If you had the power to Red Pill everyone on earth about one truth, what would it be?



Everyone is not the same


That globalism leads to largest single genocide that will ever occur in human history

Ideology is not the enemy.

We MUST fight for peace as tolerance is no way to live. In fact, I'd say it hardly counts.

The importance of having more than 3 children per family

Jesus was the first to name the Jew. It'd be a 2 for 1 deal.

In term of actionable advice that change a mans life for the better, the truth about women, in terms of saving civilization, Jews. One leads naturally to the other.

the tower of babel actually happened and it is why we should not form one world government


"Jesus" got us into this mess in the first place

The evils of immigration

That nobody is entitled to anything more than basic human rights and their opinion.

Past basic necessities material development does not guarantee happiness

everything else should unravel itself from this point

Except for you, of course.
Are you trying to destroy the world, or?



that we need to kill all non whites

This :^)

Sup Forums was right

Money is not neccesary

Basic concepts in economics like the information purpose of markets, coase theorem, no free lunch, etc.