I liked the scene where he fucked his underage son in the ass

i liked the scene where he fucked his underage son in the ass

I remember my first day on the internet.

I went to a nightclub once and they played the theme song to this movie. Felt like I entered into a nightmare.

ahaha me too user!

has it any story or just random terror shenaningas for the sake of it?

It's a mix of both. the villain is obsessed with making the ex pornstar MC do weird shit and it just keeps getting more crazy until he drugs him then tricks him into fucking his own son, then the mc kills everyone and runs away.

There could be more to the story that I don't remember but that's all I can remember about it.

should i watch this? or is it just hype

Another crew comes in and fuck their corpses after they commit suicide
Hype. Its mislabeled as horror when its really more of a rocky horror picture show style raunchy sex comedy with big tiddy nurses, animal tranquilizer drugs/aphrodisiac incest, rape, necrophilia, "baby fuck awwright!" and a scenery chewing director screaming about much war crimes and much victims

If you're not Serbian you're not allowed to watch this film

>Being so butthurt that you include a country not part of your territory on your deranged movie poster.

Don't forget that while he's fucknig his son, his friend fucks his wife next to him

this. only serbs can process the subtle satire in this movie. to non-serbs it might seem like a man simply fucking his own young son in the ass, but to us it is much more.


I laughed hard at eye/brain fucking scene. reminded me b movies of 80s/70s and if there was no controversial underage scenes no one would heard about this movie.

serbs can be most butthurt people in world.


You mean his brother

>only kebab can infest a thread with islamism

fucking kebab

pure kino

Actually the best part was the guy fucked the baby. Baby porn!

My father watched the film before I did when I have it downloaded on PC, he delete it and told me why I downloaded such a terrible film. (I just say him that it was because of the controversial critics and shut downs it got around the globe, haha).

I watched it later on and yes it was trash anyways.

]]]you[[[ would

kys serbo

I remember this movie was the end of my edgy teenage phase.

I was just so satisfied I didn't feel the need for anything else. Started viewing movies for the actual movie after.

its the real deal user


>Baby fuck
>It's awwwwright

You know how in porn they really just want to show people fucking but they still feel like there needs to be some kind of pseudo plot to set things up, so they just whip up some bullshit about a cable guy or something? This is a lot like that.

Exactly, other people are too stupid to even make sarcasm deeper than elementary school level

Uh, Kosovo isn't Serbia - the poster should be corrected.