For me, it's the Isosceles Fish Sandwich. The best fast food sandwich

For me, it's the Isosceles Fish Sandwich. The best fast food sandwich.

Register does not contain more than 50 doctors.

oh so somebody has ordered that thing

I could go for some fucking vegetables that cascaded through a waterfall


remember when Homestar was a nice, sensible guy who dolled up a veggie burger for his hippie granola girlfriend, and she was so weirdly delusional she thought it was a person?

those were weird times

Fuck off, Peacy P you fucking sellout.


>not getting a breadtangle of pizza

fuck i miss that school pizza so much

>The Original.
>The Regular.
>The New Original.
>The Old Classic.

Sever your legs, please. It's the greatest day.

i miss video games

I miss my mom

It's brown

i herly berly on gerly werly!!!

now yer sporkin' my language!

Shame OP made the thread so subtle, I love HSR threads

There's nothing subtle about H*R threads.

I think he means how nobody traipsing through the catalog is likely to go "OH homestar thread!'

i'd say perhaps it's for the best, hipster mentality and all that, but.. these threads dont last long enough anyway


Dumples has been ingrained in my language center of my brain. Thanks Cgnu!

I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for one of those self-hating blubbos regular eaters that'll scarf down anything handed to them.

I only eat the Blubbos original.

seriously. i can't not say it.

i-i-i-i miss video games


So who do you think Thnikkaman is?

I have to say Homsar. Because he can fly and make weird noises.

It's obviously original bubs, out to get revenge
that's how he knows how to get into your house on dethemberween. he can see it.. from there!

you know who i think it is? homestar runner. think about it, think about it


Drear Strong Bad,

How do you type? Why is there a buttons thing in front of your little TV? And where's your phone?

Politically Correctly,
The Youth of Today

we discuss 2 more eggs a lot, but we never discuss the rick and morty rushed licensed game, done by the guy who did the homestar games, and totally showing that same kind of fun.. anyone play it?

WAIT! We have a fish sandwich?

>Register does not contain more than fifty doctors

Percent signs... I dunno.

I've never trusted fast seafood. Places like Captain D's or Long John Silver's or whatever always feel really off for some reason.

I think it's because fast food always equates to shit quality and shit quality seafood always equates to food poisoning.

LJS went from pretty damn good to pretty terrible to back to good. it might be location-based, but I had some in the mall of america that was great, and it was a literal hole in the wall place, so..

the rest of what you said is just mindless dumbassery, so take the cork out


Good thing Strong Bad is in touch with the Youth of Today. He too eats yogurt from a tube.

Why are you trying to make /ck/ memes happen? We're fucking /ck/, our memes have as much pull as Clinton's crack team's.