I have noticed a lot of people on here calling people "Shills" when they post something anti-trump

I have noticed a lot of people on here calling people "Shills" when they post something anti-trump.

This makes me wonder, are you guys really that retarded that you would assume that just because someone has a different point of view than you that they are being paid?

Who would even hire shills? What do they get like $0.10 per anti trump post? Grow up guys it's begining to look a lot like a Clinton world

This board went from 100% pro Trump to half anti Trump overnight when CTR started up. Not rocket science, in fact i think youre a shill


While I can agree, there is a shitload of anti-trump posts that are blatantly shitposting/shilling/tumblrtards.
Due to the anonymous nature of this site nobody really knows who they're talking to. Considering how desperate Clinton and the media who supports her have been getting, it's not a stretch to assume that they may hire some NEETs to shitpost all over the internet, Sup Forums included.

CTR? I have never heard of this either. So strange.

I guess im voting for trump now

Yeah but come on, who would actually do that and if you are a die heart Trump support you are just going to be more pro-Trump if people are telling you how bad he is

There are shills, you shill!

Heloo CTR

wow that Star Trek reaction image really changed my mind

What is CTR?

Did it bring you around Shill?

>Yeah but come on, who would actually do that
Clinton spends money out the ass for her campaign, she even has a goddamn wrongthink task force. It's well within her means to pay a few NEETs some paper-clips and bellybutton lint to shitpost on the internet.
>and if you are a die heart Trump support you are just going to be more pro-Trump if people are telling you how bad he is
Maybe, maybe not. But Clinton will take any chance that even remotely looks like it may bring more votes to her. I don't think everyone who is against Trump is a shill but I have no doubt that there are at least a few shills here.

>What do they get like $0.10 per anti trump post?

Don't pretend it doesn't exist, the funding source was identified a long time ago

How much are these so called shills being paid? Furthermore what proof do you have that this is going on?

I just explained how this site is anonymous for pretty much everyone. Considering that she literally has a task force called Correct the Record, who's job it is to go on the internet and harass people who don't like Clinton, I don't think it's a stretch to assume that a few of them have made their way here.

/Pol is a conservative right wing board. Why the fuck would you come here if you weren't a shill. I don't go on Tumblr because I don't like their viewpoint faggot. Yes anyone here that like Hillary is a shill

> CTR would spend money trying to convince one of the most right-wing shitholes on the kiddie internet to become leftist overnight

Thanks for #correcting the record

the ledger has been amended

You're a shill. Fuck off.

Why is anyone replying to this? SAGE FAGGOT

I didn't know we were on reddit and/or facebook
rly mks u tnk

I hate poor people and I wish them to stay poor. #ImWithHer

>10 cents have been deposited in you Correct the Record Account


Isn't that illegal?

Nobody thought Brexit would happen but it did, nobody thinks trump will be presidente but he will

This is a neo-nazi Korean image board, and it sure has a lot of Democratic party supporters who only bash the single nationalist candidate.

Checks out OP, democrats hang around Neo-Nazi image Pro-Trump image board.

>CTR shill budget 6 million.


Yeah, no shills

That is literally the point of the site you work for

It's so awful when they try to rip off our smuggies.

first of all don't post captain Picard you newfag.

>Anonymous (ID: n7AyEaHA) 09/08/16(Thu)13:02:43 No.88036
Who's that

Who cares about opinions.
You never present facts or use logical arguments if you do it is just a data spill.
And now that i think about it SH three was more enjoyable than four, about par with two and one was too clunky.

You see, the Arab Spring uprising in the middle east was started by our military, or maybe Israel's I forget, by starting fake social media accounts and convincing the public that rising up against the government was a good idea.

When Obama signed the 2012 ndaa it made it legal for the government do that to us, influence popular opinion for their own means aka "the common good". That's why it's OK for Hillary to spend millions of dollars paying people to do just that. These accounts are used to vote in polls such as the OP one, and also even to post threads and replies like many of the posts you see in this thread.

>posting inb4 something invalidates that something
Thank you for Correcting The Record™. One credit worth 1/6,000 of a bitcoin has been deposited into your account.