About to watch this. What should I expect?

About to watch this. What should I expect?

It's extremely masturbatory

very lovecraftian kino for intelectuals

He's the girl.
I haven't seen it though.


>figure out the twist within the first five minutes
>be bored for the remaining 90 minutes or what not
good luck

Tranny Time Traveler

Even though I knew where it was going from basically the start I still really liked it.

Feels like there's been a lack of these type of flicks recently

>these type of flicks
What? One trick pony twist movies?

Pretty much. All the sci-fi ones riding off Inception in the early decade.

Guess they milked that cow to the point where people were bored of shamelam twist bullshittery? Isn't that genre(?) attributed to that guy?

>Tranny Time Traveler

Very Very Very accurate.

Weird how a story about a ManLady is after it's self and also has to give birth to itself or else it won't survive in order to stop itself from being a bomber.

Its not that good of a movie, but it's a really cool concept. The entire timeline of everything is honestly really interesting, but the movie itself is dull and gets predictable

>In a bar
>I'm my own grandpa starts playing

sarah snook should've been a big time actor after this. ah well.

Sarah Snook absolutely killin' it.

I see what you did there.

—All You Zombies—

this. dont watch it OP, it's a piece of shit

Just remember this is based on Heinlein which proves lolbergtarians are just greedy libs.

>Read the story years ago
>still got chills at "you know what they say about good things happening to those who wait" line
Where is your god now?