Why is Socialism bad?

Why is Socialism bad?

It's the best system in the world, prove me wrong. America should be a socialist country

I agree comrade, communism is the solutions to all our problems.

Why exactly do you think that socialism is the best economic political and societal system?

If you love socialism so much, move to a socialist country you dimwit. Let America be how it is.


>Free Education!
Every college now sucks ass because they don't receive private funding, they are instead paid by the government. Literally like public school but worse because everyone their is old enough to have sex
>Free Healthcare!
Hospitals now suck because: see above


>things that don't usually happen for 100

>inb4 "BUT VENEZUELA ISN'T REAL SOCIALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It's a welfare-banana-republic on steroids.

Mcfucking kill yourself.


National Socialism
International Socialism

Private ownership of most production + policies that drive down the profit rate = contraction in investment and then contradiction in production
They're government spending was funded on oil exports as well, which works well when oil prices are high (speculation collapsed oil prices globally)

Because it is infinitely progressive. Imperfection and inconvenience are natural to humanity, and they shouldn't be removed. Just because something is "progressive" doesn't mean it's "good". State shouldn't ask "How do I help the people". SOCIETY should ask "Who are the people I should help?" Society is made of people; and we can't be a multi-racial society if one white society dominates the entire state; this has led to democratic rule over social rule. Socialism isn't social at all; if it were social, then it wouldn't be socialism.
Socialism and communism are byproducts of a capitalist system. Research into Capitalism and Marx; Marx said communism was based on capitalism; Ayn Rand and Marx are JEWS. Jews have no sense of society; they have a sense of state, because they live individualistically. This is why religions like Odinism and Shintoism where the gods are human in their appetites spawn in feudalist societies; because the absence of law requires the order of society. if a society isn't at harmony and order, then it uses law instead, and that lawfulness creates Gods who are omnipotent hypocritical, cold, strict and omnipresent.
The NAP is a byproduct of Jewish and merchant interest.
Why should society respect someone's privacy if they're being immoral? Why call it a "Society" if such immorality is allowed?

It's not that bad desu.
We had it good under Tito's market socialism.
Keep in mind socialism =/= communism.

Also, something has to be done about this inequality desu.

>It's the best system in the world, prove
or better yet just get some other burnout faggots and start a commune

Venezuela is proof ultra-capitalism fails

U.S is socialist

What "ultra-capitalism" was in Venezuela?

You know socialism won't be too far off from how things are now (post 2007)? Just replace private industry with the state owned agencies and your life will be the same if not worse.

Actually, the government confiscated ("expropriated") most productive businesses and ran them to the ground with state bureaucracy and inefficiency, along with bloated payrolls. This includes the state oil company, PDVSA, which experienced a quadrupplication of its workforce with no increase in production.

The government implemented price controls, setting prices below cost and also implemented currency exchange controls, making it almost impossible to acquire foreign currency, and setting the price for US dollars at a make-believe low price. People went bankrupt, or simply stopped producing altogether. A blavk market sprung for US dollars, at a relistic high price. Also, smuggling is rampant as you can buy something "cheap" and sell it across the Colombian border for a market price.

Now that oil prices have dropped, the government can't import all the raw materials needed for products (neither can people). Real imports are down 98%. Inflation is 700% and the economy will shrink another 10% this year. The gigantic welfare state they had has collapsed.

There's scarcity of EVERYTHING from bread to toilet paper, you name it. Anything you can think of. People are hunting dogs and killing zoo animals. Babies and sick people die by the hundreds in hospitals. Venezuela now imports gasoline. There are rolling blackouts and people have to make 12 hour lines hoping to get something basic.

These are the wonders of Socialism. All in less than 20 years of Bolivarian government and "XXI century Socialism".

Get out.