Harmon was involved

Nothing you're just a faggot.

"Progressiveness" really fucked the show over.

The plots and settings are so convoluted that it becomes impossible to care about anything in the show. The 2edgy4u characters are just the icing on the cake.

someone on Sup Forums said they enjoyed it

you're fucking retard

Dan Harmon is such a pathetic, depressed, insecure narcissist that his self-loathing and screams for attention bleeds in to this show in a very uncomfortable way. Pair that with all the pseudoscience and pseudopsychology in the show that is meant to appeal to appeal to teenagers and the new-age "geek" movement, and you got yourself a show that appeals to the worst kinds of people.
It's not the worst thing though, it can be funny at times.

i turned myself into a feed and seed, chuck

libtards. It's always the libtards that suck the life out of everything.
Plus their cringeworthy fanbase tried to paint it as some deep thought provoking intelligent show. Anyone else that tried to watch it while looking for that was sorely disappointed. It's a fucking cartoon inspired by Back to the Future.

Yep. As a engineer and former school nerd (now just a nerd), I was optimistic that the kids these days are "pro-science" and appreciate "intelligence". Until I found out they simply don't know what the terms mean and have no appreciation for actual thinking. They are just flags for tribes of groupthink.

You went wrong.
If you're "too smart" to watch it then please do stop watching it, deprive yourself from this fun. Seriously.

First season was god tier, then it all went to shit

Prove me wrong

1 word: Get Schwiftey.

>proving his point

It was a show made for TBBT fans.
It never stood a chance.


It got popular and had to appeal to the masses.
That didn't make it go from good to bad, just bad to unbearable.

>watched the latest episode
>its all about a world of rick and mortys
>ricks are white and mortys are niggers
>all mortys are dumb slaves or covered in tattoos druggies
>the one "uncle tom" morty uses police brutality to kill the scum
>What happened? rick asks
>Same old story, Mortys killing mortys, morty responds

It's pure kino, why does Sup Forums of all places hate it?

anybody ever watch this shit?

In early 2014, before this show exploded all over the place, I heard a recommendation from some obscure forum and I gave it a try. My brothers and I watched the first season and we didn't laugh once. Smiled a couple of times but we didn't laugh. Occasionally it was clever but honestly throughout it felt like we were watching a cartoon made for kids (excluding the occasional violence and some unfunny adult jokes but whatever). Children cartoons don't have rules and there are no concequences, just like in rick and morty. If there are no consequences then why am I watching a colorful cartoon with wacky visuals, silly creatures and things that children like. Sometimes I hear about the "science" aspect of the show, yeah. This is truly the thing that fucking idiots, who know nothing about science ,think about science. They are those people who share one video about how fucking CRAAZY neutron stars are and comment that I LUV SCIENCE :DD and then they going back to watch whatever piece of shit vine-videos or something these idiots consume on a daily basic. I am graduating soon to become a pharmacist and I'm specialized in biopharmacy. I just want to say that science fucking SUCKS. And I don't need to point out that rick and morty doesn't have any, its just random bullshit. Anyway, in the end if a show cannot even make me laugh, then there's nothing. So I left it at that and never watched more of it. Then it came popular and I can say that I'm not surprised.

>If there are no consequences then why am I watching a colorful cartoon with wacky visuals, silly creatures and things that children like.
Because sometimes you just wanna watch something to clear your mind off everyday problems and R&M is good at this

Is every episode of this show about alternate versions of rick and morty? This show is just a poor mans futurama

it's basically Edgy American Doctor Who

>As a engineer
why do engineers always feel the need to tell everyone they are engineers like they are fucking vegans or something

>complaining about "i fucking love science"
>unironically referring to yourself as a "nerd"
you are a part of the problem

Okay yeah I understand that and I know many people who watch these types of shows just to cool off. Some of my friends watch adventure time and such while I dont get it at all. For me show has to have some sort of hook and usually its laughter or something else like for example what Superjail had which was crazy and ridiculous violence that it was fascinating to watch. Maybe I was just expecting more from R&M and it wasnt the right time. Anyway I might give it another try at some point, maybe when the popularity dies down a bit.

>watching an entire season of a cartoon you don't think is funny
wow, Rick and Morty really is not for sub 110 IQ people

yeah Im subbed to that live channel. its nice dipping in and out watching abit now and then. same as old avgn live channel or the gaki no tsukai live channel.


Yeah I might be a bit retarded by even trying to explain this but see, situation was that me and my brothers were visiting our parents and we usually just find anything to watch to spend time together. Like, we all live in different cities so only time we are together is when we visit our parents right? So yeah we started to watch this shit, we had nothing better to do anyway. We thought it would get better, but it didn't and we still watched it whole. You might say it was a stupid thing but hey, at least I can say for certain that the show is shit. If that determines our IQ's then fine.

S1 > S3 [projected] > S2

hasn't gone wrong yet, there's just some episodes that aren't so good, which is to be expected

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

so what was that last episode about, who's the morty with the eyepatch, i haven't watched season 1 and 2 in ages

That is arguably the worst episode of the series.

That episode was awesome. First episode of season three was also pretty great. The other 5 episodes were complete garbage though...

10/10 pasta

Too lovecraftian

Unironically Pickle Rick. Middling-to-bad episode with an incredibly pompous speech at the end which the episode hadn't earned.

also this

>Rick and morty

this would've actually been a perfectly ok show if not for all the stupid segments like the dancing and sudden retarded outbursts like wubba lubba dub dub and the absolute garbage music they feature.

Stop acting like you’re someone that matters.