I'm a 3rd year filmographist and I made this video essay explaining why Marvel movies are ugly

I'm a 3rd year filmographist and I made this video essay explaining why Marvel movies are ugly.


thoughts? Yes, this is being graded by the professor.

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Acknowledging the coloring of the movies could be a bit better, its still the best we have as far as super hero movies. I mean you wanna talk ugly super heroes just look at Zach Snyder's Superman movies.

>You fool! You've made one of the classic blunders! The most well-known of which is don't start a thread on /aco/ with "no diapers pls", but only slightly less important is "Never start a thread with an OP image more interesting than the topic!"
Now, who wants to discuss Wanda's sweater puppies?

>the best we have as far as super hero movies

Nolan trilogy shits on everything Marvel ever produced.

>spamming this shit for weeks for attention

This has made its internet rounds through the past few days. Don't pretend faggot.

Marvel movies do look like cheap shit, though.

>Even Marvel-centric SJW Gawker sites are spreading this around.


The tide is turning. Welcome to Trump's America.

honest question - how much debt will you be in once you graduate, and what are your job prospects like?

because majoring in marvel filmmaking critique sounds like you'll be very well-informed behind the drive-thru window.

I cant believe how insecure you are, to the point where you have to deflect. Absolutely pathetic.

Regardless of how good Batman Begins and Dark Knight were, they were both still super dark and ugly cinematography-wise. Also, they are responsible for DC's big dark and gritty asetetic push so fuck em.

This. If you're going to college for anything except a STEM degree, do the rest of the world a favor and fucking kill yourself right now.

First post already talking about Snyder. He really is a true hero.

He is trully the Steve Universe of movie directors, or the Marvel comics of the movie industry.

Shit is usually the first thing to be mentioned here, because people like to complain about shit, , and this is mentioned a lot in this context.

This is the dark souls of Sup Forums posts

Delete this lewd pic of my lizfu


Yes, my brother of African descent, what do you have to add to this discussion?

Jokes on you, I have a LA degree and work in a museum and am pretty happy with my life and don't have to aggressively shitpost to get my jollies. :^)

It's a stone, Luigi. You didn't make it.

Dude, you are so petty. Like my heroes Mike and Jay, I understand that true film expertise is more important than money. I will make my youtube channel bigger by doing analytical movie reviews, the kind of stuff you have to be professional to discuss. This will tide me over until my big break in Hollywood.

Oh hey I saw this on reddit and I totally agree with the video. The coloring is so bad I felt sucked out of the movie at times and I couldn't help but feel like I was watching a film set. The first Avengers movie especially when they're running around New York and it looked so bland.

Wanda's got great titties. Why are they great? Because a godlike robot given sentience by another robot, who should at that point be completely detached from humanity, fell for 'em.

That's all I've got.