What would happen to the show if one of their VA's died?

What would happen to the show if one of their VA's died?

They'd be replaced and the show would keep going

They didn't replace Edna Krabaple's VA.

I have no doubt FOX has half a dozen understudies ready to step in.

Nothing. The english version may get new voice actors or stop airing but thats irrelevant.

The main revenue from this show comes from Latin America which has already replaced several of the voice actors.

Are implying she was a main character?

I was thinking of just the Simpsons themselves

as for other characters, they'd be written off

No but they were prepared to replace Harry Shearer like it was nothing.

The VA's have understudies, people that are trained / practice to do the voice work, in case of their passing.

It's been common practice for big shows / things. Like the muppets all had understudies for the voice of each of the characters.

Depends on the VA.
If Yeardley died they could probably recast. If Dan or Hank die that means like 90% of springfield is gone.

Maybe then The Simpsons can die peacefully.

>The main revenue from this show comes from Latin America
You got a source? Or at least a reason to believe that?

Hank is potentially more valuable to the show than any main cast member.

Only Castellaneta's death and maybe, MAYBE, BIG MAYBE, Cartwright's death would wind up getting the show cancelled.

>The main revenue from this show comes from Latin America
ok buddy

Yeardley dying could actually denefit the Simpsons by not having to make every episode about Lisa

Because he got into an argument with the producers. Like how Maude was killed instead of just written off because her VA got fired.

With the way Julie Kavner sounds lately we might find out.

FOX would buy that "vocal reconstruction" software that Adobe has in development and use it to replace the VA. For God's sake, they have over two decades of material to use, it's not like they can't basically automate the VA work if they absolutely had to.

I don't think Fox is above doing that, but usually dead VAs' characters get retired out of respect for the work they did voicing them.

If anyone had any respect for the Simpsons the show would have stopped twenty years ago.

Yeah, but we're talking about the VAs for the titular family. There's no way they're gonna retire one of the actual Simpsons if one of their VAs dies. It's either digital vocal reconstruction, a soundalike VA, or the flat-out cancellation of the show.

Do you remember early 2000s when they cancelled the X-Files? And Fox went through god damned near 25 new shows, most of which were cancelled within a few episodes? Because I'm sure Fox does, and is still traumatized by it. They aren't going to cancel the Simpsons if there's any possible option. So keep digital vocal reconstruction and soundalike, but drop the cancellation. They won't allow that to happen.

The first episode of Family Guy after it was resurrected really threw Fox under the bus for that era of shit.

Having lived through that as a huge fan of X-Files, Firefly, and even Keen Eddy, that joke still rips my sides into pieces.

They wouldn't use vocal reconstruction as it'd mean they'd have to pay the VA's estate.

>They won't allow that to happen.

Yeah, see, here's the thing: FOX can cancel the show, and I'd have to believe that if they can't get vocal reconstruction to work right or they can't get a replacement VA that replicates the right "feel" of the dead VA's work, they'll cancel the show rather than "retire" any of the primary Simpson family members.

It's already one of the longest-running TV shows ever and it can be monetized in syndication/streaming for decades to come. If they have to end it "early", I don't see the big issue here. And besides, they can always give MacFarlane another show.

It's still one of the show's best gags, and considering this is post-res Family Guy we're talking about, that says a lot.

what the fuck am i reading?

it was a bluff.
just like it was for the futurama actors

Realistically you'll likely find out within 5-10 years, if they don't end it beforehand. I know it's renewed through Season 30, but hey.

Speaking of that. How do they actually handle it? Like does she still show up in background shots but never speak? Do they avoid setting scenes in Bart's class now? Or has she just been totally erased?

They killed her off. She's canonically ded in Springfield.

The main voice actors would not renew after one of them dies and a temporary voice actor would fill in the remainder of the contracts. Then the show will be done.