

more of an experience than a movie

for better or for (often) worse, this. pretty good example of art house that tips a little too far over into pointless territory

They don't make 'em like this too often. Be thankful you are aware of it.

That cannot be comfortable

nah it was gay

at least primer convinced me it was 2deep4me instead of just needlessly obscure garbage

Unironically this.

I meant it sincerely! quit trying to twist my words.

Classic revenge story.

But I mean it. The film depresses me by showing such a transcendent relationship between two people and that's why I like it so much.

I agree that it was trippy and "deep", but it least there was a way of piecing together a meaningful story out of it, unlike the garbage David Lynch makes.

one of the few things a definitely enjoyed about the film was the amount of time spent without any dialogue. that suited the film and made the atmosphere much more deep and pensive

Almost perfect film, the almost is because I could hear the bullets hitting the steel trap when he recorded the two gun shots. Those broke my immersion, but that's just /k/ autism.

Caruth is a fucking hack and this is his career's suicide note

If you unironically think this was ground breaking, insightful, deep, or poignant you need to grow the fuck up. It is a piece of meaningless, vapid, overwrought garbage from a pompous moron of a writer/director/producer/star.

>more of an experience than a movie

You what...yeah. I agree with this assessment.

no YOU'RE a pleb

I'm going to assume it's pretty epic from the Lovecraftian-esque post

You're going to be immensely disappointed.

it looked pretty though

Yeah it's more Kafkaesque-ian

Is it more kafka-core or something?


I honestly don't get most ppl's reaction's to this movie - I didn't find it all that pretentious of hard to follow. It's actually pretty comfy despite the subject matter being quite heavy. Great film to watch falling asleep.

I thought it was really cool how the whole film was shot on a cheap DSLR camera.

True movies never are, but they are worth watching. Explore the boundaries of cinema and you'll learn to appreciate the cinema for what it truly is.

i don't really think it's all that ""deep"". it can pretty much be reduced down to how people respond to and cope with trauma differently.

>not able to piece together Lynch's movies even though he gives you the key
Thanks brainlet

More Anno-esque


>the "Thief" is a brown man who brainwashes and steals white people's identities
>the "Sampler" is a lonely old white guy who creates a connection between the "Sampled" and non-kosher animals
>one of the "Sampled", a white woman, kills the old white guy despite him not being at fault
What did Shane mean by this?

Never, never, fucking ever say that while on a date.


David Lynch's movies are dumb and you are also dumb.

It made me feel some kind of way when it dawned on me these people are only together because the pigs choose one another.

But I like it. Very dreamy movie with a great soundtrack

Kill yourself

I meant literally the laying down in a bathtub together

I watched it high on shrooms and enjoyed it.

Actual kino

This, literally the only requirement of a film is to look beautiful

literally felt like I was high when I watched it

are shane-sama and amyfu married yet

i really really can't tell if first user is joking or not. i want him to be, but i have the feeling he just sucks