Baby Driver

What's the verdict Sup Forums?

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it was good, but i'm sure Sup Forums probably thinks it's "reddit"

Pretty badly cliche filled generic overwritten mess that goes on for 30 minutes too long.

>goes on for 30 minutes too long
i disagree with the rest of what you said, but i'll give you that. i really don't like how 2 hours is the new 90 minutes

it sucked all the way in

there was a glimpse of decency in Hamm's character but that rapidly fail too

happy I didn't spend a ticket with this

I don't hate on the runtime, I hate the fact that the entire third act is a complete shitshow.
Jon Hamm has a "finale" fight with Baby literally THREE times, absolutely absurd and ridiculous. The diner girl seeing people being murdered left and right and she's still with the guy who she met a week ago. Kevin Spacey doing an 180 on his entire character in an instant just because he sees the girl and suddenly giving his life for Baby and his girl, even though he was ready to kill him and his family seconds ago just to get some more money. It's like Wright forgot about character development for half of the characters so he did it all in the last 15 minutes. Constant cheesy lines left and right. Kevin Spacey playing Kevin Spacey. Jamie Foxx playing Jamie Foxx. Absolutely cliche ending scene.
All this just in the last 30 minutes.

The movie could've been 4 hours long and I would have no problems with it if it was good and made sense in terms of it's narrative, this was just embarassing by the end.
Still baffled by the critical praise.

>bothering to see a 20-year-old behind the wheel, that seasoned, hardened criminals seemingly trust with their money and their lives
>bothering to defend the idiot that made such dreck and expected people to believe it could ever be reality

Hello, millennial. The lead in this so-called "film" (a dishonest one, at that) is completely devoid of anything resembling "character". As you also possess none, allow me to explain.

Character is what's developed over a multitude of years, whether it be from working a shift at an abattoir and having some gruesomely-hilarious stories to tell your coworkers and/or friends, to being a getaway driver who's honed one's craft ALSO over a multitude of years, and probably has some hilarious stories to tell as well. You know - the stories one acquires from having actually lived life, as opposed to primping one's self in an upper-class cocoon one calls "home" and remaining blemish-free for the majority of one's entire 20 years.

Character, user, that usually manifests itself in lines across one's face - notably the forehead, around the mouth and around one's eyes. Lines that, should another person see them, they would automatically associate those lines with "I bet that person has some stories to tell." In this case, "Baby" has NO stories to tell. He has NO character. He has NO experience, NO interesting facial features and NO charisma. He is Gumby behind a steering wheel. One's immersion is ruined before one even decides to brave such a film, and one is left immeasurably-disappointed by the experience.

Unless of course, one is a millennial who has no idea about what "character" is.

THAT, user, is what I'm talking about. Character. Do YOU have any?

really bad music

For something billed for how great the music is I was not impressed. It has some hamfisted dance steps that sync to the music and that's about it.
Other than the obvious stuff about babys character. I feel that the whole last part of the movie was unnecessary. By that I mean the diner scene, spaceys character redemption and the final fight with Buddy. It was really just there as padding IMHO.
I found baby's longing for the typical 1950s ride and gal interesting. It speaks volumes about people who like baby.

>Character, user, that usually manifests itself in lines across one's face - notably the forehead, around the mouth and around one's eyes
that's called aging, not character, dumbass lol

enjoyable enough, although not a fan of elgort and some of the music choices

>Unless of course, one is a millennial who has no idea about what "character" is.

Would also have accepted "redditor". You're a fucking idiot.

why did critics like this movie so much? 93% RT rating is just insane

Millennials with no character, detected

Isn't this just a rip-off of drive?

I think everyone was just happy to see jon hamm doing stuff again

It really isn't, the only same thing is that they both drive, this is just a yet another "entertaining" summer action flick and that's it.

also the waitress and involvement in illegal activities

hollywood can rip off whatever they want because they can just say it's a """homage"""

Worst Edgar Wright flick.

It was fun

I thought it was hella fun, but you're very right about Doc's face turn. That felt very off compared to how he's been portrayed before


But it's a British film.

garbage. reminder that edgar wright is 43 years old. he is technically a decent enough film maker but needs to grow the fuck up.

