This member berries plot line is really unfunny and repetitive and they need to stop forcing it so hard

This member berries plot line is really unfunny and repetitive and they need to stop forcing it so hard

Member when the things you like were invalidated for being older than some modern thing?

Member when South Park didn't need to rely on continuity?

Member that time we surgically removed the eyeslids of those inner-city elementary school toddlers before sodomizing their eyesockets in that unholy ritual to make Hillary Clinton win the democratic primaries?

I'm liking the new season so far, but Trey and Mark using the formula of making the big bad being something that they can use to bitch about star wars by the
fifth fucking time is cringy even for my standarts.

Just make a internet review goddamit

But what are they members of?

Hack writers club

No they're not

>member president Clinton
>member Obama
>member first _____ president

I guess Matt and Trey didn't 'member

Why is everything they say about Star Wars?

Aren't there more nostalgiac things than that?

I don't even like Star Wars much

Member when someone made a thread almost exactly like this yesterday?

Member when "member" was used as another word for penis?

>Show runs out of steam after twenty seasons

Call the goddamn Washington Post.

'Member when Sup Forums didn't make threads about 'member berries every day?

almost like this thread,

you member this thread?

The problem with the Member Berries plotline is that it's been dragged out across too many episodes.

If it was only in one episode it would have been fine and you would have all liked it.

Oh, I 'member!

South Park is really unfunny and repetitive and they need to stop forcing it so hard.

I think the Member Berries would have been a good plot element if Clinton had won the presidency. Then the climax of the season would have been everyone rejecting the Member Berries and learning the lesson that you can't wallow in nostalgia, and have to move forward.

But then on election day America decided it would rather eat the Member Berries instead, so Matt and Trey are up shit creek without a paddle.

>it's too cringey
>make an internet review instead

jesus christ

Not getting that J.J Abrams is the Big Bad?

Member when South Park was good? Member? Member?

I don't see how either campaigns had anything to do with nostalgia. One was "let's enforce our laws and build a stable economy" and the other was "let's continue the statues quo"

>Voting for a war criminal because her husband was president in LE 90s XD isn't just nostalgia-fagging.

I honestly think the mem'berries were going to win either way. Although, honestly? I like the way the plot is progressing better with a Trump victory than a Clinton one.

Trump won't be better.

I member

Nice pic


>Doesn't like something
>Makes a thread about not liking it every day
I member.