X-Men (mostly) Complete Messiah Epic Storytime, pt.5

So, Jackson Hole just got suicide bombed, and the Leper Queen is behind it (and Bastion is behind her).

Previously, we followed the series of events surrounding the birth of the Mutant Messiah. Cable headed into the future with the baby, only to be pursued by Bishop. His time-travel device damaged, Cable can now only jump forward in time. Hope is proving to be resourceful.
X-Force has been busy. We've got some new friends on the team. Oh, Selene is back, also Demon Bear. Warren wants to kill people.

I encourage you to catch up if you're just joining us!























Here it is.
X-Force goes to the future.







Isn't it a little creepy that Cyclops is conspiring about X-Force with the clone daughters of the girlfriend he's hiding X-Force's existence from?
Who's he have a closer relationship with at this point?



We'll find out in Utopia.

























I remember when I first read this and having such a fanboy-gasm when I saw Stryfe...














Those are the pistol and battle rifle from Halo 2 copied exactly







There's an issue of X-Factor where Darwin has an Assault Rifle.

I think it's kind of a running gag to trace Halo weapons. Hell, the Mjolnir Mk. V is ripped straight off of an old mecha design.






Meant for













