We just barely evaded the biggest crisis hitting Europe

As shitty as the refugee situation is, it was a good thing it happened now.
Think about it. Experts estimated that, because of global warming and other environmental/ social changes, up to 50 million niggers and Muslims would leave their countries to enter Europe. Bringing in 2 million refugees to Germany sparked the rise of nationalism in Europe and most importantly Germany, lead to the Brexit, led to Eastern Europe saying fuck you to Merkel. Basically it strengthened nationalism in Europe.

In ten years from now, when the barbarian hordes try to enter Europe we will tell them to fuck off. Germany unwillingly and unknowingly took a big sacrifice for the rest of Europe and showed them what unlimited immigration does to a country.

Imagine if the refugee crisis never happened. We would be utterly unprepared and naive when millions upon millions of niggers tried to enter Europe.
As shitty as the refugee situation is, it set nationalism in motion preventing bigger threats in the future.

Other urls found in this thread:


>beliving the (((Global Warming))) scam


If global warming is real then why were the winters so cold back when I was a kid? Checkmate.

>when the barbarian hordes try to enter Europe
They were already imported you dense fucking kraut. The media's stranglehold calling anyone who objects a racist further protects their globalist profit-mongering.

man, all i can imagine is whiping out my semi chub white cock and flopping it riiiiiight inbetween the girl in the middles tits..

just fucking slapping my cock on her cleavage. flopp flopp flopp..

yeah. thats a good girl.. you like that?

also, albus, you fucking reap what you sow. you asked for this shit. you got it back in your face. stop feeling bad about ww2. no one cares except for jews.

You are completely blind to the changes happening in Europe right now

Not one global warming prediction has come true.

>We will tell them to fuck off

Oh Hans don't you see? The current "crisis" is just a test. In 10 years from now it will be well and truly over.

I cannot wait for President Trump to sell your fag countries to China.

I like that optimistic outlook. Maybe it's true. I don't see the Germany populace going through a scale of third work immigration like this for a long time.

>tfw you saved everyone and they boo

True. Migratory pressure will only increase in the following years thanks to Africa's population boom. Let's hope that we learned our lesson

I hope you're right.

This, but OP still has a point. the global warming scam was probably made in order to push globalism and multiculturalism in any case. The stage was already set for a third world invasion because of """"global warming"""" within a decade anyways. We just finally are one step ahead of the globalist propaganda machine

nostradamus said that in times "before-greatest of war (ww3)" germans go insane and start kill each other without reason, like mad wolfs


>We will tell them to fuck off
No, you dumb fuck, you'll wank it when your dear Mutti says WIR SCHAFFEN DAS again and everyone will be chanting with huge signs REFUGEES WELCOME.
Liberals don't learn, they can't learn, because if they do they actively admit they were wrong in the first place. That thought alone triggers some chemical reaction in their brain that causes them to explode.

Fuck you Germoney, I'm about to move to Berlin, and only now I began questioning how welcoming the city will be.

You have a great point, I never thought of it this way and now I think you are right.

>North American phenomena are relevant in Europe
Our media is pretty terrible, but it isn't US or leaf tier quite yet. Accusations of racism don't immediatly stifle criticism or debate, not even in Germany anymore

mahdi, third antichrist unite both muslim sides and great army of 20-40?? milions of weak equipped muslim jihadist invade europe

black paint on this map mean "wilderness" - places without human population ( or very reduced)

A lot of Sup Forums likes to jerk off to endtime scenarios, but things are rapidly changing in Germany.
Just an example: They are discussing an anti politician stalking law right now because too many people started threatening local politicians with violence because of their refugee policies.
The perpetrators aren't known Nazis but people like "you and I" as one law expert said.

It's not over, not by a long shot. Not even genocide would put a dent in the projected demographic growth of 3rd world shitholes.

If they don't get their shit together - and they won't - there will be billions of people desperate to move to a better place.


The asylum laws must be reviewed and possibly revoked, the refugee status is just too easy to exploit. We need to remove incentives like welfare for would be refugees to come over here, implement strict immigration policies based on a point system, send people back faster than they manage to arrive on our shores.

Unfortunately, no amount of ficki ficki is going to change the cuck's mind to allow those changes to take place. This isn't over, it's just the beginning.

Mate, if you value your life stay away from Berlin or at least refrain from wearing a Kippa

there's tons of Lebanese there and Turks will hate you too I guess

That is a silver lining, yes.

A socio/political immunization of society against foreign and dangerous elements.

Problem is though, that we still have legions of SJW to deal with that are indoctrinating/polluting the next generation in schools.

