Is this supposed to be a first world country? The richest country in the world? I saw so much poverty...

Is this supposed to be a first world country? The richest country in the world? I saw so much poverty, fold stamps people, homeless. Pensioners competing for entry level jobs with high schoolers. How is everyone okay with this? The US ought to be the land of opportunities - it's a social Darwinist dystopia with feudal levels of inequality instead. No wonder Trump and Sanders were so popular.

>says the guy getting fucked in the ass by "refugees"

We're working on that. Are you working on ANY of your country's problems as well?

Did he hit a nerve user?

That's what happens when the government becomes too centralized.

Morgan Freeman meme
*he's right you know*

Something on the topic, maybe?

Yeah retard exept all of that is the fault of the left. They made the country into a socialist crap hole and ignored the thing that makes america great. A nation founded on the pricipal of sovereign individuals interacting with eachother without any influence of government. A truly free maket, where the only influence of the government was to protect from internal and external threats. Free schooling and a few other VERY minor services should be offered as well but by in large the government should keep the fuck out. Free health care, minimum wage, disarming the population, social security ect ect. The lefts plan for america is a total desecration of its founding principles.

Our "leaders" have been globalist installed puppets for the past several decades. We've been lied to for a long time now.

That's what those responsible for the inequality you see today want you to believe. Financial history tells another story.

The US was a poor agrarian state, without any middle class, before Roosevelt's New Deal policies were adopted.

Later on, under the pressure of globalization, these policies were reversed again, and the US returned to being a feudal state.

>Yet another "european goes to large city in America and thinks it represents the other 90% of the country" episode

Let me guess, you went to NYC? One of the top 5 dirtiest, shittiest big cities full of lazy liberals and niggers?

Yeah, blaming America's problems on the left is pretty ignorant. The #1 root problem in America is a lack of public spending because ever since Reagan, Republicans have decided paying taxes is "unamerican" or some shit.

Note that the opposition to taxes extends to all levels of government, to the point that local governments need to resort to police stops and fines to fund their basic programs. This of course has lead directly to more police/civilian confrontations and ensuing problems like BLM.

I have "good" health insurance and I had to go to the emergency room for a hand infection. Had to wait two hours, was treated, and then given a $250 bill as "co-pay." I can't imagine how nice it must be to live in an advanced country were you can only have treatment on your mind, with better service and no cost.

Idk Krautanon, I live in Chicago and I see none of those things you mentioned. It's really g-great.



>diverting away the problem instead of answering it

Wonderful posting, thanks.

I honestly don't believe that the Philippines or Thailand are better than the US, but still true.

It is still the land of opportunity. Opportunity is not synonymous with equality of outcome. In fact, they are antithetical. America is hard on people because freedom involves risk. You can make millions or lose everything.

You cannot have freedom without risk. Having a brittle and tattered social safety net with gaping holes is an excellent motivator to work hard.

Second this.

america is pretty shitty
mart-sharter with the tired memes

>the refugees who are actively destroying your continent and raping your women are a "meme"

jesus christ

your country is 100% immigrants. 13% niggers. 30% spics. in 20 years you will be a minority.

germany the most fucked country in europe. will still be a vast majority white.

fuck off americalp

The niggers and spics who are actively destroying our continent and raping our women and welfare are worse. It will never get better.

And what about the U.S. gives a person an exceptional level of opportunity compared to the rest of the world? Historically that opportunity came from vast empty land that could be developed, making new wealth in real estate and industry. Since the 1950s and the development of air conditioning, the last remaining places to be developed in the Southwest and Florida already have been. There is no "frontier" to homestead to wealth or something.

This post loses credibility when it insinuates U.S. debt synonymous with us being in hock to the Chinks. That's simply a myth. Most of the "debt" is and IOU on future liabilities. Nearly every problem in America could be improved by simply raising taxes to pre-Reagan levels.

Also, while it is a struggle to become successful in America, once you do get a modicum of success wages are usually much higher than the rest of the world making concerns about healthcare costs and food choices moot to an extent.


