Zeus and the other gods were killed thousands of years ago

>Zeus and the other gods were killed thousands of years ago
>Zeus gave a child to Hippolyta before dying, which means Wonder Woman is thousands of years old
>They treat the whole Amazon training part like only a few years have passed until she grew into an adult
>She's supposed to be young when the events of the movie happen

This is incredibly stupid

cry more

You're assuming Hippolyta told Diana the truth about the Gods and their creation.

Ares was the one who said Zeus knocked up Hippolyta, and Ares killed the other gods thousands of years ago

that little girl spoke better english than Gal Gadot

Do you think anyone involved gave a fuck?
These movies are cashgrabs.

>Do you think anyone involved gave a fuck?


Snyder wanted her to be 5000 years old, he also wanted more gods alive, and the british as the bad guys too, but warner mad sure to make it vainilla as fuck

>>They treat the whole Amazon training part like only a few years have passed
No they didn't. She trained for 1000s of years and this is why she had the skills she had.

>and the british as the bad guys too
Well they were technically

She couldn't even beat her aunt without hacks

Why did Aeries still have a British mustache in the flashbacks

why didn't they choose an actress with personality?

she needs to be blank and flat so no women are offended by her

now aint that the truth.

From the producers side, no they dont' care. But you're an utter fool if you think the writer/storyboarders/designers/all the people putting their finger print on the film don't care.

I liked this movie, but I also like women, I think that is a criteria for liking it, thous it's badly conceived on Sup Forums

Don't get me wrong, it's still capeshit

All that tells me is that Themyscira is a timeless place.

>timeless place
what does that mean? if wonder woman aged from a child to an adult then clearly there is time. Also of course there is the larger discussion of how if it is timeless then everything should be static

Even if Diana is only supposed to be like 25 (fucking as if), why is she such a fucking retard?
She speaks a billion languages but doesn't know what snow or marriage is and she's apparently a great warrior but doesn't understand anything about war? WWI was not the first fucking war to involve the mass death of civilians.

And they fucking had marriage in ancient Greece, which is what the Amazons have based their entire culture on.

Thats your only problem with the movie?

Like time passes differently there. Slower. It's pretty clearly in its own bubble.

Everyone there is immortal and intentionally cut off from the outside world. Time passes normally, Wonder Woman aged to how she looks and then will no longer age ever again. She's like an LotR Elf.

The actual Amazons were created as adults and remain so. Some of them look 40, some look 20.

It's "in a bubble" in the sense that it's in a magic field that obscures it and it's far enough out in the ocean that it's not likely to be discovered, but it's not frozen in time or slowed in time, it's just full of non-human monsters who have no need to further their technology past Greek bullshit.

I wonder how they plan on handling Atlantis. I sort of hope the Ancient War we see in JL's trailers is taking place there.