Hi all

Hi all,
I hope it's the good board for this (if not please direct me), and please don't see this as a troll, I am sincerely concerned about this question.

A lot of right-wing poeple are saying that what is happening right now in western American and European countries with the flow of immigration for decades and now the refugees, is a population replacement.

I can understand if you introduce a population in a trerritory with a birth rate higher than the currently occupying population, the new population can potentially become a majority after some generations if it continues that way, and the territory risks to become overpopulated.
There will of course be mixing along the way.

But in the case of the poeple with a majority of white ancestry, or the white poeple, yes, they have a low birth rate, but nonetheless superior to 2. So they keep growing like the others, just slower.

So how can this lead to total population replacement? The mixing can never be 100% of the population doing it, so this can't explain that. There are also other factors like probable nationalism (re)awakening amongst the initial population and action being taken, or the opposite, new political regimes being put in place by the new population, new population adapting or not to the way of life of the initial one... etc
Logic would lead to think it will create a new country where the initial population is in minority and a part of the population will be mixed, but total replacement of the initial population (wether by the new one or a new mixed poeple)?

What do you think about this? How can we be sure that will or won't happen? What are the factors I forgot?

Thank you in advance, because this has me very preocupied, living in Europe...

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they are killing the white race and white societies while substituting animals from the asshole of the earth to ensure this happens.
then theyll be able to have their global shit government

>but nonetheless superior to 2
Stopped reading.


>but nonetheless superior to 2
Is that untrue? Then how much is it?

You're in the right place.
Sup Forums is about touching hearts and minds through shared understanding and compassion.
It is a nice gentle board and reflects the diversity of humanity.

Sup Forums is about happenings and redpills
and also race wars and kike gassing

>>but nonetheless superior to 2
Ok, I read this somewhere, but now I'm browsing some sites and yeah , it seems to be below 2... So I understand better...
What's you source about birthrates?
I fI understand well , a birthrate of less than 2 means the population is shrinking... and WILL disapear if it goes on... correct?

>How can we be sure that will or won't happen?
We can't
But I think as the mutt race percentage gets higher, the more aggression there will be to European peoples.

Almost every Western nation has a White birth rate of less than two. You should also take note that any immigrants are always pumped into the most politically important regions, ensuring that the door stays open for more so to speak. It's a major flaw of the Democratic process that continues to be exploited to the detriment of the nation in question.

There are more whites today than there was 20, 50 or 100 years ago.

It's the global percentage of whites compared with non-whites that has been decreasing rapidly, specially in Western countries.

White genocide is right-wing propaganda.

What is happening is that countries historically associated with white people (Europe) are being replaced with non-whites because:

>1) White males are emasculated special snowflakes who don't breed so politicians are importing fertility. "Refugees" are impregnating white women by the thousands:



>2) They are cheap labor, less individualistic and less prone to whine about "rights" like white people do.

Whites and Jews will always be on top of the food chain. It's the poor whites who will suffer the most with refugees. But hey, you gotta break some eggs...

>But I think as the mutt race percentage gets higher, the more aggression there will be to European peoples.

> You should also take note that any immigrants are always pumped into the most politically important regions, ensuring that the door stays open for more so to speak.

Here, waiting for the next bombing, I fear when muslims will be enough in some places, they will start going in the street in groups to assault whites, leading to civil war or just extermination.
The thing is they can't all be in some sort of silent conspiracy. There are even muslims rejecting a lot of their ways and integrating (not enough ones in my opinion they should all do it or gtfo). But maybe none of them will dare say no to an islamic state taking place here. Or maybe their brainwashing will resurface (kind of like now in worst) when thay have to choose sides.
Convert or gtfo. shouldn't have brought them here in the first place. you should see some streets in Brussels... all signs written in arab only... In the fucking heart and capital of Europe! Thanks to these careerist politicians who'd do anything for money.

Total numbers don't matter if Whites lose control of their governments. It can happen more easily than most people realize.

Most western countries are democracies. Once the invaders outnumber the native whites, the government will represent the views of the invaders. The views of the invaders are not western libertarian values.

They're anti-white, and whites will be subsequently marginalized.

Just so you this board will suck you in and you'll get addicted to the fun and quirkiness of this place.

Also the mother has to have three kids to grow the population not two.


Our only hope.

Don't fall for the population replacement meme. what is happening, is the islamizatíon of europe, and the religion of peace is not restricted to skin color or race. Hans from germany will grow up in a home full of prayer rags, because the left has lost their minds, completely, and are actively inviting a peaceful religion that forcefully attempts to convert people, peacefully

>But in the case of the poeple with a majority of white ancestry, or the white poeple, yes, they have a low birth rate, but nonetheless superior to 2
Except that's absolutely not the case. All European countries are under replacement rate and that includes mudskins.
Italians have barely 1.3 children.

