Republic. Separatists. Neutrals. Rebels. We're mostly pawns...

Republic. Separatists. Neutrals. Rebels. We're mostly pawns. I draw quite a lot of Political understanding and foresight from the Star Wars Universe.
What about you Sup Forums?

Sheev did nothing wrong


Star Wars and my childhood died last year bud. Time to grow up and make sure the things my children love won't become the victims of bastardization too

Did you ever read any of the books? The movies are killable. The books aren't.

Fuck J.J Abrams

>We will never get a pro-Empire movie

>Star Wars and my childhood died last year bud
7 was literally just 4 with new characters and a few throwbacks to the old characters. As a franchise I'd say it died with the CGi children's movie

Zero niggers in Episode IV...


How fucking based was Lucas? That's what happens when you self fund your own movie.

No Hollywood Jew influence = no diversity

Free Dac!

>childrens movie

Because children love politics

Ironically, TFA was more of a children's movie than TPM, it had an easy to follow "borrowed" plot, almost no exposition, Marvel-tier quips and a cute little soccer robot

Y-Wing master race

Fuck all the B-Wing hipster contrarian cunts who can't handle the chunky, rugged glory of the Y-Wing. I piss on your flimsy toothpick ship.

That poster is ruined by the retarded sand speeder

Naw brah, the CGI clone wars shit that transformed star wars from politics to a children's series.

Also, I give it bonus points for having a Jew stereotype (Watto) and a Dindu stereotype (jar jar)

>mfw I waited my entire life for a movie about the clone wars and the Jews gave me a cartoon show instead

I have no idea what you're trying to say. If you're referring to the two clone wars cartoons, then shut your fucking mouth because those are actually good. And even if you don't personally like them, you have to admit they are way fucking better than Rebels, which is the the most kiddie fucking shit ever

The Clone Wars tv shows were fucking awesome. The 2008 feature film was a little lacklustre though.

Star Wars pre-Jew Disney will always have a special place in my heart

CIS did nothing wrong: neocameralist, techno-commercialist master race

Is this fan art? Slave Leia looks all wonky and fat.

I am talking about the movie and subsequent TV series aired on Cartoon network, made with computer generated imaging, covering content from the clone wars

The Tartakovsky clone wars mini series was godlike.