Do you think there was any impropriety between Donald Trump and Pam Bondi...

Do you think there was any impropriety between Donald Trump and Pam Bondi, when he made that donation through his charity to her campaign?

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doesn't look enough like ivanka, gonna say no

Isn't it like the only "charitable" donation he's made in a decade or something

probably, but that's the way the system is designed. it's good to know Trump knows how to work it in his favor.

Imagine if Hillary Clinton had done this, HOLY shit. We would never hear the end of it.

Sean Hannity's head would be spinning around while he spit up pea soup.

He has a charity organization, he personally hasn't donated to his charity since 2008, he illicits other people to donate to it and then uses their money in his charity fund to donate to charities, but this time he used his charity to donate to Pam Bondi's campaign, which is a huge no no and why he got into shit with the IRS.

But if that's logical, this means Hillary have given blow jobs to most of the middle east.

In all fairness she should step aside and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the matters. It's the only fair thing not only for the people but also Trump. The optics of this are just rancid.

Although Pam Bondi is as dumb as a pile of bricks, I have no idea why Floridians elected that Barbie doll. Trump need to avoid her like a mosquito in Florida.

That's corruption. What he did is illegal and why he was fined. He's lucky no jail time came with it. But every time he says crooked hillary I'm going to start bursting out laughing from now on.

I love the double standards Sup Forums have. Trump gets involved in a scandal and it's all crickets here.

Hillary coughs and anons scream to the heavens.

You people are as ridiculous as you are dumb.

If Hillary had done this Sup Forums would be shitting itself right now.

>probably, but that's the way the system is designed. it's good to know Trump knows how to work it in his favor.
So when Hillary does it, it's corruption and part of the establishment, but when Trump does it, good for him?

How can Trump run against the system when he still games the system?

This is corrupt as fuck.

>do you think there was any impropriety between Hillary
and every shit country, and corporation
when they Bribed her?

Nice deflection hoss.

i think he may have laid some pipe in her state, if you know what i mean

Trump has an oil line?

Trump wasn't secretary of state or in senate

People are talking of putting him in charge of state though.

yeah but unless he is doing shifty stuff while in office I don't care
at the moment he is bribing which is a lot less morally wrong than getting bribed

They're both equally abhorrent.

but they aren't
one is doing something illegal for money
the other is giving money illegally for something they want

If he does it when he is elected, then it's a problem.
While he's a private citizen, he can do what he wants.

They're both illegal and going against the standards that we as a society have put in place to ensure fairness, it's crooked as fuck.

i agree but I still don't think buying favor is worse than selling favor

like if your dad took your computer and sold it you would get mad at your dad not the person who bought it. now replace computer with political favor.

I'd be pissed at bot and at this point I think both Trump and Hillary have proven themselves to be unfit for the office of the Presidency. I wish we could reset with two respectable different candidates from each major party.

i wasn't making the case that both aren't bad
my case was that one is worse than the other

do you think there was any impropriety between hillary and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi?

When she was sending them weapons amphetamines intell and cash ?

or what about trying to assassinate Vladimir Putin ?

Maybe, but why not bring up the millions of dollars the Clinton foundation accepted from middle Eastern countries shortly before she approved weapons deals for them?