Jesus fucking christ

Jesus fucking christ.

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Still a better love story than Twilight lol

Don't blaspheme

rtaaayuhmnt cmyooooonidy

Looks like cgi

sopranos was unintentional horror


marchand was such a great actress she literary died to save the show

And it was such a pointless scene, too

why does it look like cgi

>tfw David Chase wanted to kill her character off in season 1 because he knew Nancy Marchand was dying, but she insisted on staying

iirc they cgi'd her face onto another's body after she died?


A flawless show according to some Sup Forums posters.
The dialogue is so stilted that it boggled the mind. It's like they somehow didn't know what the dead actor's pre-recorded lines were going to be until editing.

Well that explains it

I think this show had the most realistic interpretation of dreams I've ever seen.

Not just that, they literally just copy/pasted lines of dialogue she'd recorded from previous episodes and tried to cobble together a new scene out of them. It's extremely obvious, especially if you're marathon-watching the series

They could've just cut the whole scene and lost nothing of value from the plot. I feel like they just included it because they'd spent hours and hours making it look as "real" as possible, when it was just a bad idea that never could've worked

Didn't they also spend an extreme amount of money on the process?

250k or around there


>light coming from the right in the real portion of the shot
>light hits face on the left while the right is in shadow

Worst scene in the series bar none. I guess they felt like they HAD to have a final scene between Tony and Livia, but if this CGI ghoul shit was the price they had to pay for that, then it wasn't worth it.

>this is somehow supposed to be better than The Wire



Still can't believe I didn't notice anything on my first time watching the series
It's so awful

>Worst scene in the series bar none.

Shower shit

This. Just like me