You get to kill either brain michael bendis, alex "the hack" hirsch...

You get to kill either brain michael bendis, alex "the hack" hirsch, or the annoying VA for clyde whos character is ruining whole episodes of loud house, without being caught and with no repercussions, but you can only kill one. Who do you pick?


>You get to kill either Brian Michael Bendis, or two people you never heard about
Bendis it is then.



I don't watch Loud House and Hirsch did nothing to me. I mean, I didn't like Gravity Falls but overall it was inoffensive at best.

alexs shows over and while the ending was rushed i still enjoyed it,and it doesn't harm disney.Bends is still at large and his poor decisions,retcons,OCs and writing style have poisoned a lot of marvel comic.No competition Bendis goes.

I never liked Marvel, so BMB is saved.
>the annoying VA for clyde whos character is ruining whole episodes of loud house
This one will do.

>liking weirdmageddon
>liking the shit that was season 2B

Why would I choose anyone but Bendis? Fuck Bendis.

Bendis as retaliation for Star-Lord. I don't watch the other two series but am grateful for Pyronica and that milf.

>and that milf.
You mean rita?



Even the baby likes her THICCness


I don't hate Hirsch enough to kill him, and nick would just rehire a new VA. Guess I have to kill Bendis.

Don't watch Loud House, what's wrong with the VA that they'd be put on a kill list with Brian "Bendis" Michael Bendis?

Annoying as shit voice to a horribly written character

Bendis. Slowly. And I'd talk using Bendis-speak.

Also, said character hogs up episodes to cater to him

Kill Bendis, it's not even a competition. Also,

>Loud House
>not already ruined

The only reason Sup Forums likes it is because of waifus

>people think the VA decides how their character is written.

His voice is one of the most annoying aspects of him, and if he were killed horribly theyd probably retire the character

Honestly, I find how he's written to be a bigger problem. Also, I don't think killing the VA would mean that the character would disappear. Even if he did, that would probably mean they'd add another character to the show to replace him.

>Even if he did, that would probably mean they'd add another character to the show to replace him.
One that would be actually entertaining and funny

Or a character who would be worse. The only thing we would be certain about would be that he's a minority, and probably black, since Loud House needs that token black guy. The new character would also need to fill the same niche as Clyde did. In short, the new character would be similar to Clyde in many ways.


Why couldnt ronnie anne be the sidekick/love interest in the first place?

Because that would make Loud House too good for this world.