Would this have made a good graphic novel? I was a very big fan of Keith Thompson's illustrations in the novel...

Would this have made a good graphic novel? I was a very big fan of Keith Thompson's illustrations in the novel, and the story itself was pretty good.

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If Keith can figure out speech bubbles work and Scott knew how to change his dialogue accordingly it probably could

Yeah it seems like trying to write like that wouldbe challanging, but the art was nice, Keith has a very good command of proportions

Very good waifu as well

Don't even get me started

I had not seen this. They're both girls, right?

You can tell the illustrator had a fetish for this sort of thing

I definitely don't remember that one. Was this like bonus art?

Woops meant this

Oh yeah it was some fodder he released for the tumblr crowd who were begging him for it

Keith Thompson is a great artist, but the thing that really makes him stand out is that his taste in design and imagination in terms of backstory is impeccable. (and metal as fuck usually)
As an example: keiththompsonart.com/pages/liche.html

Oh yeah I was surprised at how cool some of his other drawings are. Every single one depicts a really interesting potential story. I think the guy could be a great comic artist

I get a very warhammer feel with a lot of these

also some of the worst OC's on earth

That's nightmarish. Why do OCs never match the universe they're put in?

some of the fan art is half-decent. Better than most of the marvel rubbish I've seen spawned on Deviantart

I don't think the author ever met a Scot in real life, or even a European for that matter

Its a young adult novel, it doesn't matter that much. It's alternative history anyway

can't beat scottish reverse trap waifu tho

I was honestly surprised that Scott didn't weeb out at the Japan portion, very refreshing

>ywn get caught fucking your reverse trap best friend by your mustachioed mentor

Now THAT feels bad, man

Was this Keith's only book?

I believe so

What's the book?

Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld

Why is this art so compelling?

because keith knows how to make every shit interesting.

It's all the proportions, man

This, Mortal Engines and The Oracle Betrayed are the three series I would love to see as comics.

This is that WW1 biopunk series right? I might pick this up.

Yup, and the characters are actually interesting for a young adult novel. Honestly if Scott had written it as an adult novel I think it could've been even better


Jesus looking back on this these kids look really young to be in a combat situation. I know that midshipmen in real life were often only mid teens, so I guess you can chalk it up to different times.