Hmm, really makes you think eh Sup Forums?

hmm, really makes you think eh Sup Forums?

They forgot lower IQ

niggers thinking economic, geopolitical and ecological problems are less important than social justice, """""""""equality"""""", etc

they are so clueless I almost feel bad, the jew fucked them harder than any race on this planet


Funny how they didn't mention the 70% illegitimacy rate....

>muh IQ
because it was their inferior intelligence that brought about the oppressive Jim crow laws? You can't tie a weight to a bird then call it stupid when it struggles to fly.

Just like how the Jews are struggling with poverty because of their thousands of years of oppression

>70% illegitimacy rate
>their dads left them so really its not societies fault at all

>a problem

And yet they're forming back to africa movements while still proclaiming this as an issue.


You have no evidence that the vast majority of African Americans are doing this.

>if all else fails, compare them to the jews and pretend I gave a decent rebuttal
Difference is the terrible shit that happened to blacks is very well documented

>war on drugs

>harsher punishment for drug possession/use ment to deter people from doing it in the first place is racist
>reinvesting in run down neighborhoods and driving the housing market up around it is racist

its almost like they have a victim complex


how is that a plot against blacks?

>this stuff gives me an excuse to break the law


i was hoping one root would hit a legitimate talking point.

>When we move to your neighborhood, it's diversity
>When you come back to yours, it's a hate crime

I think you're both oversimplifying gentrification here. It always happens in neighborhoods with poor, uneducated blacks. Its as if the real estate developers KNOW that they won't be able to keep up with the rising costs of living and they'll be forced to move elsewhere.

>buys into the jewish narrative of being victims throughout history
>equates jews with blacks
>being this retarded


What's wrong with gentrification...


Only slavery, Jim Crow and segregation were the doing of whites. Everything else is the fault of blacks. They're cutting their own throats.
>War on drugs
Stay clean.
Work. Pay taxes. Be productive. Keep your own neighborhoods nice.
>Housing discrimination (op's pic misspelled it)
>Police brutality
>discriminatory policing
Don't be asshole and behave yourselves.

Explain why Africa has always been a shithole
And why aren't all these blacks doing all these riots and race shit in Brazil

It really was. If blacks behaved like decent human beings, Jim Crow would never have happened.



What a misleading image. Remove, slavery, gentrification, and segregation because they have nothing to do with modern day black on black crime. Replace segregation is integration as that resulted in a great lose of black businesses to white ones. Replace war on drugs with CIA funded drug smuggling into black neighborhoods. Also add, extremely poor parenting/ single women parenting, poor health, poor eating and social zeitgeist of victimhood.

I think that's it.

I saw the bit on this in Michael Moore's newest film, he of course fails to mention and/or realize the fact that niggers wouldn't be in prison IF THEY STOPPED COMMITTING FUCKING CRIME.

No, not really.

>Work. Pay taxes. Be productive.
the vast majority of the people in neighborhoods that get gentrified aren't well educated enough for high paying employment

>If blacks behaved like decent human beings, Jim Crow would never have happened
Jim Crow laws were introduced after the Civil War as a result of the Plessy Ferguson trial, because uppity whites refused to acknowledge the newfound citizenship of free blacks


Aren't these two contradictory?

How can you complain about whites self-segregating (moving out of the inner cities and to the suburbs), then at the same time complain about them un-segregating (moving back to the inner cities)?

Really stimulates my neurons.

>one race went through a literal genocide
>the other was brought to a more advanced part of the world to be turned into farm equipment
>the same race that was genocided is now heavily represented in media ownership and the top 1% of the economy
>the race that was turned into farm equipment is still in the bottom of the income bracket despite having lower standards for college and job admissions
huh, really makes you think. Notice how all the upper middle class blacks try and stay out black oppression shit? Its because once you stop blaming the world for your problems, opportunity shines through

How the fuck do you spell the same word two different ways in the same graphic?

There are a grand total of 18 words. Just holy fucking shit, people.

Wish I could get away with blaming my crimes on something besides being a piece of shit.

Just be a nigger and claim that you were a good boy

>riots only a sapling

w-what is it going to grow into?

Sup Forums fixed it again!

>high paying employment
Most people in the country aren't educated enough for high paying employment but they do get some education or training that allows them to be middle or working class. This investment is funded in large part by the taxpayers. There are so many public services to help you invest in yourself. It also helps by not having a kid when you're a teenager. People rise out of poverty every single day, but with blacks it's rare. Why do you think that is?

>uppity whites refused to acknowledge the newfound citizenship of free blacks
Incorrect. Jim Crow laws were put into place by the southern states due to their 'unique' demographics which aren't shared by the rest of the country. If the rest of America looked like the American south demographically then all 50 states would have adopted Jim Crow.

the segregation/gentrification comparison is a little retarded, but one is an older outdated issue and refers to forced segregation as opposed to self segregation which is okay.

gentrification is the rich buying up land in a poor area and forcing them to move out with increasing costs of living that they cannot easily adapt to

>killing eachother...

quit blaming whitey, have a family (with a father), and fix things.


You don't need to be educated to get a decent-paying manual labor job.

They drew this upside down by mistake.

all of that shit is in the past now, they can either assimilate or go back to Africa

Why the hell did you wait so long to post. If you'd have posted that as the first comment then we'd have all nodded and this thread would have died.

I'm fucking dying

>Page not found

in areas where this happens the propert values go way up, the owners make a large profit when selling.

yes they are being forced out of their neighborhoods. but they are getting a generous paycheck for it. they can use it to better their lives while only having to move a few miles away

>go back to Africa
as if Africa would want them or vice versa.
There's gotta be someway to save them, maybe your white women are onto something...

Okay, I'm mad.

Is 200 years old!

>jim crowe
And now they're the ones asking for black only spaces

>war on drugs
Hurts all of us, not just blacks.

Is literally only bad because black people don't like whites. If this is an issue for them, they're likely truly racist. Otherwise, it basically means "wait 5 years and sell for double the land value."

>discriminatory policies
Like affirmative action? Racially granted scholarships? Hiring quotas?

>police brutality
No comment.

Fuck BLM.


>as opposed to self segregation which is okay.

Not OK according to liberals and blacks. Department of Housing and Urban Development for example has been working hard to try to get more Section 8 housing and minorities in predominantly white areas.

and make half white half nigger abominations? might as well nuke ourselves then

>Boston is undergoing gentrification
why aren't they rioting?

but if you think about it, couldn't what the latinos called "blanquecimiento" fix this issue we have with our american black culture?

probably because there hasn't been any dindu shootings by white cops yet

>rising cost of living

Yeah, rich areas pay slightly more for fuel and groceries, but it's not a lot more. It's not enough to force them out, like it's not double or ten times, maybe about 10% so a tabloid style news program can bitch about it.

The real issue with gentrification is: it's just racism guys. It's just that black people don't want to live around white people, they don't want you calling cops to their bloc parties, they don't want you swinging bats during home invasions, they don't want to hear you talking about art or philosophy or history with your hipster friends, in fact if they hear any conversation they can't completely understand they're liable to feel their intelligence insulted and will therefore get aggressive.

This is literally black on white racism being blamed on white people. White people are being victim blamed.

You think I'm unnecessarily pissed off, but this shit is just endemic in our wider, western culture


As someone living in one of the big American liberal cities experiencing a huge boom in gentrification, i think it varies depending on where you are. Its not always race related even, I've had several of my white friends essentially forced out of their apartments and back into their parents' homes or into crowded roommate situtations because of how ridiculous the housing market has gotten thanks to these big developers that fuck everything up for everyone who isn't making atleast 100k a year