Does anyone else think the level of dialogue on Sup Forums has gone down the toilet lately?

Does anyone else think the level of dialogue on Sup Forums has gone down the toilet lately?

I used to love coming here to engage in intellectually stimulating discussions about shit we're all too much of a pussy to talk about in real life, but it seems that nowadays, the only shit that gets posted here are 3 things:
1) Trump rocks
2) Trump sucks
3) Really makes you think/Really activated my brain/cerebrum/nutsack/etc
4) What did s/he mean?

I miss the days when we actually had productive discussions and where I intellectually checkmated many people here.

I guess nothing lasts forever.
Farewell, Sup Forums. It was nice being here, but my IQ is too high for the level of shit posting here.

Metashitposting is still shitposting.


>3 things
>makes 4 point list

>my iq is too high

>activated my nutsack

Trumpamania has indeed lowered the quality of discussions on this board, bringing us down to an almost Sup Forums tier level and if you point it out, you get memes hurled at you.

See you in a few minutes

while you're somewhat correct, I still see a lot of good discussion and debate here, you must be looking in all the wrong places

babbys first US election

>I only see three things
>four examples
How do you expect this board to have a wide variety of posts when everybody here is as dumb as you?

has anybody else rocketed past the point of no return

i see a "jews did some shit with some impressionable young people & it's shitty & shit" headline & instead of going "what the fuck, society has got to get a handle on itself",

i just shrug

they broke me man i've seen the future & it's bitter & satanic & it reeks like an engine fire & i don't want our girls to go to war & pick pieces of their best friends skull out of their teeth & i don't want girls to be afraid of being ladies & boys to be afraid of being gentlemen & i don't want corporations owning people like shitty b movies

that's what this is, that's where i ended up, i'm in the fucking shitty underbudget parody b film of the real world & it's choking on it's own blood & i'm stuck here

i'm going to die here i don't belong here but this worlds worms are going to eat my tongue & yours too we're ALL STUCK HERE


i loved you all. you all were so full of potential when you were born. it's not your fault. you don't deserve this either. i love you all like my brothers. some of you are assholes & some are addicts & some are cut down by & education system that is no longer designed to help you but god you need to know that when you were born you could have been anything. anything at all. unbridled potential & it gets taken so easily & i'm sorry. you don't deserve this.

it's not your fault boys. it's not your fault.

>OP's point being proven by the replies ITT

Yes it's true and it all started once Trump announced he was running. Im guessing we have an influx of redditors and other retards frequenting the board now along with the increased shill/slide threads.

its reddit

What did he mean by this?

hmmm this thread really made me think

you sound like a lefty cuck

>coming here to engage in intellectually stimulating discussions

>complain about the degeneration of society
>proceed to degenerate our own community regardless

What was our endgame?

Have fun, OP. I heard Mensa meetings have really productive and intellectually stimulating discussions. Maybe that's the place for you.

Dude, 4chin/pol was dead long ago. Come to 8ch.

i try to make good threads about REAL conspiracies but they get slid so fucking fast

Thats a nice pasta, i mean it. Its good.

I love you too. No one deserves the shit they design for us

>really gets the noggin a joggin.

Pretty much this.

This is how you separate the green horn fuc bois from the veterans.

Very close to what happens to Sup Forums every world cup, the only thing with the USA elections it's that it lasts way more than a month.