



Has nobody told him his dialogues sound retarded?

Bendis, who else?

>trying to push TWO couples with fat dudes

It's like he's not even trying to be subtle.

Ganke and SJW girl seemed pretty cute tho.


Le I talk to the mirror and write down dialogue meme.

>his dialogues sound retarded
And yet his cheques keep clearing ...


is this real or edit?



Filename. You know, the filename.

Filenames are still a thing?

Yes, you retarded dog rapist.

Dog rapist?

All I think when I see this is: shouldn't heroes and such characters be the least whimsical? They see people die, put criminals in jail, work under tremendous stress, etc. I get that they're comics for children, but doesn't dialogue like this sort of ruin the whole point of comics, to show incredible people handling dangerous and dramatic situations?

These heroes often stand in the way of Armageddon, meaning they carry a heavier burden than any president or minister in the world. Could you imagine the american speaking like that chick in those comics panels?

I imagine someone from the outside, like a reporter or something, who meets these heroes. He probably expects the heroes to act somewhat like some mix between rugged soldiers and divine prophets. You know, amazing. Instead, he gets Bendisspeak.

Humphries. Comic book writer.

Why would his boss encourage this? This is Japanese light novel level of writing

No, fuck off Zack Snyder.

Haha yeah