Who wrote this fucking character?

Who wrote this fucking character?

For what purpose? To further squash the birth rate of industrialized countries?


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She's so cute.

to provide thicconnoisseurs with some eye candy in between the endless debates over gabagool and mortadell'

They had to fill the jew quota

What kinda nips does she have?

Admit it you would chuckesquly want to seed in her sneed. and make her clean you with her mouth.

Why wasn't Finn killed since he pretty much started the fire Vito was gay.

Have you never met an annoying teenage girl who gets more annoying after she starts college? Most realistic character in the series, IMO.

It was a different time..

But that is completely wrong.

she was nice and juicy like right when she was going to college in the show they she got super skinny and gross.

Tony wouldn't do that to Meadow and all he did was tell the truth. He tried to keep it secret but the women yakked. Besides, until Phil started chimping out the Soprano crew almost found it hilarious and I doubt they would have killed Vito.

I wish women would keep that baby fat on their faces for their entire lives. It's one of the most attractive features a woman can have.

Watch the series, there was one or two moments when you can see them through her shirt.

cant believe tony never beat the shit out of her during her bratty moments

>almost found it hilarious

Yeah, right. Most of them found it revolting, Christopher tried to crack a joke but was instantly silenced by Tony who was angry that he couldn't think of an excuse of why not to kill him once it gets out

By whom? By Vito? He didn't have the opportunity to do so, and by the way, the whole thing started cause he was spotted in the gay bar. I don't remember exact consequenses of Finn's confession, except Carmella and her friends gossiping about it.

Tony only appears to be the "strict father" type, but he never even beat AJ, not to mention Meadow.

this is one of my favorite scenes

>you will never rub her thicc hips and belly and tuck and pull on her clothes eventually moving your hand up her shirt and squeezing her right tit while you slide her loose fitting pajamas pants off with your other hand

My sister was exactly like Meadow during high school and college.
My aunt is exactly like Janice.
This show hit pretty close to home at times.

Not beating his kids is pretty much the only good thing Tony ever did. In fact, that's basically what the whole show is about.

Some associates found Vito at the gay club first. They would have investigated and found out sooner or later.

Meadow is a great character.

She's like the moral compass of the family, hypocritical SJW spoiled rich kid, good girl next door, daddy issues crazy girl who is fiercely loyal to her family at the end of the day all rolled into one.

And there are very good reasons for it. Watch closer.

The actress suffered from major body issues throught the whole show.

BTW OP is a faggot.

i find it pretty unbelievable that a man who's violent and kills people left and right would never lay a hand on their kids but that's just my opinion

Are you fucking dense? The major point of his affection for animals and children is him over-compensating for being super cruel. He is literally a sociopath and they spelled it out in the show while you were checking reddit I guess.

I know that feel. My father comes from a long line of disgusting staten island wops. My grandmother was livia soprano to a tee

fug me too and I'm also AJ

>tfw your parents love you just because they're absolute sociopathic bastards

Scary thought isn't it? Think about what this would do to you once you are starting to understand that.

eh, I'm probably a bastard too so who cares
you just have to watch out when people are behaving abnormally nice, they might be up to something

wait, how do you know Vito was gay?

She goes from ZOG puppet to red pilled, what's your point? She's also bae.

I think Chase hinted it when he showed Vito sucking other man's cock, or i am overanalyzing it?

he dropped a coin... Fin hasn't slept plus he was smoking weed and getting drunk that night, he clearly wasn't in the right state of mind to make that judgement.

I'll give her some gabagool if you smell what I'm cooking

Lots of good parents are like that, they will fucking kill you for their kids without a second thought, never mind ruin your life. That's a working society, in fact.