What do normies find funny about this?

I just watched the pilot, the main joke throughout the whole episode was that Morty had to stuff the seeds in his asshole and they repeated it 10 times.

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>dude god doesnt exists im so inteligent *burp* hehehe

That's why folk

Dan Harmon is being pushed out by the Jews recently. He thought he could have them stop making him his pawn by teaming up with Justin Roiland.
Turns out they probably have a backup plan to pin Roiland a white supremecist in the future. Dan Harmon will go down with him if they fail to get the mkultra 2.0 trash to the youth of our nation.

Sometimes Rick looks directly into the implied camera and delivers views negative American society.
He also got McDonalds and Nintendo free ad placement.

Real shame. Roiland is the real creativity behind the show. He can do whole series alone that are fucking hilarious and politically incorrect, while drunk. Harmon on the other hand has had to conform to big networks. So he has sold out. Shame.

>tfw to intelligent for dumb cartoons


Season 1 was so comfy.

It was a unique show, but now autists have to pick apart literally every sentence like its game of bones or something.
>what do normies find funny..
You obviously went into the show ready to hate SOMETHING so whats the point of discussion

its twilight zone/outer limits for the lolsorandum hipster manbabies.

>it's another Sup Forums pretends to hate rick and morty just to talk about it episode

Buuurp god isn't real morty buuurp it's all to lie to people morty buurp listen to me morty buurp listen and you'll become smart buurp morty listen morty swallow everything i say and become the buurp edgiest kid in school morty you gotta become the edgiest kid in school and open the eyes of buurp your classmates morty if you understand what im saying morty then your buurp iq is 2649 morty

You're clearly to stupid to understand it. The seeds represent christian fundamentalists and his asshole represents the kids who are brainwashed by their fashist and violent religion. Stick to TBBT.

what if Rick is the god?

There is no god cuz he doesn't frkn exist idiot...

Everyone who actually watches this show knows Rick believes in God, right? You're all just meming?

reddit and memey fans arent REAL intellectuals like us channers, amirite my Sup Forumsros?

It's not just a one-off bit it's the overarching plot of the entire show. Morty has gone through a steady personality shift after starting out as a retarded person. The seeds are making him more intelligent.

for what it's worth (probably not much, since you unironically talk about "normies") the pilot is the weakest episode

I don't get the extreme hate or love this show gets.

On one side we have retarded blue haired Tumblr wales using R&M imagery at 'pro-science' marches thinking they are smart and 'understand science', and on the other hand we have retarded contrarian autists screaming about Reddit and normies and, occasionally, about muh jewish subversion nihilism propaganda ignoring how at least some of the R&M humor looks like Sup Forums humor.

I think it's an OK hit and miss animated show, with some smart ideas here and there but mostly consisting of simple 'adult' humor (gore and sex jokes) and various pastiches and parodies of SF/horror/fantasy cliches and tropes. While I enjoy it for what it is, I feel the randomness and cartooney gore often undermines audience empathy for the characters the show appears to aim for in some of the more melancholic scenes.

It falls somewhere in the 'mainstream cult' area of fiction, where it's just weird enough for people to feel they are watching someting special or feel 'nerdy' themselves for catching references to 'obscure' cult movies like those of Cronenberg while at the same time having mainstream appeal through simple jokes, family issues and standard cartoon shenanigans.

The latter isn't neccesarily a bad thing. Some may find it annoying or 'fake geek', but in contrast to something like the Big Bang Theory the makers of R&M actually seem to like SF/fantasy and horror.


>brainlet that laughs at epic memes
>questioning anyone else's humor


So you openly admit to having autism, but everyone else is the problem, right?

Well he is sort of, he created his own mini verse, his own fucking universe, just to power his car battery. He is their god.





Zero vitamin D boy

Pick three

This reminded me to buy some vitamin d3

>Believes you can get vitamin d from ANYTHING other than the sun
It was ousted dumbass, google it

>plants, vegetables, fruits soak up vitamin d from the sun
>crushed down into tablets


>grown men with beards will defend this cartoon, this is the world we live

>Haa-burp-morty let's make a stale thread Morty
>Ah jeeze, Rick. I don't think that's a great idea