ITT: Scenes where the show should have ended

ITT: Scenes where the show should have ended

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The where it was revealed that Walt was actually a tentacled sea creature from outer space

>The where it was revealed that Walt was actually a tentacled sea creature from outer space
that was the lovecraftian edition

very mark twainish.

When Chuck's first shut down

BB should have ended with season 4. Walt and Jessie got away. Granted, Walt was poor, but the viewer could assume that Walt learned his lesson and stopped. The trauma of everything that happened to jessie probably would have been enough for him to stop using drugs for good and live his life with Andrea and Brock

Breaking Bad should have ended with season 3. Just end it on the cliffhanger, couldn't be worse than what followed. From the first episode of season 4 it was obvious that something was very wrong. All the compelling character stuff went out the window and was replaced with sick edgy violence in every episode. The producers got a whiff that the show was building popularity and dumbed it down to cash in on the buzz as much as possible.

House of Cards when Frank became President.

Breaking Bad should have ended at season 2. There was no reason for it to go on. An educated viewer knows and appreciates this. It would have been Kafkaesque.

kafkaesque post if I do say so myself

Breaking Bad should've ended at season one because I'm a faggot who doesn't appreciate good television

Season 3 was better than 4 and 5

Breaking Bad just slowly got worse as it went on

Literally and unironically 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5

Yeah that's basically what I'm saying.

Season 5 was great, what the fuck are you plebs talking about?


End of ep1. season 1.

Should have opened at the opening scene. God that would have been lovecraftian.

>*Record Scratch*
>Yup, that's me...
>I bet you're wondering how I got myself into this mess...
>Well, it all started one morning when I woke up with a bad cough...

Does this trope predate Lovecraft, or is he the originator of it?

After Lois found out Clark was Superman. The show became so boring and bland after that.


This is a movie, but I was done at this point:


Jesus Christ that picture is fucked.