If niggers are poor, how do they become so fat?

If niggers are poor, how do they become so fat? youtube.com/watch?v=4IiZoHQbmE8

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Damn, that song is really fucking bad.

Cheap food is very high in preservatives and fats like McDonalds $1 hamburgers. The real reason is that they are very fucking lazy to cook healthy food that doesn't consist of cooking it in a vat of peanut oil. They have an incredibly unhealthy diet.

Processed EBT food will do that to you. this fucking body positive movement is disgusting



It's really obvious. The reason why the poor today are more likely to be obese is thanks to food deserts and the nature of poverty itself. We keep poor people with minimal sustenance through EBT. If you have to feed a family of 5, it's much more cost-efficient to buy a $5 large take out Pizza from Little Caesar's than it is to buy fresh vegetables. And what do you do when you don't have access to fresh produce because you lack a car and there's nothing in the area? We have made calories cheap thanks through the proliferation of high fructose corn syrup on everything, and yet we continue to subsidize Iowan corn farmers. You see, structural racism and oppression are all around us, so open your eyes. I can tell you that my eyes weren't open until I took an Intro to Sociology class my freshman year of college.

>eat shit food with no nutritional value
>be malnourished
>body is like "eat something bitch!"
>continue to eat empty calories jampacked into little plastic wrappers

Niggers. Not even once

OP is a fatshaming piece of shit. She's fucking beautiful and healthy at any size!



I bet her pussy smells like Swiss Cheese and tuna fish.

I bet you couldn't even find it if you tried. I sure as hell couldn't.

Being fat is not positive, it's extremely unhealthy as any doctor will tell you, and you increase risks of all kinds of heart and cardiovascular diseases, go exercize and stop eating all that fatty food.

youtube.com/watch?v=v6mMpE8AaA0#t=4m44s timecoded.

obamas food stamps and government handouts allow them to buy shit food, sit at home all day, eat, drink and smoke for practically free they dont even have to work

Think more creatively... I'm certain it smells much worse than food.

>I want to divorce her.
>But she would take my child.
>She would take the house.
>She would take everything I have.
>Why wont you stop eating.
>Your body has no definition.
>You look like a melted peep.
>I wanna fuck anything else other then you.
>God take her from my life.
>Please get choked on your 3rd personal pizza.

It really aggravates me how she feels entitled to have dessert too.

1) Easiest, cheapest, most convenient food to good is terrible for you (McDonald's, KFC, frozen shit, canned shit)
2) Places where you can get the easiest, cheapest, most convenient food also accept EBT/SNAP/etc. further making a better deal

I didn't know anyone else watched "American Beauty". What a great show, too bad they have too many multicultim actresses now

Junk food is designed to appeal to instinctual cravings. It takes some amount of self control (which niggers lack) to actually eat healthy food.

Junk food is also far cheaper to make and sell and thanks to econ that means it is marketed the most heavily and will further weaken self control.

fun fact, she actually got thin

As far as I knew that was a movie.

Someone here posted her thin ...thinner pic. Not bad. Impressive. Imagine the damage done though.

This must be the new leftist 'thing', first time I heard it mentioned was a week ago on NPR.

There of course no mention that people who can't afford to feed 'they kids' shouldn't be having 4 fucking kids.

>it's much more cost-efficient to buy a $5 large take out Pizza from Little Caesar's than it is to buy fresh vegetables

false. i dont have the pic but the mcdonalds vs natural foods pic is around for a family of 4, eating out is never more cost efficient then rice/beans/milk/eggs/lettuce etc

>And what do you do when you don't have access to fresh produce because you lack a car and there's nothing in the area?

what? fresh produce intake doesnt mean anything, its kcals in vs kcals out

>You see, structural racism and oppression are all around us, so open your eyes

ok this whole post is b8, 5/10

The skin had to be so flappy. Jesus christ

That is insulting to both of those food items.

Unhealthy eating habits, they can't afford healthy food and eat tons of cheap junk food instead. It doesn't take a genius to understand that.

Does anyone have that mspaint picture of a cop that says "I'm going to go kill that innocent black man because I'm racist and I would love to have the entire mainstream media and society constantly harassing me and my family along with paying tens of thousands of dollars to deal with a national court case that will ruin my life!"?


No, no. I can't watch this again.

She probably has huge scars from where they cut off all the excess.
I knew a lady who lost heaps and she just had huge sack like things of skin hanging off her.

>what? fresh produce intake doesnt mean anything, its kcals in vs kcals out
This too, pizza can be extremely healthy so long as you exercise enough to off set the carbs.

Disregard the five dollar thing. I can afford to make a healthy stew with that money. The mbr for four children and one adult can survive on a little over ten dollars a day. ebt has more purchasing power than this. It is directionless spending, directionless consuming of calories. Even when in school and being taught this, they do not eat the Apple of knowledge so to speak. They learn everything wrong to do instead.

Lifestyle is a choice. That's all it is. White people can also be niggers too, there are just mostly blacks that behave like this though.

>implying she could "take" anything from you when she can't move

This. Inb4 she gets thin and divorces him for not wanting to live a "healthy lifestyle".

>its thunderous steps are making the camera glitch out from vibration


>the entire pizza
>the entire brownie tray

i don't know what i expected

>Even when in school and being taught this, they do not eat the Apple of knowledge so to speak. They learn everything wrong to do instead.