It's often ignored but Countries like Macedonia and Hungary would have descended into complete chaos if Merkel didn't intervene. She basically put the interest of those countries before the interests of Germany.
I guess those raped german girls will be happy about it ;)

Just give it time. Refugees in Germany are acting like a pillaging plague. In ten years most Germans will know at least one case of rape in their immediate social circle.


Its not the Germans you need to worry about.

Its the mudslime shitskins that now run rampant throughout it.

We still have to remove the non whites living in our countries first.

>he thinks it's over already
Haha, oh wow.

Those who came will bring their families, LEGALLY.
Loads of more will come both through legal and illegal ways.
Those who are here will breed like rabbits shitting out shitskins left and right, and feed of the social welfare system as much as they can.
The cucked greenleft politics and EU will push for more immigration and more stigmatization of any critics.

Germany and western EU nations will become Islamic caliphates and end up in poverty within the next 100 years.

Poland finally will be neutral but rest of europe will be fight with muslim invaders

hungary fall, balkans quickly fall.. and on their lands slavery will be again. after attack on italy and spain, united muslim armies march to heart of europe - france and germany.
many france cities will be destroyed ( 5th column) and one or two chemical/nuclear weapons will be used aganist "insane germany"

we will be have border with mahdi imperium and even convert to islam, but it will be empty wish - no one really will be try convert poles or murder priests

and when time happen on grave of defeated and almost empty (population) "great teutonic kingdom of germany" poland and france will be fight aganist mahdi, and support from china and England help us throw these barbarians from continent

and togheter we will be ruled in post-nuclear / chemical europe and many people travel to poland to settle or learn about our history. and we take refugees from demolished hungary who was last line of defence on east flank aganist mahdi

>Germany and western EU nations will become Islamic caliphates and end up in poverty within the next 100 years.

A lot of Sup Forums likes to jerk off to endtime scenarios

How about you try to keep up with law changes in Germany. It's not as easy to bring families like it was a few years ago.

>we imported shitskins to Europe for your own good!
Fuck off (((germany)))

WTF are you talking about Kreuzberg is basically Tel-Aviv 2.0

I've heard 1 billion by 2100. We won't be telling all of them to fuck off.

This. Things have to get worse before they get better and at least the native people of Europe are now rapidly becoming red-pilled about the dangers of unlimited immigration from third-world countries.

Yes, global warming is a scam in order to advance the globalist agenda and justify unlimited immigration from third-world countries in the Western World (among other things). Think about it, global 'problems' need global 'solutions'. It's the Hegelian dialectic in action.

>It's not as easy to bring families like it was a few years ago.

>massive shitskin/mudslime refugee immigration with almost no restriction in last few years

your point?

Huh. Not a bad point. Kinda agree

Well you can stay inside that one quarter then, have fun.
There are more muslims in Berlin than in East Jerusalem

>He thinks you can be openly Jewish in European capitals

Kek. If the Muslims don't spit on you, the antifas will chase you down because muh anti-zionism.

That's good news. With nationalism being such a taboo in Germany due to guilt(which I think is sad, Germany is great) I knew it would take something big to snap them out of the fog. Hopefully with nationalism rising all over the west it will reassure everyone that it is okay to love your country and people.

Afd beating Merkel's party in her own state was a pleasant surprise. Germany is by no means loss, and I hope a Trump win here will push the pendulum in Europe to the right.

This is objectively correct. Merkel is very intelligent. She chose to be the villain, prepared to go down in history as one of the most destructive chancellors of all time, because it was the only way to stop the sjw movement from permanently destroying europa. She is l i t e r a l l y the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved.

Things had to get worse before they got better.

we need a stronger hiv

Last 15 months in a row shows temperature records , here in germany.

Also, we have tornados now.

People are beginning to call SJWs on their bullshit all over the world

>Experts estimated that, because of global warming and other environmental/ social changes, up to 50 million niggers and Muslims would leave their countries to enter Europe.

From the studies I read a decade ago, it's closer to 250 million until the year 2100.
But no. Hurr durr global warming scam, hurr durr fortress Europe. It's the same shite people like me have been arguing for since the late 80s and you faggots dismissed it as lefty propaganda.

Enjoy your negroes. I don't care anymore. I've settled in a place far away from Europe-African immigration movements, so go suck the big one.

Are you retarded? Any officially recognized war refugee (i.e. almost anyone from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and lots of others) can legally bring their families.

