If the "PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT" meme is any indication, early 2010s nostalgia is already a thing

>if the "PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT" meme is any indication, early 2010s nostalgia is already a thing

In a few years, kids will start calling 2012 "the year it all went to shit" in place of 2007(iPhones, Facebook, Big Bang Theory) as is often the case now, and 2001(9/11 police state) as it was back then.

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>Dude remember Minecraft? fuck I'm old

No one thinks 2007 was really where anything went to shit, it's just one 2000s nostalgia-addled 20-something who thinks shit like Ben 10 and Teen Titans were ever anything above mediocrity.

Except that 9/11 actually was when things went to shit. Study modern history. So many things happened in response to 9/11.

get them now while its hot

you can wear it post-ironically sincerely

I find it ironic how people who say "everything in 2007 went to shit" are the same people who make fun of people who idolize the 90s and claim to be 90s kids.

obviously 2001 was the biggest shit turn, with 9/11, but it was still far better from 2001-2006 than it was 2007+ thanks to iphone and facebook cancer

I've seen it stated numerous times in the past five years on multiple boards. It can't be one guy who says it.

>In a few years, kids will start calling 2012 "the year it all went to shit"

they won't be wrong, since that's when the sjw craze started




ban me

Everyone still thinks 2007 was when things went to shit so I'd give it more time

35 year old here. This could not be more true. If you think smartphones are so bad, you don't have to own one.

>if this meme I tried to force is any indication
fuck you

They just idolize the early 2000s instead.

It's like how Sup Forums complains about the anti-prequels circlejerk in the media, but circlejerks themselves about how the Force Awakens is the worst movie ever and how they need George back.

This argument doesn't really hold up under scrutiny. The iPhone was released in 2007, yes. But it wasn't until 2010-2011 that smartphones were widely owned and 3G infrastructure was up to snuff. I'm speaking for the U.S. here but it probably wasn't that much different elsewhere.

early 00s nostalgia thread?

~1990 was the shit turn for social cohesion
~2001 was the shit turn for civic society
~2007 was the shit turn for media


The Early 2000s basically was an extension of the 1990s. 2007 was a horrible year. I remember my friend and I talking about how bad the year was on New Year's Eve. We felt the shift then and still feel it now.

>mfw I do say 2012 is the year it went to shit

I think that. In 2007 we got smartphones en masse, which meant the average person now had access to the internet in their pocket. The world became radically different compared to 2006.

It got radically different with YouTube in 06, and then even worse with porn sites a year later, which has caused probably millions of young men to have a failure to launch lifestyle.

>a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

I've seen the same faggot post the same images on /bant/ as well, it's mostly like one or two guys

The recession, premiere of TBBT and popularization of social media all happened that year.

Absolutely not. See . The biggest selling "smartphones" in 2007 were still Blackberries and PDAs.

This is actually very true but people forget.
Owning a smartphone in 2007 was like owning a PSP when they first came out.
It was still taboo.
It'd even go as far to say smartphones didn't really take off until later 2012.

>In 2007 we got smartphones en masse

no we fucking didn't. less than 1.5 million iphones were sold worldwide by the end of 2007 and other smartphones were less popular

The recession proper(housing market crash) was in 2008, not 2007.

True but other things went to shit in 2007. Democrats gained control of Congress, Obama began running for president, Tumblr founded, Big Bang Theory debuted popularizing "geek culture" and "grrll gamers", Chris Benoit died and WWE went PG, Cartoon Network went to shit, History Channel began showing non-history shows like Ice Road Truckers and Ancient Aliens, Facebook reported its first major increase in traffic, Myspace reported its first major decrease in traffic, Autotune began getting popular in music, Great Recession officially began in December 2007, etc.

>the premiere of TBBT
So? There's been a lot of shitty shows


>Cartoon Network went to shit
It went to shit in 2004/2005 and that channel has stayed shit

When did Grim Adventures end? I consider that the true changeover for CN.


Can we stop with this.
Tumblr didn't gain traction until late 2009 and wasn't really socially acceptable until 2011.

What an embarrassing fucking thread

That show launched the whole nerd culture of the 2010s

Transformer defenders are coming bros.
We already have prequel defenders. Kids not getting over their Transformers nostalgia is fucking next, Marky Mark my words!

It began declining in 2004/2005 and 2007 is when it finished the shit transition because of Out of Jimmy's Head premeired

Why is smartphones becoming popular a bad thing?

there's been shitty nerd culture for decades

>a show that got cancelled in like 2008 was the end of CN

you little millennial nigger

Most of the people bitching about 2007 are faggot millennials too

Yeah, fuck this generation. I wish we could go back to slow as shit internet speeds, dropped calls, and 240p video. Would be great.

32 here. It didn't get better.

Before smartphones, going on the Internet felt like a treat or reward.
If you never experienced running home to go online after school, you missed the whole appeal of it.
Now, anyone can just whip out their phone and go on it, including kids. Takes all the fun out of being inaccessible.

If you're in your early 30s or younger you're a millennial too champ

>people complaining about the "good" old days are the same mongrels that have meme imagery plastered all off their social media profiles
always makes me laugh

The people claiming 2007 was when things went to shit were probably born in like 1990.

Why are 2000s nostalgia memespouters becoming worse than 90s ones?


