Jesus Christ! How will Trump ever recover from this?

Jesus Christ! How will Trump ever recover from this?

>'I want to thank Trump for making black people number one on the most oppressed list': Donald Glover slams the president's record on race as he takes home two Emmys for Atlanta

the trump campaign and presidency are probably more hostile to muslims but w/e

im not american.
has trump done anything obvious against black people other than exist?

>the most oppressed list
that's Mexicans
jesus christ niggers make everything about them

what did he mean by this?

Nope. not ever. Its fucking over for Trump

impeachment any day now.

More oppressed than Mexicans?

I don't see Trump deporting all the illegal nigger back to Africa.

Hillary backed the Black Lives Matter movement and paid extreme lip service to the African-American community. Trump did not. The fact that he was elected over her makes their community feel threatened, despite the fact that no policy targeting African Americans has changed during the Trump presidency.

blacks are such whiners, always have been
>waa waa, someone over 200 years ago that has no relation to me was enslaved
give it a fucking rest already
the worst part is white people that sympathize with them
>waa waa, my ancestors were smarter and stronger than yours, im sorry

God I wish he would though

I'm pretty sure Mexicans are getting it worse, Trump's been trying to kick them out and build a wall to keep them out since before he even got elected.


niggers just have a perpetual victim complex and any republican white man as president = an oppressor of blacks

nevermind the fact that democrats are historically the slavery party and that welfare has decimated the black family unit

blacks have no foresight and no sense of who their actual enemies are

Blacks are upset cos Trump has been more hostile to Muslims and Hispanics and they feel their oppressed status slipping so are ramping up the victim complex where possible.

>build a fence



I think he was taking the piss at how the media is pandering to blacks more than ever before because of "DRUMPF!!"

>im a black millionaire at a party attended only by the upper 0.01% elite, holding a literal gold statue for a show entirely about black people that was watched, financed and voted to win by white people, and I am \ oppressed


in fact he fought for golf clubs to accept black members back in the 80s or 90s.

and trump has the backing of the only black POTUS candidate, ben carson.

Wait a second here, i'm not american but i remember people making a big hub bub about him going directly against mexicans, when and how did it all turn about black people?

Yeah, that's why I said trying, not succeeding. What's your point?




Glad to see the liberal oppression Olympics never stops.


What? How did Trump make blacks so oppressed? And he said that while collecting an award for his job of playing pretend for exorbitant amounts of money?

Trump and Hillary Clinton are no different, they have been good friends for decades , he was at her marriage with Bill. Does anybody think these two share the same views on black pp and other minorities? They're both racist and greedy. They were two faces of the exact same coins and their policies are identical.
The only differences is Trump campaigned for the racist right wingers and she campaigned for leftists.


Fences can't even keep dogs within a yard or deer from being roadkill.

Reminder that only 1-2% of white people ever owned slaves in America.there were black slave owners too

This was satirical right? Wasn't he just making fun of how white liberals view blacks as being so oppressed and take pity on them? Trump has clearly done nothing to negatively impact black people since assuming office.

Nah it's just how you get work in hollywood.

>black people number one on the most oppressed list
He's right about that but the reason for it is abortion, not Trump.

>despite the fact that no policy targeting African Americans has changed during the Trump presidency.

Except under Trump Jeff Sessions has started to dismantle the programs aimed to improve transparency and root out police brutality in order to better the police force's ties to the community. And Trump jokes about cops bashing people's heads against the car when arresting them.

It does rub me the wrong way to be demonized constantly in the media when I can trace my family back exactly. Both sides came over in shortly after the year 1900. One side came from Wales, one side came from Germany. What have they benefited from slavery? And even if they had, why should I pay for it?

Kinda. I actually think Hillary is more conservative than Trump if you look back and listen to her old interviews. The main difference is that she actually knows how to get things done in the government.

>she actually knows how to get things done in the government.

name ONE major, positive accomplishment of hillary's in her "long career"

she did fucking nothing

>how are blacks oppressed?
>muh police
Literally every time. It's such a nice issue, can't you come up with something else? We've all seen the crime statistics.

Destroying Libya. Checkmate.

Like what? Police brutality is not strictly related to black people, you fucking racist.

*niche issue

I had a hard time seeing her as anything other than the "wife" of the President who fucked interns.

I didn't say she knows how to get good things done. I just think she has a better understanding of how to weasel her way in to certain situations. She was a large driving factor behind us getting involved in Libya.

>black in the entertainment industry
>ever making fun of the liberals in said industry


I have to work with black people. Going to work is literally hell.

They're so fucking loud and dumb and I have to hear their gibberish bullshit and ACK ACK ACK ACK laughing every 3 minutes while they talk about wanting to fuck white women while I have to hide my utter contempt and disdain for them.

One of the nigger cooks always gives me the food he screws up though.

I'm european and I wish my country had a president like trump

None of it makes any sense when people put even an ounce of thought into it. Why does no one go after Muslims for some of the worst slavery practices in history during the ottoman empire? It's all a ploy to increase government control. Some people are waking up but with demographic shifts we might be fucked.

I would think that the joke would be that blacks aren't number one on the most oppressed list anymore. Couldn't it be possible that OP changed the quote and is false-flagging in order to laugh at all of you for falling for it?

Trump was birther.

Technically the award is gold plated.

I've worked with blacks a couple of years ago. They tend to have a disdain for anyone including the manager for telling them to actually do fucking work. The sad part is I'm half black and growing up around them I can tell you that they're the most racists out of any race I've known.

