


Its great!



>not referring to direct works of Lynch as "Lynchian" and seeing how people react


I need to try this


I'm so glad this is a meme now. Pretentious faggots can no longer namedrop without looking like a memelord.



how come Sup Forums only knows like 3 eponymous adjectives they can meme with?


do you guys think david lynch and marshawn lynch are related?






Are there any kinos that really capture the Bogdanoffian vibe?








>Lovecraftian, Kafkaesque, Phildickian, Hemingwayesque, Orwellian, Joycean, Shavian, Ballardian, Shakespearean, Dickensian, Jamesian, Faulknerian, Brechtian, Pinteresque, Mametesque, Tolkienesque, Proustian, Seussian, Bataillean, Bretonian, Pirandellian, Beatlesque, Sadean, Borgesian, Bellmeresque, Byronic, Freudian, Platonic, Brechtian, Joycean, Pinteresque, Machiavellian, Draconian






Mac's mom from It's Always Sunny

formerly huck






Name 9 Hungarian remakes where this could apply



Underrated af

This is a legitimate thing ever since TDKR

Lovecraftian bastard child of lynch.

desu i found the new season of twin peaks very kevin smithian with how they introduced new characters



my farts smell so fuckin bad right nowian


What do you guys think about Riftian art styles?

Are these Bogdanoffian or Bogdanoffianesque?


With this kind of pose there will be no sound at all.
You brapposter realise that right?

Sheriff Skeeter, I am KKK.

What's the rule that separates the -esques from the -ians?





>M.C EscheresquÄ™

If you make another thread like this then you better believe there'll be a lynchian


you mean, the-unbelievably-grotesque-existing-in-union-with-the-overly-banal-esque?

there is something i love about that art style but i can't put my finger on it.

Memes aside, what's a good Rowlingian-type flick

>like a Vermeer painting


>here's the plan
>film cuts away
yo tell me the fuckin plan you niggers


>a riot of nigerian proportions featuring lynchian elements

kuala lumpurian

>What if black people are real
>*muffled rap music in the distance with a dash of ear shattering fart noise*

>When the orwellian shit log is stuck and won't get out of your kafkaesque anus