You're a millennial too. If you aren't
>being on Sup Forums when you're 30

Yeah, to me it felt like 2008 was when there was a notable shift

People forget that the iPhone was AT&T exclusive for the first few generations. I think the 4S was the first one that was on the other big carriers and that's when it really took off.

>id wear it

In a way yes. It meant doing it in more moderation and less addiction. Double-edged sword to everything.

2008 was the year it went to shit.

2011/2012 was the rise of slacktivism with Kony.

So everyone is right.

Sounds comfy

2008 had plenty of good stuff though. The Dark Knight, Fallout 3 and hot American gymnasts like Nastia Liukin and Alicia Sacramone.

Everything went to shit in '08 tho
'07 was our last slice of the turn of the millenium glee. shit was dope unless you had cancer or some shit
the middle class still existed and there was no feminism

It really should be the opposite. Why would you waste your 20s posting on this shithole?

Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio

you are all fucking gay

Also had the rise of smart phones and social media cancer (bad for the internet) and the GFC (bad for civilization).

someone PLEASE make a 21st century version, i will even sing it

>trying to justify being on Sup Forums when you're 30
No, senpai.

wow such incredible insight. thanks for letting us know op. im sure you're the first person to ever come up with this idea. no one in the middle ages was as smart as you

Was it GamerGate that propelled feminism to the front stage?
I honestly remember Anita just being a joke and no one in the real world knew about us or cared much for muh soggy knees, outside of basic human rights.
Then some autists go and troll tumblr and now this shit is affecting global politics

What about 1965?

You're already the type of person that enjoys shitposting on message boards. That's not going to magically change when you're 30. You'll see.

You're here forever kiddo

>can list major events in the 1990s according to year
>can sort of distinguish between any of the years in 2010s, all just seems to merge into one decade, except for serious events like 9/11, the 2008 election, the 2003 iraq war
>find it impossible to tell you what has happened in the past 7 years in the 2010s

Anyone else get this?

I mean I think we went to Libya in, I want to say 2012?


2006 was truly the last great year before the whole identity politics and mass surveillance state revolution

To be fair he probably joined this site in the last year or two like most people that post on this board now

identity politics didn't take center stage until 2012

I honestly used to say 2007 was the last good year way way way before I saw people posting it here. Maybe just maybe it really was the last good year and everything has sucked since.

They saw an opportunity to expand it and did.
Gamergate changed everything. They led people to believe it was all about sexism and they bought it.

Are you aware the term nigger is offensive to African Americans??

It went to shit with Facebook for me, that was the end. The internet became too much part of our reality, and smartphones were becoming common.

Cultural events are impossible to trace now that people don't distribute ideas via pamphlets

But I do recall a time not too long ago when shit like "fuck white people ex dee"/tranny shit was waaaaaaaay on the fringe

There was also a global recession you small minded fuck

>Everything went to shit in '08 tho
>'07 was our last slice of the turn of the millenium glee. shit was dope unless you had cancer or some shit
>the middle class still existed and there was no feminism
You're so fucking clueless it hurts
You were a clearly a child in 2008 and a dumb one at that

It was before 2011.

Identity politics was deliberately propagated to divide the masses when uprisings began against the financial institutions that puppet states across the planet

Nothing happened to feminism, its just your perception of it changed and broadened because before apparently most of the people on Sup Forums were retards whose knowledge of the world was restricted to videogames

I actually do. I was just thinking the other day how almost 2 decades have passed by and all that much hasn't changed. We've basically made the equivalent jump of going from the 60s to 80s yet we 've had almost none of the culture shifts

A lot of college courses I was in during 2011/2012 started to slip in feminism/racism/etc.
Like seriously, I remember having to watch a documentary about people transitioning in my film course.

A certain intelligence agency has a long history of infiltrating and controlling academia. 2011 was a prime time to start identity politics on overdrive.

They needed something to destroy the quickly growing dissent with financial institutions and their political influence.

>yfw all the millenials of Occupy Wall Street went home to blog about white privilege on tumblr
CIA are on some next level shit
I kinda want them to hire me so I can see the alien files, then I can die in peace

There are no alien files and all their secret shit is highly compartmentalized. What you would get your mind blown from is just how many goddamn countries have presidents that are agents.

I would say the shift could be felt somewhat in 2005, but then fully went downhill two years later.

>Occupy Wall Street
Whatever happened to that, used to be so big then just kind of faded

>No feminism

I'm convinced the average Sup Forums poster is underage

Cointel, agent provacateurs and coordinated media smear campaign all in tandem under central command.

>early 2010s

everyone knows 96-99 was the golden age of the internet. too bad none of you fags were even born yet.

>'07 was our last slice of the turn of the millenium glee
You think that was bad just wait what Gen Z has in stock.

There's a lot more millenials (85-95) on this board than you realize.

This is ridiculous.

What makes the period 2007-17 vaguely interesting is that nothing has changed. This is the longest run of absolutely nothing being different since... well, living memory certainly.

Same clothes
Same popstars, no major new styles of music
No new youth culture movements

There is nothing be nostalgic for, you're living in 2007 to all intents and purposes.

Consider 1957 vs. 1967, 1967 vs. 1977, 1977 vs. 1987, 1987 vs. 1997.

The internet has killed culture.

kino post

2017 is much more hateful of straight white people and men than it was in 2007. But yeah that's pretty much the only real change.