In total Eurostat says that by 2080 there will be 200 MILLION fewer native Europeans, and 220 MILLION immigrants. Compared to a 500 million current population.

We're fucked.

>Most western countries are democracies. Once the invaders outnumber the native whites, the government will represent the views of the invaders. The views of the invaders are not western libertarian values.
>They're anti-white, and whites will be subsequently marginalized.

That's my biggest fear...
How much time for this? Can you stop that with a new nationalist movement?

What scares me is that poeple here are so brainwashed to the core... If you begin talking to them about this, you're a delusional racist. Because they think everybody wants peace and harmony for everyone like them and so they don't think they have to fight for anything.

My own brother even told me "I don't care if my grandchildren are blacks"...
The majority believe we are all the same, denying that the world we have today has been done by whites and no one else. Or course you're a racist for thinking that.
Even genetic diversity as a survival thing for the human race (to stay pol correct at first) doesn't appeal to these soft pacifists.
I used to be one, but now I see it was a lie told to me since very little, it was not my own opinion. It took me a lot of research, mind opening and time.

You misunderstand. Any theory immigration of non whites to Europa not being a threat to whites are completely irrelevant in this matter. Thing is; this is THE white part of the world, and no dark skinned population is and was never entitled to establish themselves here. The invasion of Europa and the west by subhumans is nothing more or less than what parasites does when they prey or even kill their host. And so it will be treated accordingly. Diversity is a disease - and nationalism is the immune system.


You seem to misunderstand, and by bringing race into the question you are making a fatal mistake. Like most people in this thread. Lets assume we take Belgium, make it 100% white, all germanics, however, 45% of the population will be muslim.

Would you accept that?

Et tu ne penses pas qu'on puisse y faire qqch?

Don't you think we can do something about it?

It doesn't have to be 100% replacement.

The problem is the anti-white agenda that's being pushed by (((certain))) people and the constant flooding of white and only white countries.

The end goal of this is to have no countries where whites are a minority. And this will happen soon, because there are way more non-whites in the world than whites, and once they come to europe, whites will become a minority.

At that point things start escalating, systemic violence against whites begins and no one blinks an eye, since in their view, we're the white devil and deserve to die out. In that scenario there is nothing that's stopping them to start a full fledged genocide and get rid of the last survivors.

All of this can happen in our lifetime, but luckily it won't because the white giant will rise across evropa and all her children countries. This is not the first time they've been atempting this, but it's the first time we'll completely get rid of them for good.

Once and for all.

Do you think it will wake up in Europe?
I'm fucking crying for my country, things are still nice in a lot of place, but it smells like impending doom.
Tell me brainwashed poeple can wake up... Or that we can make them.

NO. In fact I think the biggest threat right now is Islam. Id say convert to christianity or get out or even don't come here.

Anyway, talking to poeple about race or ethnicities here is the worst idea. But I think most poeple are opposed to islam (without doing anything)

You're a fucking masochistic retard.

Go ahead! Sacrifice your life fighting for "The West" or "White people".

Be a martyr for people who spit on your grave!


>There will of course be mixing along the way.

No it wont

>they have a low birth rate, but nonetheless superior to 2.

No we dont

>Logic would lead to think it will create a new country where the initial population is in minority and a part of the population will be mixed,

That's not what a logical person would conclude. Muslims dont mix with Christians, we have a birthrate of about 1.6 (Germany 1.2) that means population is not sustainable.

White christian Europeans will become Dhimmis and ultimately genocided (looks at the christians in Syria) if this trend continues.

I want to believe that so much man... But it's up to us to do it maybe... No one else will do it, every power and institution is corrupt.

>Be a martyr for people who spit on your grave!
And I should let my poeple go away silently without doing nothing? Just enjoying these last good times before saying goodbye?
Can't do that man, I'd rather die trying something.

>Lets assume we take Belgium, make it 100% white, all germanics, however, 45% of the population will be muslim.

Just because race isn't the only part of the equation, doesn't mean it's not a component.

People ally themselves along religious lines. They also ally themselves along racial lines.


If they take away the initial culture, make propaganda for mixing, making it basically impossible to speak out against preventing it etc. Then you'll have a great replacement, AKA European Genocide

The point I am trying to make is, there is nothing stopping you, as a white person, from personally converting to the religion of peace and peacefully blowing up a shopping mall.
So although the change of european population demographics is a threat, the bigger threat is that politicians and governments are actively enabling this peaceful religion more and more special status, it doesn't just stay within the minority community, it leaks into white communities. Simply getting rid of all non white people is not going to solve it the problem

>open Sup Forums
>first goddamn thread I see


Two possible scenarios: Nationstates embrace nationalism and keep their borders, preserve their native populations at all costs, and survive as an entity for centuries more, or Europa crumbles, new borders will be drawn after numerous wars (like Europa has a tradition for), and new nationstates will emerge with only homogeneous population. Leaving brown population contained in small "diverse" and poor states dying off.

