Tfw I thought Todd was just a nervous virgin

>tfw I thought Todd was just a nervous virgin

He's just an asexual? O-okay.

He's still my husbando whether he likes it or not

asexuals do not exists
only faggots too worthless and pahetic to get laid

He is a dick. He doesn't want to fuck his gf but also doesn't want Bojack to fuck her. Why should she share his asex nonsense.


I mean, you're not wrong...

To be fair, it's possible to be both.

No tumblr, it's not.

Why are asexuals even considered to be part of the LGBTBBQ spectrum? being bald is not a hairstyle, it's an affliction. It should be the same for asexuality.


I'm not bald, I'm just transhairy ballheadromantic demi-smooth.

Not having the motivation or ability to have sex, being sex repulsed, etc are real and long-documented sexual-psychological disorders. Also Todd Knew Bojack fucking ruined everything and was tired of his shit and upset he made things weird with this girl he liked being friends with

I dated an asexual girl. She had no inclination of sexual attraction. She never wanted to "fuck" anyone or anything. But she felt strong romantic feelings for me. And she would go on to feel strong romantic feelings for others, regardless of gender.

Thing is, why the fuck would you want to date an asexual person? What the fuck was I thinking? Why would you involve yourself romantically with a person you don't have sex with. At that point its just a close friend who stops you from getting laid.

Loving Todd is suffering.

He just wanted to stay friends with her so he can fuck a rat

I consider myself asexual too but I still would fuck with my bf because I knew he would like it

Wow, he dates a living sex doll. Sounds imho awful.

>sexual-psychological disorders
>implying it's not a sexual identity as valid as any other
Don't be a bigot. It's [THE CURRENT YEAR].

>Also Todd Knew Bojack fucking ruined everything and was tired of his shit and upset he made things weird with this girl he liked being friends with
It's weird to me how this, of all things, is what ruined Todd's relationship with Bojack. Remember when Todd almost got killed because Bojack wouldn't bail him out of prison?

Does he masturbate?
If so, he's not asexual
this applies for anyone who identifies as asexual in real life too

>Not having the motivation or ability to have sex
He'd still be attracted to a gender/sex.

>being sex repulsed, etc are real and long-documented sexual-psychological disorders.
Yes, sexual hangups are psychological disorders, and most can be cured with therapy.

she's just waiting for marriage user
Can't you respect that?

>why the fuck would you want to date an asexual person?

Love is a thing that exists, user. You make me sad.

You dated a lesbian in deep denial brah