No trial? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?

No trial? No witnesses? What sort of due process is this?

Do Anglos really do this?

The process he was due based on the political tradition of the North: To have Nedd hear his claim and determine whether or not to chop his head off.

Ice was to small in the show

how the fuck do you fight with such a long ass cumbersome sword lmao

>due process

Why do you think this would be a thing?

In case you missed it, it's a medieval fantasy.

Even though there are some trials (the imp, littlefinger), all of them are bullshit. Both are deemed guilty, even though there's no proof of their crimes.

It's purely ceremonial

1. Be a big guy

r1, r1, r1, r1

They have laws.
The dude committed an act for which the penalty has already been decided upon.
Ned was just carrying out the penalty.
It's like when you get pulled over for speeding, you don't go to court you just get a fine because it has already been decided that that is the punishment for the crime you committed.

You can challenge a ticket in court.

>look mom I poasted it again lol!
kill yourself

terrible example, you can appeal speeding fines
there just isn't due process in game of thrones
due process as an idea wasn't even really around till hundreds of years later
they still practice trial by combat for fuck's sake

This is the actual answer.

I mean seriously, trial by combat? Deciding your guilt or innocence by having two people fight to the death? Clearly they aren't very concerned with actual justice in Wetseros.

true, but dude getting executed in this scene confessed, so he isn't contesting shit

Manlet spotted.

There was already a trial, or a due process of some sort, to send the lad to the wall. Ned was obligated by the same laws that sent the kid north, to execute him for breaking the very vows that gave him mercy from a greater punishment.

You guys are morons. It was a perfect example of a crime which there is a standard penalty for. The fact that you can challenge it has nothing to do with it. There are fines and standard prison sentences for certain crimes in the real world just like in GoT, and the decided upon punishment for deserting the Night's Watch is death.

you're not wrong, you're just completely missing the point of the question, probably because you have no idea what it was asking in the first place

No, I'm not. You people are the ones who apparently don't understand the issue.
Here, OP said:
>No trial? No witnesses?
Do you know what a trial is? A trial is what happens when the guilt or innocence of an individual is in question, undecided, so the individual goes before a judge and jury presenting evidence of their innocence, while the accusers provide evidence of their guilt.
This is not the same as "contesting" a speeding ticket.
And as an unrelated side note:
>No witnesses?
There are other people right there in the fucking picture, OP

The question is the third part, user. The first two questions are rhetorical. There's no need to keep digging this hole, you're already deep enough in it. Just let it go bud.

by fucking hitting people you faggot

>There are other people right there in the fucking picture, OP

he obviously means witnesses to the fact that he is a deserter you fucking idiot

>admit to deserting
>whoooaaa where is my trial bro this is bullshit

Consume bleach

>he obviously means witnesses to the fact that he is a deserter you fucking idiot
>being so retarded that you think other people are retarded

>kill Lysa
>admit to killing Lysa
>whoooaaa where is my trial bro this is bullshit

Greatswords are ~5 feet long at maximum. are dumb.

Ancestral starks were strong enough to wield it in one hand.
Book Ned is stated to have been strong enough to do so in his youth, but cannot anymore as an aging man.

Whatever helps bud.

The trial occurs when Ned arrives and speaks to him
>no witnesses
He is wearing a night's watch cloak, admits to having come from beyond the wall, and is no longer at or beyond the wall. That is evidence enough of his crime. Nights watchmen are only allowed south on direct orders from the Lord Commander

so just to be clear, you really think he meant witnesses to his execution? that's what you think is meant by that? in a question about due process? do you even know what due process is?

I thought it was a big sword

He comitted treason by abandoning his post and that is automatic death sentence

Except Ice is stated as being ridiculously big and to big to fight with

>admit to shitposting
>whoooaa where are my hotpockets mom this is bullshit

it is also melted down into two 3 foot long swords. If it was actually the size Bran thinks it is, you'd be able to make 5 or 6 swords out of it.



Much better

that is literally never stated. In the show he fights with it during the Greyjoy Rebellion but in the books he never uses it for fighting or at least it never mentions him using it for combat.

Ok so clearly they didn't have 5th Amendment Rights in Winterfell. What were their tax policies like?

swords are not that heavy

what's boromir doing with that knife


finally, a decent GoT thread

Which chinese cartoon is this?

>In the show he fights with it during the Greyjoy Rebellion

? when

I'm a lawyer and I judge you to be either trolling or stupid.

Also I have witnesses to this fact.

it's valeryan steel, it weighs like a quarter of what an ordinary steel sword would weigh

it's a special case because it's a man of the Night's Watch
he's not at the Wall, and he has no writ from the Lord Commander explaining his case for being away from the Wall
ergo, he is guilty of desertion by default