Take the Oil

>Take the Oil

>making the world hate america even more

>I have a piece of paper here, I could show it

lmao, please america, elect this man. Listening to him is one of my favourite hobbies

>Trump is your whole plan to just ask other people for a plan?

Let me guess, you're one of those pussy middle class white people who apologizes for being American and/or pretends to be Canadian whenever you take a trip outside the US?

I notice Trump seems to be answering questions quicker. Someone should do a question scoreboards

No just an educated citizen who doesn't believe that america is always right like you dumb hicks clamoring for war.

>dumb hicks clamoring for war
>supporting the anti-war candidate


Tell me how Trump is anti-war when he wants to steal Iraq and Libya's oil, potentially start a war with China over trade policy, and says he would give tactical nukes to Saudi Arabia.

You may not like Hillary but she's not going to destroy the world, Trump just might.

We can't possibly be more hated than we already are. Fucking burn and pillage the world openly and without restraint.

>leave the cannoli
Because the cream melted

>Tell me how Trump is anti-war when he wants to steal Iraq and Libya's oil
We were already there. We were already involved and committing troops, weapons, and money towards military operations... if we're already in, we might as well go fucking whole hog and make it worth it.

Instead we've lost thousands of men and women, thousands of weapons and munitions, billions of dollars in taxpayer money and all we've got to show for it is a completely destabilized Middle East and the worst refugee crisis in 70 years.

We already fucked up the Middle East... at least if we'd secured some of the oil repositories SOMETHING good would have come out of the whole shitstorm.

Gonna need a source on the first and third things, not that the first thing matters because those countries have already been rekt and are in no condition to go to war. The second thing is possible but I seriously doubt China would start a war with us over that. The third thing wouldn't make a difference if it was true, since Hillary would certainly do the exact same thing. And is the one who wants to provoke Russia at every opportunity, and they're a country with more nukes than we have, not some bombed out shithole like Iraq or a commie zerg country like China.

This is the most ridiculous post I've seen all day, bait or not

I'll answer your question on the offchance there are people reading this that genuinely don't know, because you're either baiting or genuinely retarded and it wouldn't make a difference either way.

First off, Trump does not want to steal Iraq or Libya's oil. He thinks that we should have taken their oil as a part of war concessions, but it's too late now. A controversial and borderline meaningless position meant to generate FREE publicity and mold his political identity into a "tough" candidate. It doesn't fucking matter, because we probably wouldn't see actual war under Trump outside of concentrated air campaigns in the Middle East, or POSSIBLY escalation to boots on the ground. We'd be doing it WITH Russia though, reducing chances of us going to war with them, which is a serious concern and is pretty much guaranteed under Clinton.

And no, China would not go to fucking war over trade policy. They just wouldn't fucking do it, and Trump knows this. To understand this, you have to actually understand a little bit about the world and China especially, instead of being a fucking retard. China likes to push its limits and see what it can get away with on the geopolitical stage. It hardly ever actually does anything, because it doesn't need to. It's so effective at getting what it wants through bullying and scare tactics that it doesn't ever need to resort to actual conflict. Tough trade policy on China will be met with absolutely nothing from the Chinese, because they know they've already gotten away with too much and they don't care.

Doubt he would give nukes to Saudi Arabia after he releases those 9/11 files either. Doubt that's even a really serious position, and a pretty big part of me doubts that he even said that.

>China is fucking us in the ass and Mr. Trump wants us to remove the dick and begin cleaning up the mess, what a meanie, I would totally fight on behalf of the Chinese if they decided to start something because it's really our fault. We should all apologize for asking China to pull out.

So weak it's pathetic. Also implying China isn't already challenging American dominance in South Asia due to perceived weakness.

He's a shill, he's getting paid for this ruse

If Trump wins he can get a real job

clinton 14 questions
trump 34 questions

Hilldog got so BTFO I'm even cringing.

That's twice as good. And most of her questions were emails.

>I have a plan. But I want to be -- I don't want to -- look. I have a very substantial chance of winning. Make America great again. We're going to make America great again. I have a substantial chance of winning. If I win, I don't want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is.
What a fucking retard lmaooo

yeah Hillary can't do anything longer than 10 minutes without hours of rest. plus they just talked about emails which is all they've talked about with her this whole election, was bullshit. didn't really ask important questions. trump got the hard q's, went way longer, some kinda trick ones (wuts yer plan to stop __ tell us now for the world to know). seemed like they were humoring Clinton for trying while asking what trump will do when he inevitably gets office after she either rigs the election or dies