>friendly reminder that the food pyramid has no basis in science
>everything you eat should be carb heavy

Her pussy is legally dead. Nobody's seen it in over 3 years.


just kill it
and everyone involved in that show
and me

Before you reply to me learn to greentext you fucking newfag.

Carb heavy in relation to what? 50/30/20 is good for a normal person. For a growing child, again, it wouldn't matter if they don't pay attention in school.

Are you actually retarded or just baiting?

I laffed.

It's not hard to become fat when the cheapest food is the most unhealthy
Couple that with a lack of exercise and effort and voila you boogie2988

I am agreeing with you.

How dare you agree with me


But in all seriousness look at this shit.

>1/3-1/2 of your diet should be carbs

A dollar menu exists. It's not healthy.
How is this a mystery?

Because fast food is cheap, dieticians, personal trainers and gym memberships are expensive and rich people can afford to spend more leisure time exercising.

She actually tries to pull down the back of her dress/shirt/whatever as if she can cover anything up.

Though I'm impressed she's walking at all.



i want to follow it with a tuba and mock it

I laughed wat too hard at that. Going to hell hard.

They don't exercise. At all. Ever.

stop iiitttt!! she has a glandular problem!

Because they can live by eating dirt

>car seat is in the fully reclined position to make room for girth

That pyramid is no longer accepted.

Poor foods

It's like watching the bismark in it's final hours

how can she eat massive amounts of food in front of her family and feel no shame? just

In the west, only poor people are fat.

You have to be rich to avoid the calorie and nutrient rich processed food.

she feels only hunger

all im seeing here is that i want to know what caliber it would take to actually down a fat person.

Because poor people in America are actually rich people at any other time in history or place in the world

We're so rich ever our niggers have gold teeth

more like big bowel movement


I love her little mischievous smirk. She is like a cartoon character.

disgusting as fuck




Cheaper food is worse for you and most organic foods cost more. Also niggers are dumb and eat shit food.

Because being poor in America is not the same as being poor in other countries. Especially if you're black and have access to an infinite number of gibs.

Big Bertha.

They manage to buy the highest calorie food per dollar despite being functionally illiterate.

Cheap, processed food is really fucking unhealthy and niggers are too lazy to cook fresh meals.

fuck its like she's wearing a baggy snow suit stuffed with marshmallows

this bitch literally slithers into her vehicle. god damn jabba the hutt

>structural racism
You mean structural poverty. It's a rigged system.

>poor people can't afford healthy food because healthy food costs more per calorie

Ignore the fact that this is wrong (oats, rice, potatoes, natural peanut butter, chicken, etc) for a second.

The fact of the matter is that "unhealthy" food doesn't make you fat - too many calories does. They've obviously got more money than they need if they're buying more calories than they need. They could substitute at least some of the money they spend on unhealthy food for healthy food and they'd still have enough food to survive on because BY DEFINITION they're consuming more calories than they need

Food isn't really that expensive. Niggers have poor impulse control and, as with other things, will tend to binge eat and become obese.

>I can't afford to eat healthy food
>therefore i'll buy unhealthy food, but i'll buy more unhealthy food than i need

Retarded cunts, fat people should be executed


Bullshit. I grew up poor and we did fine. As long as you look for deals and savings you can have a normal healthy diet without shopping in overpriced yuppie hellholes like Whole Foods. I shop at Kroger and bought 10 ears of corn for $2.00 yesterday. Made some fucking corn chowder out of it. They buy junkfood because thats what the want to eat. Opening a bag of chips is easier than getting off their fatasses and cooking.

You almost had me, troll. The last line gave you away. Truly gr8 b8.

Dollar store chips, soda, and snack cakes.

It's cheaper to buy healthy food though, this is one of the worst memes around. There's two reasons they eat junk food instead of healthy food, they can't cook and are too lazy to learn. Even if they weren't too lazy to learn they're still too lazy to put it into practice so they take the easy option. (((Supersize me))) really got you good.

I knew a black girl with one kid that got $800/month in food stamps


except the Bismark was useful

Thank you sir. My bait is supreme.


Unhealthy processed foods are very cheap and in some states, there are tax dollar-subsidized versions specifically for EBT purchases.


poor little pupper


it's less of being poor, and more of being lazy.

You can spend $5 and 20 minutes to make a healthy dinner, or you can spend $5 and 5 minutes to get a burger or pizza.

pick one.
>get off work, 9-5 shift
>go to groceries, shop, leave at 530
>add an hour if you commute
>get home at 6-7
>make dinner
>sit down to eat at 730, clean up, be done with dinner by 8
>9-5 shift, leave work, stop at McBurger shop on the corner before heading home
>get home around 530-630 depending on commute and traffic

It's more efficient to buy fast food, but one key thing of efficiency is it allows laziness.

Another thing to keep in mind.
Most people who escape poverty are very restrained. Saving up pennies from each paycheck to move into a new job or go back to school. You'll notice the ones that remain poor overwhelmingly have poor self control. Why is this relevant?

Poor self control + easily available food = overeating.

It's not just a poverty issue, it's a restraint issue as well. I spend only $1,500 on food a year yet when I stopped eating fast food 6x a week I dropped 3 inches from my waist.

At the end of the day, it's laziness and lack of self control.

american water