So i just saw a convoy of 16 high altitude bombers at mach speeds just fly over okanogan, wa

So i just saw a convoy of 16 high altitude bombers at mach speeds just fly over okanogan, wa.


>bombers at Mach speeds

Pray tell, how did you measure that?

I live in a little nobody special town in a valley between two mountains. Our airport just outside of town launched two fighters that regularly leave from there and were headed towards the boarder.

Shit is going down. B.O.B on the ready, boys.

I just saw a Russian missile cruiser on the Colorado River near Austin, Texas. It's time to panic boys.

A nuke-tipped ICBM just flew over my house. Looks like it's actually happening

No, if it ever "happens" you'll hear the tornado sirens go off in a pattern you've never heard before. Your parents will know what it means because they did bomb drills when they were in school.

which part of the lake?

I just saw Ho-oh flying over my house.


Just saw 3 isis glider carriers and a picture of Mohammed giving a thumbs up in my bathtub.

>what are sonic booms

an ekranoplane with ebola patient zero strapped to the nose as a warhead has just flown by my izba
time to turn the heater up, I guess

Just saw Osama bin ladens ghost give harambes spirit a rim job In front of the Albany Town Hall
What does this mean?

Nice picture of the sky. I'm totally convinced now.

APD just stopped them for having a motorized boat west of I-35, sound the all clear

Saturday I saw an F-18 screaming west over Sacramento.
Our local AFB's don't have Hornets

Its called an exercise. Literally saw yhis shit every day when I was in the Navy.

Mach 0.3

someone got a khz?

nobody gives a fuck let them bomb our shit to no end im safe

There are literally 4 Russian nuclear submarines surfacing in the Great Salt Lake here in Utah. I'm literally watching them with my binocs. One of them literally has Red October written on the side of it. Utah is literally fucked.

guess they were stealth bombers