Why do people think Luanne deserved better than Lucky?

Why do people think Luanne deserved better than Lucky?

Because she's their waifu and they deserved her instead.

He seems like a nice guy.

I hate his fucking mouth

I agree. He seemed to genuinely care for her, and wanted to marry her after getting her pregnant. I liked Lucky.

Do rednecks get offended by this show

No because it is fairly accurate

The ones I've met all universally love it as a good satire of "rednecks".

Once they started making her a main character I started losing interest in the show.

I don't think they understand that it is making fun of them.

rednecks and mexicans don't get offended at shit like KOTH and Speedy Gonzalez. Russians don't get pissed when they are the bad guys in hollywood movies-they love it.

As far as I can tell it is only a sensitive segment of the black population and white fedoralords who get angry at shit like Everybody Loves Raymond because the guy is a schlup.

Besides Lucky, who's the other rednecks?

All of them

Elvin and Mud Dobber.

Hank and co wasn't really politically reactionary so I'm not sure if I'd call them rednecks.

Well I yeah, I expected Lucky s friends to be rednecks but outside of them they don't really have your typical redneck. Mostly just Texas hillbillies

You're the kind of retard that thinks Family Matters was making fun of blacks, or the George Lopez show was making fun of hispanics, aren't you?

>part of an ongoing lawsuit
>3 years in at this point
>mfw I'll probably always be dreaming of having my own peepee money

>not being offended is a virtue
I don't buy it.

they're Texans, rednecks are significantly different, culturally and geographically as well.

Having lived and worked in rural Texas, there's a star difference between blue collar workers and make-meth-in-your-doublewide-with-18-family-members rednecks.

>3 years
I'm at 11 on a fucking malpractice case where the fucker illegally prescribed a bunch of kids medicine they didn't need. Not a red cent yet seen.

>11 years

Well I know my future then. Kill me.

>make-meth-in-your-doublewide-with-18-family-members rednecks.

I've driven and worked through San Bernardino, meth capital of the US. They end up looking ..... interesting

Just last week I served a warrant on a 900 sq ft trailer. Found a meth lab plus;
- 3 dogs
- mom and dad
- their 3 son's (all felons)
- 2 daughters (one felon)
- 4 kids (all to one of the daughters and all with different fathers)

It honestly made me sick.