The suspect turns out to be a big dumb incest swamp final boss who lives in a mansion out in the bayous

>the suspect turns out to be a big dumb incest swamp final boss who lives in a mansion out in the bayous

Why is this shit acclaimed again?


what's so wrong with that

It is a complete let down of an ending where it was building to a grand conspiracy and nope

It was this cartoon horror villain

you missed the entire point of the show you ultra-pleb

It was a grand conspiracy, retard. Did you expect Rust and Marty to arm up a la Bad Boys 2 and take down 500 rich paedos? Durr


Explain the point of it?

That you can't catch everyone like Rust says?

I am referring to the stupidity of having this Texas chainsaw wannabe be the only suspect


Then you're an imbecile.
>That you can't catch everyone like Rust says?
Yes. There is shit that happens every day that people get away with. The important thing, that the show is not subtle about, is you get what's yours.

>Why is this shit acclaimed again?
Sublime direction, expert acting, barely passable writing.

Hes not the only suspect buts hes the one who killed the girl. You know, the case they were trying to solve for almost 20 years.

Except he isn't the main villain you dense faggot, that's the church guy who gets away with everything 100%.

I didn't mind the idea but the execution was a little weak. he was introduced so late that he was just a hodgepodge of traits (incestuous, scarred, does a british accent sometimes) when they could've delved into his character a little more. Reggie LeDoux was much more menacing and memorable

He wasn't, though. It was implicated that the entire Tuttle family (one of which was a famous reverend and the other was the fucking Governor) and all their cousins and offshoots were in on it. Rust and Marty even leak that to the media, but there wasn't enough concrete proof, so it became a "your word vs. mine" scenario. In the end though, Marty and Rust got the guy they were chasing from the outset, and the whole idea was that even if you can't take down the whole of the evil, you can at least take down the little bit you're exposed to, hence the whole conversation about the stars and the darkness

>Why is this shit acclaimed again?

because there are still intelligent people out there

but it's okay that you don't get it - there are plenty of Fast and Furious movies for you

I just felt like it would have been more rewarding to have a deeper look into the world of the pedo-ring -- they can only really catch the spaghetti man? fine -- but even 10-15 more minutes of screen time dedicated to exploring the roots of the cult would have been cool

and, while it's probably a continuity error, marty has a painting in his house by one of his daughters that is the exactly the same as a mural at the psych ward, wtf

A mansion? He lived in a shitty swamp hut filled with hoarder garbage and a decaying body on a mattress. I

>final boss
You using this phrase alone tells everyone that you misunderstood the show's entire message and that you're probably underage

Not that user but he was an enormously hyped up mystery man, clearly inferred to have great significance, until he didnt.

>I just felt like it would have been more rewarding to have a deeper look into the world of the pedo-ring
That's not what the show is about. The show is not subtle about what it is about.

Carcosa was real and you could only see it if you'd killed a child. Plebs.

i've heard rumours Pizzaman wanted to take season 2 in a different direction -- more pizzagate style stuff -- anybody got info on that?

Who excited for season 3 with Remi Denton?

In seriousness I understand that completely

My issue was with the character tonally feels like a completely different genre

It just rubbed me the wrong way of how we have all these strong characters exploring the human condition and then this is how Nic decides to end it?

carcosa carcosa

I remember the first time he appeared on screen and i considered he was just playing stupid and was actually the killer after his conversation with rust & marty.

Then alot of episodes later it turned out to be true. I grappled with the notion of the character for awhile because he comes off as an intellectual hillbilly i felt cheated like they gave away too many "blue herrings" during his scene that made me suspicious. at the same time he is physically imposing which is what was needed for the finale to work the way it did.

Overall he reminds me alot of letho from the witcher. everyone thinks hes big dumb and slow until he's outmaneuvered and beat them to the punch.


>I am referring to the stupidity of having this Texas chainsaw wannabe be the only suspect

Remember the scenes with the videotape, which scared the shit out of Marty? The men in that video were members of the extremely powerful Tuttle family: they were state senators, ran ministries, schools, and could control law enforcement. The guy who mentioned "The Yellow King" when Rust was interrogating him was killed within hours of doing so, and Reverend Tuttle was killed (made to look like a medication error) by the cult after that tape was stolen, because they were scared of him potentially giving up the rest of them if it was leaked. The Deliverance extra wasn't the only suspect, but he was the only suspect they could actually get to who wasn't protected by an army of lawyers.

He was also the one who killed the woman they're investigating at the start of the series, the new murder that Papiana and Gilbrough show to Marty, and a bunch of people in New Orleans after Katrina apparently. If they hadn't stopped Ledoux, he would have killed the girl Marty and Rust rescued as well.

Right here. Ali is outstanding.

Shit are you alright?

Stop replying to bait threads, morons

>but even 10-15 more minutes of screen time dedicated to exploring the roots of the cult would have been cool
I think that's part of the horror element to the show. It's just like the tape that we never see, but was awful enough to elicit cries of horror from seasoned homicide detectives; what you don't know is scarier than what you do.

>Namefagging on Sup Forums
Compared to you, I'm golden

this show was fucking shit. It was like reading a b tier crime novel. The coat of paint on it was the reason it was praised (acting, direction)

>It was like reading a b tier crime novel.
That's the point. It's why it's called "True Detective" and features a bunch of references to weird fiction. The show was always intended to be a highly stylized modern update on pulp detective novels.

This shit is acclaimed because of the atmosphere and protagonists. The way the case was solved was a major let-down - and the fact they repeated it for season 2 was all the more insulting.

What happened to his spaghetti face?

It's just the scars around his face, which were exaggerated by the kid who gave testimony to the police.

I think a better question would be - who paints a house with their ears?