Jennifer Lawrence is Sophia: the Mother of the Universe and the consort from the Gnostic Christian faith

Jennifer Lawrence is Sophia: the Mother of the Universe and the consort from the Gnostic Christian faith.

>"Thus the aeons were completed quickly in the heavens and the firmaments in the glory of Immortal Man and Sophia, his consort: the area from which every aeon and the world and those that came afterward took (their) pattern for their creation of likenesses in the heavens of chaos and their worlds
-The Sophia of Jesus Christ

In Gnostic tradition, Sophia is a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the feminine aspects of God.

[Sophia, our sister, came down
Descending innocently
So as to regain what she had lost.
Therefore she was called Life.
The Mother of the Living
The one from the Providence of the Authority of Heaven
By her assistance people can achieve perfect knowledge.]

Bro, "sophia" is literally the word "wisdom" in greek. None of that "life, weebo god, mother of living" shit.

Gnostic Sophia is just another form of satan worship, in a female disguise.

Shit movie is shit.

That's deep man, someone should make a good movie about that.

Or istar or asherah, yeah, read a book asshole

This movie sounds like pretentious hipster crap

Just post the baby cannibalism scene already

Except she's not and Arranofsky has done allusions to mother nature before.

Hell that was the entire point of Noah.

She's mother nature. She's connected to the house (earth)

Its very upfront about being symbolic and it actually aids the narrative. Just because a movie asks you to think doesn't mean its pretentious

Aronofsky, please go to bed. Jlaw's waiting for you.

Big D Ass to Aronofsky man already said climate change. Shame really.

bad actress and ugly as sin

>Really made me think: the movie.

>baby disappears
>now it's dead
>everybody slurps red jello

I was so let down.

>Animal Farm is now pretentious hipster shit because muh symbolism
So this is why art is dying

Hey, if you're interested in Gnostic tradition in modern works, check out Demon Souls.

Reminder this film is explained perfectly by this graph

The ideas you're describing are all founded in the same myth.

Is this true.

I only rented the game when it was new and got my neggyhole pozzed so I never went back to it.

the ultimate pseud movie

>can't even point out a flaw
Reminder that shitposting is not an argument

Gnosticism - redpilling the unwashed masses since 100 AD

>Jlaw's character is actually mother nature
>Bardem is actually god
>the house is actually the earth
>the baby is actually jesus

really jogs the nog, you know what i'm saying

Where should one start reading about Gnosticism?

>Bardem smashing the brother's head into the table was marking Cain
Was there a Lucifer?

It is true. The Japanese love Gnosticism in their media and it's used pretty heavily in Anime, as the conflict and symmetry of Eastern and Western thought mesh in a meaningful way to post-WWII Japanese. Demon Souls in particular is a Western genre about Western myths and writing done by a Japanese studio.

I don't want to spoil you too much, but you can ask me if you don't care.

If it has to ask then yes it is pretentious

Check out the sources on the Wiki page. Avoid Christian websites that think that Christian Gnostics somehow still exist.

It gives you a lot to think about but personally I found it easy to ignore and enjoy strictly for the literal events of the film. And even if you passively think about the implications of what you're seeing, never once would I consider it pretentious.

it's hard to consider it pretentious when its imagery is so on-the-nose

Go straight to the texts themselves first. Then read the scholarship available. Avoid """real""" Christianity sponsored opinions and also avoid level 99 autistic grail wizards.

I got a pretty Gnostic vibe from Evangelion and Lain at least.

My biggest secret is I post on but I'm not much of a weeb.