And we'll still be more relevant than you.

Swiss bro, the most fertile countries in the Americas have a 3 children per woman in places like Guatemala and Bolivia. Elsewhere population is mostly stable. Meanwhile Europe lies just north about a billion niggers having 4-5 (and in some cases 6-7) children per woman. Not to mention the famous fertility of Muslims. You are primed to be overrun from all sides. I suspect there will be new waves of emigration from Europe to the Americas as a form of White flight.

You are so retarded. Switzerland will prevail.
America is a shithole of warmongers. The US will be gone in less than 25 years. Russia has their own problems.
If you think anyone cares about a barren mountain with 8 million trolls on it you are completely delusional.

Switzerland is the epitome of jewry. All the bullshit you hear about Nazi gold is just bantz for the lols and we laugh at every retard buying into these meme.

Switzerland is the jewish base in europe. It's the base for every rich faggot who's pulling strings and making billions on this pathetic continent.

None of them will shit in his own garden. We are safer here than anywhere else.

The population is disconnected from all this shit. We don't give a fuck. On the contrary to every other jealous amerispic who can't stand his neighbor earning 10 monopoly dollars more than him while he pays his 80% tax for niggers, we simply don't give a shit.

We have lived in this geographical location for 700 years. Around us there was constant mayhem. You are so naive to think that change is on the horizon. It is not.

We are used to every jealous faggot trying to bully us, we are hardened, we are nimble and we are sly. Fucking with us costs more than it brings. It's a tactical error, a game you win by not playing.

We are not relevant. And retards like you thinking we are just make a fool of themselves. Who cares about 15 Billions of money disappearing in some mountain if Kenyan Nigger just prints that in an hour?

You suffer of the classical SJW delusions. Brainwashed by the über jew into believing funny little fairytales of crafty little men hoarding the worlds riches under a mountain. And you don't realise that with your bullshitting you are just working the marketing for us and bringing us closer to that very tale becoming truth.

You are a fool and you will forever be a poor shitty irrelevant creature.

Is that poop?

American high cuisine.

The only issue that allows shit-tier countries to hold a candle above our head is the fact that most Burgs still WIPE their ass in the 21st century instead of using a bidet. Toilet paper and baby wipes don't do SHIT! Microparticles of shit still linger in and around the anus after wiping, and they just get vaporized into a shit force field, which is generated from the friction created between fat Burgocetus ass cheeks, as Burgosaur waddles to McDonald Trump's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

You don't actually believe this, correct? The average American has been wealthier than the average European for most of our history. This country has always had a strong and prosperous middle class. Or is this just bait

>that fucking essay of butthurt

So basically you're fine with being a nice Rio high-rise apartment surrounded by favaelas of niggers and Arabs which will soon overwhelm Europe

That's not hamburger

>social Darwinist
This is why we're a first world country, the richest in the world: we let the dumb and poor die, and everyone else thrives, so we have the best of the best here. The best athletes, the best scientists, the most brilliant minds.

Next time you come visit America, stay away from cities. They're nigger infested hellholes with small bastions of majority whites around the shopping districts and tourist traps.

Instead, go to smaller towns. You'll find that they're majority white utopias with few, if any, homeless or niggers. The real backbone of America is there.

If the population count goes into the quintuple digits, you've fucked up.


The US was mostly wealthier than Europe, but that's not much if an achievement, as Europe was poorer than Imperial China at that time.

>we let the dumb and poor die
Or those who were unlucky enough to get sick or couldn't afford rent or entered the jib market during a recession, orororor. And, of course, unemployment isn't something that could never ever happen to the ubermenschen like you.

You know nothing about America. You make assumptions about contemporary memes and take them for fact.

That's a pretty big achievement, considering that's the reason our rebellion was so orderly and moderate compared to European revolutions.

This is the entire reason our country works in the first place. We'll be unequal with potential, while you lot stay equal in sewage. How are those major advancements coming along lately, by the by? Make it to the moon yet?