>Couldn't it be possible that OP changed the quote
No I am not. Go fucking watch his acceptance speech, you fucking cunt

trump simply isnt fucking racist

just the political machine doing what it does

I sincerely hope you can still get sickle cell disease

does he mean the best dressed list? i don't think there's any such thing as the most oppressed list.

>increase government control
Can you elaborate? I think I follow, if you're suggesting identity politics = Democrat votes = bigger government. I read a while back that the reason Hollywood got in bed with the Democrats is because they relied on their big government policies to survive.

Hopefully you kept all the fast-twitch muscle fibers without the low IQ

How can one man be so brave?

He isn't.
The left is just pissing itself in rage because their candidate lost.
Carl the Cuck wouldn't be a thing if he were a racist.

He is still racist against Mexicans, it's just black people have no right to be angry about him.

Why? Let's not be mean.

Oh lord, someone said something bad about my dear leader. Better make a thread on Sup Forums about that.

oh please

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists"

Lmfao ok faggot


How? What has he said against mexicans that are legal citizens?

nice try commie

Shouldn't you be getting ready for school kid?

Hillary Clinton lost, get over it

Based black men stand for Trump

golf clubs didn't accept members in the 90s?

>upholding your country's constitution and immigration laws is racist
I have a hard time imagining how anyone could NOT be racist against Mexicans, but what Trump's trying to do to secure the border is just common sense and something even Democrats were pushing for not long ago (see Bill Clinton's speech on illegal immigration when he was president).

No. The media painted Trump as Hitler so that's who they think was elected.

>identity politics = Democrat votes = bigger government
Basically this.
>Tell white people that they and their ancestors have been systemically disadvantaging and discriminating against black people and minorities (and are still doing so).
>Convince them the way to solve this is to increase access to welfare, food stamps, free healthcare (all of which actually keep minorities in generational poverty and make them less healthy).
>Raise taxes to pay for it while creating a bunch of useless state and federal agencies that do nothing other than suck up money from regular hard working people who just want to have a family and get government out of their life.

Uhm.. okay, last I heard he didn't call you a rapist and a murderer on national tv

>meme hat
>meme shirt
>meme opinions
I despise attentionwhore of all credos and races, fuck anyone who lives 100% for politics

I will never get over them using "snowflake" as an insult. The very concept of individuality is an affront to them.


Reddit is down the hall and to the left you unholy mongoloid

>not sending their best
>some I guess are good people

just a prank bro

No. In fact, Trump was awarded a Civil Rights medal alongside Rosa Parks in the 80s. Black people loved Trump right up until he decided to run for President, then the media started their smear campaign because they wanted Hillary to win. He's not racist at all.

my god, it's like jim crow all over again.

Referring to illegals. Next.

This is why Gary Johnson was the best candidate, he called out Trump's racism before it was popular and ran on a campaign of libertarian individualist.

How new are you? Be honest friendo.

A lot of clubs didn't accept blacks or women for quite a long time. Augusta National(where they have the Masters) didn't accept its first black member until like post-2000.

democrat here who actually voted for Hillary


Like, not at all.

You COULD argue he did something to women I guess with the GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY thing but that was just Trump being Trump AKA the 80's personified

Or to Transsexuals with the army thing, but that was just a move to cut the Armys welfare cost because trans service members were having their transition surgery and medical care done on the Army's dime. Which, liberal cuck that I am, I don't think it should be: it's not a health issue. Even if you wanted to argue mental health, the Army already offers psychiatric services. Not that our medical care for the military isn't a goddamn disorganized over worked under funded understaffed clusterfuck of the highest degree, but that is hardly new.

>golf clubs didn't accept members in the 90s?

Golf Clubs are very restrictive about membership, or used to be, and generally limited their membership to very specific clientelle or well to do families. Which, being that old money afro americans is impossible since they didn't start getting rich until the 70's, meant functionally that no they didn't accept black people. It was a sort of soft racism that wasn't racially motivated, but motivated by social class.

Donald Trump - and here's the beauty of Donald Trump, something i've realized other democrats don't see - Donald Trump doesn't see race. He doesn't see gender. He doesn't see sexuality. Donald Trump see's MONEY. That, and people liking him, is ALL he cares about in a person. For instance that's why he has such a hard on for Putin - Putin has money, Trump respects money. Trump is/was also liked in Russia cause he did a lot of business over there after the Russian Mob bailed him out of insolvency.

How exactly is Trump oppressing Black people again?

"Conservatism is the new counterculture" is the gayest statement ever made since "I suck cocks"

That's the thing liberals don't realise.
The races they claim are oppressed are the most oppressive ones. Niggers hate faggots and are violent with their women. Same goes for sandniggers.
White males on the other side get pegged by women and suck cock at gay parades.

>Mexicans are a race
Education in Burgerland, gentlemen.

doesn't it lean more towards the fragility of a snowflake now?

He's done so much good for race relations in America. The best!

Its bascially the mentality being embraced by the alt-right and on some level it's true, since the media (with the exception of Fox) started to pitch more towards the left after Bush got elected, mostly because of the hilarious dog and pony show that was.

He's right though. Most Mexicans that cross the boarder are lazy, mooch off the government and/or are criminals who end up in gangs. Very few of them are actually trying to become citizens and contribute to society.


And Trump makes Dubya look like Eisenhower by comparison

Libtards white guilt faggots throw all non whites into one big pool of self victimizing shit. They like to forget that they hate each other as much or more than they hate white people.

More oppressed than natives? God, African Americans are so self-absorbed.

Nope you are wrong. I am white but most mexicans are very patriotic and often work harder and for less pay than the so-called white "native" citizens.