You're looking for r9k, this thread is for political discussion only

The thing about their brainwashing is that it's relativelly easy to dispell. That's because it's not based on truth and reason, but on fear of being ostracized, losing you job, social security...

That's why you'll see a lot of 'losers' in the so called AltRight. These are the outsiders who could entertain the thoughts about white genocide without fear of being called racist.

Once you start researching the topic, and looking into the facts (which are many, since those people don't even try to hide it, that's how brainwashed the masses are) you can't but wake up from all the lies.

Subconsciously, all white people know this and they can feel their impending doom. You'd be surprised how many "racists" there are. It's just that they don't speak out too much. (I could literaly end up in jail just for writing all of this)

The way you wake them all up is by making it okay to be racist, by removing the social pressure.

Most people have the herd mindset and once they see others speaking up about this issue without fear of being called racist, they will start to do the same.

Once this pro-white sentiment becomes popular enough (through memes and other means) we'll reach a tipping point where majority of white people will adopt this sentiment.

Sup Forums is a multicultural board of peace

What I think:
Race and religion must be separated, the religion of peace being associated with a race is a giant problem. You disagree with it? youre racist!. This false association that the media has successfully integrated in people needs to be cut FIRST. The first thing that needs to happen is for criticism of that religion to be labeled acceptable, just like critisim of christianity

Race is just as big of a part as religion. I dont want to live in fuckin africa with a 60 IQ borderline retarded population.

There is no need for a countries population to eternally grow in numbers you negroid. Get rid of the welfare state and kick people like you back where they came from.

Fight intelligently, don't do stupid stuff that could endanger you.

Stay safe, and be vigilant. Inform yourself and drop small truth bombs everywhere you go. Post pro-white comments, start converstions & arguments, share memes, etc.

But above all, secure a future for yourself, your family and your future children.

As long as you live, be the resistance againt those evil people that want to see the our end.

the Lebanese probably said the same thing about the Palestinians, look at the Lebanese civil war, look at Lebanon now.

Let's explain this with math!

Population growth/decay can be expressed as initialPopulation * (birthrate-1)^(time/timeBetweenGenerations)

No matter how big the difference in population sizes, whichever grows faster will eventually become the majority.

So if you had a population of 1m with a birthrate of 2.3, a population of 100k with a birthrate of 2.5, and a time between generations of 25 years for both, then as you can see that despite only a small difference in birthrate it takes just 255 years for a new majority to form.

If you adjust the numbers to be more accurate then it looks like some European countries could be a Muslim majority by next century even if no more immigrants come.

We can try raising our natality of course but first of all stop immigration and kick out as many foreigners as possible. Immigration doesn't "compensate" for low natality, it makes that on top of having falling absolute numbers we'll lose our own countries.

He would be a martyr for the people who died before him to make sure his quality of life was better than the quality of life of your african ancestors.

Just shut the fuck up.

(((they))) are showing nearly nothing But mixed race couples or gays in the media (((they))) produce. which does not hold true to real life in an attempt to influence white people into sexing with other races.

it is shown that races generally do not mix and will stick to their own color and something less than 5% of each color mix with another.

whites world wide are a minority and have set up their countries and been more successful than all the rest. now it is being pushed that we have to be nice and let the other colors come in and use our societies because theirs are not as good.

this is where the cuckold meme also comes in, it was originally to describe people who would willingly let their societies and countries be raped by other cultures, people who would not contribute or assimilate (especially when they mass migrate or migrate illegally) and would take welfare.

also sage KYS lurk more nigger.

Do you really think that Sup Forums is populated by anything other than people who are angry about being victims of forces they neither understand, nor control?

You should probably look elsewhere for your answers, friend.

Good luck.

we are a board of peace, but remember to stay away from /po/ they are all horrible people


>Race and religion must be separated, the religion of peace being associated with a race is a giant problem. You disagree with it? youre racist!.

This is a card in OUR favor though. Just about everyone can see that islam is bad. If you force reasonable people to be "racists", you get them to wonder if racist is a reasonable thing to be.


>what is the exponential function

They dont actually need to completely replace the population. As soon as there's a new majority they can just keep on voting leftists/marxists/democrats in power (especially when the original people have completely lost their own culture and also vote for lefties)

The complete rejection of our own culture and history (christianity strongly declining, white guilt, etc) and the huge influx of new people with a completely different culture (and higher crime rates) just leaves the people in the west easily manipulated, makes room for oppression by tyrannical governments (such as the undemocratic EU), crony capitalism, even more globalism, and it just keeps going. Turning the people into mindless leftist drones and making the elite even more rich and powerful.

