I've seen the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery ask me anything

It was actually decent. Not as bad social justice wise as some here have feared.

Also what's funny is the main ''bad guy'' T'Kumva who is the jet black Klingon leader of the puritan house, gets BTFO by a white Klingon from what the produces described as the Klingon equivalent of Ireland and Iceland mixed together.

>African Klingon believes himself to be the second coming of Kahless but it's actually Voq pic related the ''white'' Nordic/Irish klingon. Also no social justice shit from Michael shes decent thus far, Voq, T'kumva and Lorca steal the show.

I'd give what I saw 7.9.

They with a straight face call a woman Michael?

Why not? I called your mom that last night

But would you pay to see it?

What do you think of The Orville?

True Star Trek fans hate Drumpf and voted for Hillary

Did you vote for Drumpf? If so, fuck off!

Is it kino?

Does it "feel" like trek?

Yeah the basic Trek feeling is there. But there's also a lot of difference. Don't go in expecting anything similar to TNG. It's DS9 mixed with band of brothers.

are there any waifus?


City people love Star Trek. Only rural and suburban retards like Star Wars.

>Ireland and Iceland mixed together.

But we're nothing alike

To rest some worries only the puritan Klingons are bald, there were Klingons without ridges and ones who looked similar to worf and a 8 feet tall breed.

After the premiere the producers explained the different Klingons are from different climate planets

White Klingon's are from a world with ancient Nordic and Irish flavour material.

Purple Klingons are based on Ancient persians

Puritan Klingons are greek and roman.

Nordic and Gaelic visual aesthetics are quite similar.

ha that's actually not a bad explanation, kind of like how if humans lived in low G they'd get all lanky

>heh, got any more edges?

Pretty neat, see all the background stuff in Trek cant be faulted, its hard to fuck it up, its what theyll do with the story of each episode is where they can mess up, even with such material to work with.

good to hear they avoided the homogenic alien race meme

I guess the hairy ones genocide all the rest by TNG era?

The white Klingons are discriminated against by the black/Brown and purple Klingons. Voq is treated like shit by T'kumva because he has light skin, the white klingons are called ''devils' i'm not even joking.

Let This Be Your Last Battlefield, now with an $8.5 million budget

>white ones are call devils
But they don't look anything like Klingon devils


does the chinese captain die in the first or second episode?

also no muslim or trans characters?

better than STD for sure. there's no comparison


>dude sgi lmao
fuck off retard, it's a mid budget tv show.

Worked for Elliot in Scrubs. What I'm worried about is how she's supposed to be Spock's adopted sister, but that reads like a bad fanfic.

Giving the pretty boy of the show a beard was actually a big risk, bigger than the all the diversity shit they are pretending Star Trek didn't already do, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

So the white ones are black and the bla k ones are white

OP, is it ever explained why the uniforms don't match those in 'The Cage'?

What is Jason Isaacs role on the show?

To be the Patriarchy

i thought star trek was about trekking thru the stars

Bump because I'm desperate.

More information please? Does Michelle Yaoh die in the first 2 episodes? Is her ship destroyed? What brings the main character to the Discover?

Is it odd having POV character be not the captain? How's the humor/quiet moments -- the trailers look all tense brown doom and gloom -- how does that compare to the every-day character stuff?

Also how are the other regular characters (the redhead lady and the blonde gay guy)?

I can't wait to steal this show, watch it in total, shit post about how bad it is, and watch CBS go out of business and have to fire Les Moonves out of a canon.

So much this.

They have turned the commercials for this up to level 11 but it is DOA because nobody even knows CBS has a Netflix rip off.

It's only DOA in America. In the rest of the world it'll do fine.

Netflix paid a bucketfull of money for international distribution. I'll be pirating it too but I can't imagine Netflix wouldn't pick it up for season 2 if CBS cancels it for not broad enough appeal (as they did with Supergirl). It's a CBS production so they'll make money producing it and Star Trek is a big moneymaker in syndication and DVDs (it's one of the most populer netflix offerings).

Plus all the reactions to the 2-hour premiere that screened last night in LA have been extremely positive, so it's not like CBS will cancel due to it being a dud in ratings and creatively.

in all seriousness though, we can't let him get his hands on the quantum torpedoes

Everything about this looks so bad. I'm glad that real Trek fans have the Orville.

orville minus the cucked divorce shit and it would be off to a better start imo

(((Les))) (((Moonves))) will be fine, hew jewed Netflix to pay for most of it.