Is she right?

Is she right?

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'course not

aлco, caжa вo вce пoля

No. She is not right.

Every sentence startimg with i need femenism is automatcly wrong.

The only correct sentence that begins with I need, end with Pinochet

Do these people live in some bizarre time warp where they can only see things as they existed in 1950? Men in the US and other parts of the west have been pussified faggots and women boorish cunts since at least the 1990s and the blurring of the sexes has been going on far longer than that. The only place I have ever seen ladylike as a virtue is in a period drama.

So men and women are different.

What a revelation.

You wish. Equality is on the way.

poor Hui.
He's not gonna get any of that white pussy anyway, no matter how far backwards he'd bend.

I don't know. College feminists are all about progressive attitudes, and diversity.

Yep, she's right. Feminism helps women express themselves more freely instead of being subject to the expectations and desires of men. Sup Forums can't handle when women are autonomous, independent, respected, and not treated as sex objects.

>I need straberrism because a strawberry that tastes like chocolate is considered weird



>not understanding gender roles in society and human nature
I bet she has dyke hair and that nobody has ever asked her on a date.

I thought she meant she was a slut, and men are allowed to be sluts without judgement.

looks like shes left wing m8

Dally reminder that feminism is NOT a war on masculinity, but on femininity

> Sup Forums can't handle when women are autonomous, independent

you mean sluts

> not treated as sex objects.

Next time you fuck a girl, don't treat her like a sex object. See if she ever calls you again.

She's saying that she wants to be valued for her intelligence, leadership, strength, independence, and character -- stuff that makes you professionally successful but gets looked down on in women sometimes (though mostly by butthurt, angry men). She's asserting herself. May she be a great success!

weeelll yeah if you put it like this.
a single pity fuck for muh progressive points, maybe.

>intelligence, leadership, strength, independence, and character
>not lady-like

Man, you're dumb.

>Next time you fuck a girl, don't treat her like a sex object. See if she ever calls you again.
Tried it and it works very well. Better quality women like being treated with respect. Timid, shy, conformist, conservative women like being treated according to hegemonic gender norms (i.e. as a sex object) and will not be as rewarding in a relationship because they're too scared and passive. True story.

Women can't handle when women are autonomous.

Fixed that for you.


A man with tits and long hair(both desireable in females) is disgusting and wierd.

Women don't look at things from mens point of view. Empathy is not necessary for them to survive. Just emotional reactions and submitting to "dad" figures.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahqhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha day your wife will fuck a nigger HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

>Men are looked up to for fucking a lot of women.
>Why doesn't society look up to me for fucking a lot of guys.



Of course she is wrong what kind of a cuck are you for even questioning that?
>Feminism is cancer