I just hate it that our western countries are becoming more like the third world due to the influx of these people. That we are constantly being told that islam is peaceful and christianity is "just as bad" (while it clearly isn't), and that you're a racist just for having a different opinion.

Map is from Wikipedia; wiki's source is CIA World Factbook


You sound dim-witted.

Sup Forums is one of the places I would ope to see rumors of a new American Revolution

but not necessarily the place I would hope to see tactics being discussed.

Remember the dissolution of Yugoslavia and the ethnic wars that ensued? That is the future of all Europe. The nationalists who want to stop immigration are trying to prevent the wars that will rip Europe apart. They want borders and sovereign national governments as firewalls to contain the violence that is coming. The globalists who favor immigration and multiculturalism hope vainly that the populations will integrate, but they are only creating a new class of European who looks different, has a different culture and language, has far less skills and education, and far less hope than the native Europeans. The immigrants will not integrate but Balkanize into enclaves and resent the natives until they rise up and repeat the Yugoslav wars.

Yes, but here, there's no nationalist party at all...
Someone among the poeple will have to rise and speak for the poeple, or nobody won't. That implies risks, but is necessary or nothing will change.

Part of our brainwashing is to never really stand for anything except near the coffee machine at work, and to just take care of our individualistic life, thinking we are independent of everyone else, when we are strongly codependent and relying on everyone's work.

What I mean and what I conclude from this thread is that the force must come from within those same poeple who always disagree but do nothing about it. One has to speak for them and encourage them to speak their mind. That one will take risks and possibly hits.
But it has to be done I think, or at least tried.

Do you think Trump can be a hope for Europe too? And if so, how?

belgium was always a shithole. the moment i pass the border into your country it feels like a third world country. but its not the niggers. its because your entire infrastructure is africa tier. your native population are a bunch of insecure faggots. and everytime i hear something about your psychotic shithole of a country in the news its super bad news. nuclear catastrophies looming, political multiple personality syndrome, trying to fuck over other westeners/ and on top of that you have entire swathes of land full of radical muslims. its true that people get what they deserve. your horrible people. and you got more horrible people to live with your retarded ass. fuck you belgium. i hope you all burn.

>hope that the populations will vote for them

FTFY niggerfriend





Greetings OP and everyone, I have a good message to announce. In the worst case scenario (western Europe being overrun), there is still hope: I am of Slavic blood and even though slavs are somewhat of a nigger among whites, I have to say my country of origin (Czech rep) and many eastern European countries (Poland for example) are still standing strong. I've been surprised the last time I've visited my family. My cousin was getting married and they already have two beautiful white children now. My mother came from a family of 3 children and as far as I know, a lot of other Slavic families, at least from my part of CZ are almost the same. Sure, we are not the most wealthy or developed. Our governments are corrupted shitholes, but at least we don't let ourselves get cucked. Where will your govs and states be once shitskins take over (I hope they don't)? My grandpa was literally Sup Forums tier redpilled the last time I checked. I don't say this often... but I am proud to be Czech, and Slavic!

Remember the doomsday vault in Svalbard? Eastern Europe is the doomsday vault of white genes. Keep up the good work my slavanon.

Will do! It pains me to see Norway, by the way. The Scandinavian countries were so powerful, they were so noble during the 17th and early 18th history, and today it's just like they are the biggest cuckholes :*( my condolences. Good luck.

True. The more people speak up, the more will follow and we'll reach the tipping point faster.

I think the tipping point js inevietable, because the more agressive they are with their replacement policies, the more people are waking up. Their overconfidence will be their downfall. For decades there was no resistance to their policies . But now many people are speaking up and they are visibly scared. They will start making mistakes and their lies will become more obvious over time.

This is all on a global scale, and some countries will wake up sooner, some later. But once it starts, it'll snowball from there.

I do think Trump will be a huge influence on global change of narrative. But you also have to look at the rise of nationalism in Europe.. Greece, Germany, Austria, England, and even France.

I think that if Trump wins, it'll trigger a massive shift in the narrative and give hope & strength to many people.

A lot of good ideas and things to pump me up in this thread. It's nice to meet eyes-opened poeple.

I can't stay with my arms crossed, I have to act and speak, this is eating me and fueling me at the same time.

And I, my friend, unfortunately have to leave for now. I hope to see you on this board again, it is very good that you are aware. Stay strong. We have the legacy of everything accomplished of note in this world resting on our shoulders.

Thank you, I'll be here. Yes we have and we can again accomplish great things, it's inside us. It's up to us to awaken our greatness.

Double dubs? Kek must favour us!