>For something billed for how great the music is I was not impressed. It has some hamfisted dance steps that sync to the music and that's about it.
I find it strange how in a couple of interviews, people have been saying how Edgar Wright used the original 'idea' for Baby Driver in a music video, and since then, people have also used his 'idea'. Like ... was your idea putting action to music?

The epitome of justturnyourbrainoffandenjoy

>both autistic loner drivers
>both fall in love with waitresses
>both want to just drive, not do dirty business
>both get involved with a heist that goes to shit and fucks up everything
>villains use love of waitress to coerce both driver
>both end up on the run either locked up or dying

It was stylish and entertaining, but I didn't really like it as much as I thought I would. The plot was so fucking cliche and cheesy.


name a single british film in the past 50 years that was actually british and not an anglo-american collaboration

they don't exist and thus there are no functional differences, the same thing can be said for every english language movie that isn't either indie or too irrelevant for the big studios to care about

>but you're very right about Doc's face turn. That felt very off compared to how he's been portrayed before
Literally throughout the whole film he treats Baby far better than anyone else, defending him whens others try to tease him, letting him case a joint with his nephew and asking him if the job should still happen. I don't understand how in the circumstances of them killing those cops causing them to obviously go after the crew and doc and the absolutely massive police attention making it almost impossible to use Baby as well as the he loved someone too thing makes it so impossible for him to help him out

Lily James was cute as fuck in this movie.

the world's end

He literally says he'll kneecap Baby or hurt the people he cares about if he doesn't do a job. He's an evil fucker and the fact that he didn't kill Baby then and there for bringing the heat on him made no sense

The same can be said for films which are seen as 100% American. The recent Star Wars films for example, are made in the UK using superior British production crews, set designers and prop guys.

obvious tarantino inspiredthat just comes off like a really shitty kevin smith movie... but you know it's great because edgar wright does such a good job on those cutaway scenes

It was alright, but it was completely unoriginal, the ending was dragged out too long, and the lead was just a bad actor. The only reason it was still alright is because other movies suck so much more than this. Best thing about this movie is the soundtrack.

Im in the doctors office right now for tinnitus. Im still not %100 I even have it because the people I read about online say it's unbearable but I manage with it. I only hear it at night. Has anyone else seen a doctor about this, im in the waiting room now

And when they go to get his tapes Joseph ends up perfectly okay, Babys a far greater asset to him alive and actually wanting to work for him
>He's an evil fucker and the fact that he didn't kill Baby then and there for bringing the heat on him
How did you manage to confuse Baby with Jamie Foxx

>How did you manage to confuse Baby with Jamie Foxx
I didn't

He's still an evil fucker and it made no sense thematically. They were never a team. Baby was a hostage

It is a well directed movie with a bad script that doesn't go anywhere.

Music is barely recognizable to Gen Y/Millenials.

Only redeeming part of the movie is Jon Hamm and that nephew kid.

>He's still an evil fucker and it made no sense thematically. They were never a team. Baby was a hostage
I'm not sure you'd trust a hostage with your nephew and deciding whether to do a job or not

>nephew kid

the kid that cases the bank with Baby that was Spacey's nephew

I got that, I'm just not sure why why you call him a redeeming part.

I'm not him but why the fuck didn't you just say that in the first place instead of spamming punctuation marks?

Much confusion.

>I got that
kek, no you didn't.



there's something wrong with his face

They're called sunglasses

nah man it's his nose or something

Those are scars.

There was something wrong with it. Was it retarded?

No, he was fast.

it's "reddit"

fun flick

>he wuz a good boi he dindu nuffin
if he were black, there would be non-stop complaining.

he looks too much like a kid, like a 10 year old kid. that's the problem.

it's just his nose bunches up when he opens his mouth, his resting face is fine

Scott Pilgrim > Baby Driver

It was alright.

is this pasta

that's the point in the name [Baby Driver]

did you know right basically made baby driver years before he actually made baby driver?

>three top tier actors phone in generic shit performances

who has the photos that made this happen and are they of a secret scientology childabuse ritual?

john hamm more like GONE HAM right?

Why do writers these days think it's okay to hit all the clichés as long as it's "self-aware" or "in homage"? I honestly just found this movie boring

i liked this movie when it was showing the kids driving skill. i didnt like the romance. it was an ok movie.