And as we all already know from the current situation, they can claim fuck they want who is family or how old they are.

europe in 2400 "moon century"
nationalism? on gods its archaic, we are people of earth
humankind will even start to colonize other planets , fight aganist aggresive AI ( 2 years if i good remember) and finally meet and live in coegsistence with another alienc species

black its wilderness - very low populated areas

The crux of it is that the globalists pushed too hard and too fast. They thought they had finally won and were totally unprepared for the fight back in the form of Trump and Brexit. The muslim invasion has been a massive blow to the narrative. There is no positive spin to it, it is a disaster of biblical proportions and a massive redpill.

The media has doubled down on the narrative as it collapses, just a few more terror attacks and the whole thing will come unleashed like a busted dam.

In the future to survive though we will need to be utterly prepared to massacre anyone who dares to try and invade "seek refuge" a white country. Hopefully this current crisis will give us the strength and hatred necessary to put this into practice.

What is that country that conquers Serbia? Bulgaria? Croatia? Russia?

>thinking it's over
Hans, it has only just begun.

We live in Interesting Times.

seems like a lot of bullshit tbqh. that map of population loss makes little sense in context of refugee immigration

mahdi empire - mahdi united muslims and declare war on infidels, moving his great army on europe
israel will be his first target, nuked, but jews nuke mahdi lands too like (((dead hand))) , so radiated lands dont give food - mahdi decide to invade and settle in europe, and 20-40 milions of his soliders attack europe from three sides: Spain, Italy, Balkans

black paint it size of his empire in greatest time, when he will be win battle after battle turning countires and their womans into sex slavers

Europe is letting itself be raped. Fix it now. Close your fucking borders. Stop taking in ferals.

They are not your responsibility. They are not your friends. They will outbreed you. Fuck them back off to sandland.

black just mean de-populated lands called by nostradamus "wilderness"

>their womans into sex slavers
Damn, I'd serve under a female sex slaver

can't wait to become a sex slaver

I just don't understand how France wouldn't experience depopulation when it would likely spiral into civil war in this scenario? Am I missing something?

Because you didn't weigh as much

The only way for whites is to leave europe and settle in Russia. We have immense territories, and we, united with europians, could easile create an enclave is a sea of niggers, asians and muslims.

Nice trolling.

>The crux of it is that the globalists pushed too hard and too fast.

This proves one thing. Globalist kikes are just humans. They like the idea that their money is omnipotently powerful but the truth is they are just too far away from the common man.
Also you can't argue socio psychologically against mankind's survival instinct and will of self preservation. It is hard coded into us and no shaming or guilt complex can turn us into suicidal zombies.
Their schemes more often than not end up biting them in their own ass. The holocaust is the biggest example.

>implying you're not even worse

How am I trolling you filthy nose nigger?

You will be ok as long as you stay the hell out of turkroach infested neighborhoods like Kreuzberg/Friedrichshain, m8!

They're already coming through Mexico into USA. We are at the tip of the niggerberg.


Nice satire faggot


Finland can easily provide a base for another 40million whites, at least.

It's funny how people on Sup Forums are giving orders to other anonymous fags as if we can do anything about it right now.
Think smarter than that. We have to wait for a while and let this shit play out. People must feel what it means to be overrun by a feral horde.
Politicians need in turn feel the wrath of the population.
It's a process which won't be concluded in a few months. It needs time.
Things are bleak but we are slowly heading towards better times.

I really don't understand why it is like this. In sweden there's a muh environment party. The last few years they have completely neglected any environment stuff and focused almost exclusively on mass immigration.
Luckily they've lost a lot of favor due to funny fuckups like a high position sandnigger refusing to shake hands with swedish women.

>global warming
Stopped reading there.

some people in Poland try solve nostradamus centuria about world war three


1. decade of "super-terrorism" and natural disasters will torment mankind
2. coup/revolution in Italy and France and England
3. native muslims , 5th coulmn will be use mysterious "TORRENT" to coordinate attacks
4.European union will split on Germany/France/Benelux countries "Heart of Europe" and others
5. War on line ukraine - russia, ukraine lose and Poland will be have bigger border with Russia
6. Civil war in USA
7 China annect Taiwan
8. Great Mahdi empire will rise (green)
9. one city will be nuked before ww3, probl Tel aviv, but its just my opinion

We need more terror attacks desu. Rapes, assaults, robberies add to discontent but terror attacks provide a raw redpill that nothing can replace.

>Germany unwillingly and unknowingly took a big sacrifice for the rest of Europe and showed them what unlimited immigration does to a country

I don't see it, you need to sacrifice more.

everitink as ekspektants

the future of the EU though, as a political/economic entity, is very unclear though.

