Nick, what's going on big guy? You just tripped my wife

Nick, what's going on big guy? You just tripped my wife.

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*deep introspective music*


What was the underlying theme of this skit?

The conflict between loyalty to family and loyalty to your partner (but exaggerated)
Kinda hit home in a weird way

One of few sketches from him where I really laughed

Nick > Charls > Sam

normies don't have the stomach to make a scene out of a situation, even when the situation grows out of control. note how sam always keeps a calm demeanor, joking even, even though the wife lays bloody and bashed

you guys make me sick when i look at you but its not because of you you'remy brother and i love you it's this DOG of a woman you married

Two themes:

1. Absurdity. Don't think that needs explaining.
2. Making an example of weakness in standing up for what you believe in against opposition.

I saw him at Ted
I saw him at the comedy club
I've seen lots of his youtube videos
I saw all his episodes

he just isn't funny. only that shooter meme about him is funny

do you really wanna sit here and go through the rigamaroo?

what's goin on big guy?

you sure do follow him around alot even if you dont think he is funny

he used to spam constantly on Sup Forums

Sam should really be a voice actor:

Someone does something absurdly violent and the opposing party tries to have a overly rational discourse only for them to demand reparations. Seems like a few modern analogs exist

Same spends his days retweeting random people.

My account only has like 40 followers and he retweets me and followed me.


Not at all. It's about people being so conflict adverse they maintain peace by allowing every transgression and reinterpreting it as not an attack. The final episode is all about peace and this skit reflects numales and western nations as a whole. If we say we never care then we've never been hurt so we win somehow.


His Jamaican accent was even better on TheNeedleDrop's podcast

You're looking way too hard at this

>my field hockey wife

Humble brag, my dude

I'm chiming in because I think this is MDE's best skit.

It's about humanitarianism being retarded. In the face of ridiculously blatant violence against his wife, Sam chooses to believe that his brother is a good guy and do nothing about it. Humanitarians believe that humans don't have the capacity to be "evil" and as a result a lot of reprehensible shit is completely looked over (in this century, Islam).

In previous centuries, this was Gandhi telling the Jews that they should commit suicide so that the Nazis would be embarassed by the way they were treating the Jews. In a world where people are *choosing* actions unbeholden to some morality that was prescribed to them, responding to violence with morality is laughable.

He's not, that's exactly what this and the whole show are about. The subtitle "world peace" is a jab at Kantian/Marxist idealism.

Before Marx, philosophical thinkers believed that you couldn't have a peaceful society with nonhomogenous peoples, or even worse, atheists. If you didn't have everyone adhering to the same definitions of right and wrong, or if you had someone who didn't *believe* in right or wrong, then people were bound to hate eachother, end up killing eachother, and just generally conflict. Marx came along and said "hey look at me, I'm an atheist and I know right and wrong, right and wrong isn't vague religious babble, it's real!". And so humanitarianism came about, with a bunch of people (Gandhi, MLK, Tich Nhat Han) preaching world peace.

The problem is that the most powerful strata of society tend to moral relativism no matter what which is why attempts at peace between radically different people in close proximity have ended in genocides for quite a while (ex. Holocaust, post WW2 russia, rhodesia, India, Armenia, Palestine)

>Gandhi telling the Jews that they should commit suicide so that the Nazis would be embarassed by the way they were treating the Jews

In Ghandi's defense, that wasn't about humanitarianism, he just hated Jews and liked Hitler.

Yeah but Sam doesn't give a shit that his wife got smashed through a table. He smirks at the end.

wtf I love the little street shitter now


Someone on twitter posted the Toss it project vid wishing for a season and MDE replied with "you never know"

couldnt screenshot cause I saw ir on my phone but check it out

yeah Sam mentioned he's gonna self fund S2 on Dick Masterton's podcast the other day

What I like about these skits is that they are so different from what we're always force-fed that it's almost impossible to understand at first. Instead of actually enjoying the skit, I find myself asking, "well how is this politicized to support alt-right racists?" and things like "how is this skit wrong?"

>Marx came along and said "hey look at me, I'm an atheist and I know right and wrong, right and wrong isn't vague religious babble, it's real!"

Do you know who Kant is?

do you think that's intentional, or that he found the skit funny to be in?

You do know world peace was a title voted on by the community out of a huge pool of completely nonsensicap jokes, right? If the name was so deeply important why would they do it like that?

>charls calls australia a shit hole

>another shill thread by Sam and his homeless buddy
Wew lad, how embarrassing

Good post junior!

t. Autism
>muh deep symbolism
You're like those overanalysing rich and morty or xra bitchbois.
MDE is shit, wp was shit covered in several layers of irony, basically tim and Eric 2: autistic boogaloo and everybody is better off with it being off the air. Thank god.

lmao! and i think I'd make a great addition to your team at Best Buy!!!! fucking brilliant!

Imagine thinking film and television analysis is even 1/10th this philosophical.

This is why film people/majors/critics are 99% failures. They are so up their own asses with useless crap. As non-scientists, they give nothing to modern society but vapid hand wringing contests about who can throw "-ian" on the end of some hack directors name.

It's literally about trying your hardest to find the most obscure "meaning" in any work. Not trying to find objective truth or the ACTUAL reason for it. If you morons had a clue you would have looked up MDE's reasoning and explanations for their work, but instead you masturbate intellectually thinking it buys you credit.

You should all off yourselves, starbucks won't miss you.

Did anyone else catch that leak of the alt cut of episode 6 the other day
>that Dads sketch

Hatred of women

>he didn't get his swag from




Sometimes angry populations flip cars over and even KILL POLITICIANS