>mfw when new green party (turkish origin) representative in Finland creates a 4k euro taxi expense to tax payers in the first 6 months of his job

>so much for environmental values and riding the bus instead

Greens are just communists who switched to environmentalism after the Soviet Union fell. It irks me considering I care deeply about the environment and feel strongly about protecting it but I get lumped in with fruitcakes and marxist trash.

>Start reading
>Experts estimated that, because of global warming
Yeah stopped reading. Can't wait for the 2018 ice age.

I look optimistically into the future of terror. ISIS getting their shit pushed in right now by Turkey and Russia will make them desperate.
They will need grand examples of their might to gain back at least a bit of their lost ground.
Hopefully it will happen in Germany.

In 50 years the nigger/arab population will increase exponentatially


white people with higher IQ breed less focus on making 1 or even no children

niggers/sand nigger not only will make more then 1 children but those mudshits will have 1-3 wifes meaning +1 childred each.

Not only that but the quran allows mudshits to marry your woman , yet you cannot marry thiers.

also hanz is a productive member of society , he doesn't mind working 40-50 hours weeks , and paying 60% taxes.
ahmeds are not productive members , they are aggresive , individualist , gibs me dat mentality.

In time , the Hanz will be replaced by brainwashed muhammed, those 2 milion will be 20 milion easy.

you've allowed cancer to enter europe , cancer grows and slowly start killing the organism.
cancer doesn't follow the rules of the body but steals everything and cells divide faster.

ahmeds will not replace white germans.
they will not work as hard , as efficient and will not work for a common goal.

germans build most of the modern world,
spanish vizigoths=germans
germanized hungurians=build by germans
argentita white=germans
US of A growth around the great lakes and texas=germans
romania transilvania=germans
volga germans=germans
poland development=germans
european gg slavs=build by germans

germans they worked togheter to build

arabs work for themselfs cutting your head of if you don't follow the rules like a sheep.

Whites in US were as racist towards asians when they came as they were towards niggres , yet asians in few generation became respected and integrated.
Niggers on the other hand still behave like animals, gibs me dat gettho buillshit.

Ask yourself why is the geman sheppard best dog for military and police...

1.China Invade Russia
2.Great mahdi empire fight and win with several weaker countries (green)
3.Mahdi empire try destabilize already weak europe, and conquer north africa in meantime
4.Meteor hit the ocean make mass flooding in England, west Europe and USA

That one is damn good.

Rising nationalism all over Europe, walls being build, borders closed, stricter laws passed and more people taking the red pill every day. Yes, the mudslime crisis may have been the long needed wakeup call.

Now we have to focus on how to get rid of those who entered, which will be terribly difficult. If we succeed this might be the game changer.

I wish they would hurry the fuck up. Hopefully Oktoberfest will be lively this year. One the one hand it's horrid to wish fellow white people to be dead but on the other our race is in such dire straits that only sacrifices like this can hope to wake up the majority.

what the fuck is that thing in the middle of Spain?

>We have to wait for a while and let this shit play out.

Rofl good luck with that once they gain political influence.

Cut the cancer out now. Don't wait til it's terminal and start yelling "I TOLD YOU SO" when it's too fucking late.

I really HOW you could stop this without violence, if tens of millions of Subsaharan Africans tried at the same time to get into Europe. You'd basically have to slaughter them, when they do.

>€4000,- for 6 months of taxi is a scandal in Finland

Wew. That's pretty much their lunch budget here if I have to believe the declaration scandals..

You have 2+ millions of millitary age males with nothing to do within your borders. That is more than enough to wreck most of EU nations if they just decided to simply loot and burn. Your 'changes' means shit.

The Green parties were always cultural marxist parties. Right from the beginning. The environment stuff was just the camouflage.

The migrant crisis is not over yet, you know? Why do you think we are building second border fence? In a few months, Turkey will break its promise and let the shitkins to Europe.


>Cut the cancer out now. Don't wait til it's terminal and start yelling "I TOLD YOU SO" when it's too fucking late.

Ok chap, will do now. Thanks for the advice. Just give me a second

Is it bad that i want something like that to happen


>Attack in Germany
>Mudslimes film themselves beheading young WHITE Germans, preferably girls for bigger impact
>Claim its for ISIS
>Its then proven they came in by just fucking walking to Germany

Just something that would absolutely be the worst case scenario for the left that they can no longer say is bullshit

>The migrant crisis is not over yet, you know?

I'm painfully aware of that

>Ok chap, will do now. Thanks for the advice. Just give me a second

Cool. Enjoy Deutschistan.